Amend SB 1690 by inserting a new SECTION on page 4, after
line 2 and making necessary conforming changes:
      SECTION __. Section 14, Article 4.10 of the Insurance Code is
amended to read as follows:
      Sec. 14. <No occupational tax shall be levied on insurance
carriers or companies herein subjected to this premium receipts tax
by any county, city, or town.  The taxes in this article shall
constitute all taxes collectible under the laws of Texas against
any such insurance carrier, except maintenance taxes specifically
levied under the laws of Texas and assessed by the commissioner and
administered by the comptroller.>  Farm mutuals, local mutual aid
associations and burial associations are not subject to the
franchise tax.
      <No other tax shall be levied or collected from any insurance
carrier by the state, county, or city or any town, but this law
shall not be construed to prohibit the levy and collection of
state, county, and municipal taxes upon the real and personal
property of such carrier.>
      Amend SB 1690 by deleting all of SECTION 4 on page 5, line
16, and substituting the following:
      SECTION __. Section 9, Article 4.11 of the Insurance Code is