Amend SB 1710 on third reading by adding the following
appropriately numbered Section of the bill and renumbering the
remaining Sections of the bill as appropriate:
      SECTION 1. Section 312.204(a), Tax Code, is amended to read
as follows:
      (a)  The governing body of a municipality eligible to enter
into tax abatement agreements under Section 312.002 may agree in
writing with the owner of taxable real property that is located in
a reinvestment zone, but that is not in an improvement project
financed by tax increment bonds, to exempt from taxation a portion
of the value of the real property or of tangible personal property
located on the real property, or both, for a period not to exceed
10 years, subject to the rights of holders of outstanding bonds of
the municipality, on the condition that the owner of the property
make specific improvements or repairs to the property.  An
agreement may provide for the exemption of the real property in
each year covered by the agreement only to the extent its value for
that year exceeds its value for the year in which the agreement is
executed.  The agreement may take effect on January 1 of the tax
year after the date the improvements or repairs are substantially
completed.  An agreement may provide for the exemption of tangible
personal property located on the real property in each year covered
by the agreement other than tangible personal property that was
located on the real property at any time before the period covered
by the agreement with the municipality, and other than inventory or
supplies.  In a municipality that has a comprehensive zoning
ordinance, an improvement, repair, development, or redevelopment
taking place under an agreement under this section must conform to
the comprehensive zoning ordinance.