Senate Research CenterC.S.H.B. 741
77R6714 MXM-FBy: Bailey (Gallegos)
Intergovernmental Relations
Committee Report (Substituted)


Aldine is located in Harris County and is surrounded by the city of Houston
but excluded from its corporate limits.  Harris County is not empowered to
serve many of the needs of Aldine.  C.S.H.B. 741 creates the Aldine
Community Improvement District to administer and provide funding for
community improvement projects in Aldine. 


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a
state officer, institution, or agency.  


SECTION 1.  Amends Chapter 376, Local Government Code, by adding Subchapter
K, as follows: 


Sec. 376.451.  CREATION OF DISTRICT. (a) Creates the Aldine Community
Improvement District (district) as a special district under Section 59,
Article XVI, Texas Constitution (Conservation and Development of Natural
Resources; Conservation and Reclamation Districts). 

(b)  Authorizes the board of directors of the district (board) by
resolution to change the district's name. 

Sec. 376.452.  DECLARATION OF INTENT. (a) Sets forth findings regarding the
necessity of the creation of the district. 

(b)  Provides that the creation of the district and this legislation are
not to be interpreted to relieve Harris County (county) from providing the
level of services, as of the effective date of this subchapter, to the area
in the district or to release the county from the obligations the entity
has to provide services to that area.  Provides that the district is
created to supplement and not supplant the county services provided in the
area in the district. 

(c)  Sets forth findings that the creation of the district is essential to
accomplish certain purposes. 

 Sec. 376.453.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "board," "county," "district," and

Sec. 376.454.  BOUNDARIES. Sets forth the geographical boundaries of the
Sec. 376.455.  FINDINGS RELATING TO BOUNDARIES. Provides that the
boundaries and field notes of the district form a closure.  Provides that
if a mistake is made in the field notes  or in copying the field notes in
the legislative process, the mistake does not in any way affect the
district's organization, existence, or validity, its right to issue any
type of bond for the purposes for which the district is created or to pay
the principal of and interest on a bond, its right to impose or collect an
assessment or tax, or its legality or operation.  

Sec. 376.456.  FINDINGS OF BENEFIT AND PUBLIC PURPOSE. (a) Provides that
the district is created to serve a public use and benefit.  Provides that
all the land and other property included in the district will be benefited
by the improvements and services to be provided by the district. 

(b)  Provides that the creation of the district is in the public interest
and is essential to certain functions. 

  (c)  Sets forth the purposes of the district.
(d)  Provides that pedestrian ways along or across a street, whether at
grade or above or below the surface, and street lighting, street
landscaping, and street art objects are parts of and necessary components
of a street and are considered to be a street or road improvement.  

(e)  Provides that the district will not act as the agent or
instrumentality of any private interest even though many private interests
will be benefited by the district, as will the general public.  

Sec. 376.457.  APPLICATION OF OTHER LAW. Provides that Chapter 375 applies
to the district except as otherwise provided by this subchapter.  

Sec. 376.458.  CONSTRUCTION OF SUBCHAPTER. Requires this subchapter to be
liberally construed in conformity with the findings and purposes stated in
this subchapter.  

Sec. 376.459.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS IN GENERAL.  Sets forth general
provisions for the board of directors of the district. 

Sec. 376.460.  APPOINTMENT AND REMOVAL OF DIRECTORS.  Provides for the
appointment and removal of board members. 

Sec. 376.461.  QUORUM. Sets forth provisions regarding a quorum of the
board of directors. 

IMPACT FEES, AND TAXES. (a) Requires a majority vote of the directors
serving to authorize the imposition of an assessment, impact fee, or tax. 

(b)  Requires the written consent of at least two-thirds of the full
membership of the board to authorize the issuance of bonds. 

the district to exercise the powers of a corporation created under Section
4B (Corporation in City Located in County With Population of 750,000 or
More, or 150,000 or More), Development Corporation Act of 1979 (Article
5190.6, V.T.C.S.). 

district, to protect the public interest, to contract with the municipality
or the county for the municipality or county to provide law enforcement
services in the district for a fee.  

municipality, county, or another political subdivision of the state,
without further authorization, to contract with the district to implement a
project of the district or assist the district in providing the services
authorized under this subchapter.  Authorizes a contract under this
subsection to: be for a period on which the parties agree; include terms on
which the parties agree; be payable from taxes or any other sources of
revenue that may be available for such purpose; or provide that taxes or
other revenue collected at a district project or from a person using or
purchasing a commodity or service at a district project may be paid or
rebated to the district under the terms of the contract.  

Sec. 376.466.  NONPROFIT CORPORATION. (a) Authorizes the board by
resolution to authorize the creation of a nonprofit corporation to assist
and act on behalf of the district in implementing a project or providing a
service authorized by this subchapter.  

(b)  Requires the board to appoint the board of directors of a nonprofit
corporation created under this section.  Requires the board of directors of
the nonprofit corporation to serve in the same manner, term, and conditions
as a board of directors of a local government corporation created under
Chapter 431 (Texas Transportation Corporation Act), Transportation Code.  
(c)  Provides that a nonprofit corporation created under this section has
the powers of and is considered for purposes of this subchapter to be a
local government corporation created under Chapter 431, Transportation

(d)  Authorizes a nonprofit corporation created under this section to
implement any project and provide any service this subchapter authorizes.  

Sec. 376.467.  DISBURSEMENTS OR TRANSFERS OF FUNDS. Requires the board by
resolution to establish the number of directors' signatures and the
procedure required for a disbursement or transfer of the district's money. 

Sec. 376.468.  MUNICIPAL APPROVAL. (a) Requires the district, except as
provided by Subsection (b), to obtain approval from the municipality's
governing body of the issuance of bonds for an improvement project and the
plans and specifications of an improvement project financed by the bonds.  

(b)  Authorizes the district, if it obtains approval from the
municipality's governing body of a capital improvements budget for a period
not to exceed five years, to finance the capital improvements and issue
bonds specified in the budget without further approval from the

(c)  Requires the district to obtain approval from the municipality's
governing body of the plans and specifications of any district improvement
project related to the use of land owned by the county, an easement granted
by the county, or a right-of-way of a street, road, or highway.  

(d)  Provides that, except as provided by Section 375.263, a municipality
is not obligated to pay any bonds, notes, or other obligations of the

Sec. 376.469.  ASSESSMENTS. (a) Authorizes the board to impose and collect
an assessment for any purpose authorized by this subchapter.  

(b)  Provides that assessments, reassessments, or assessments resulting
from an addition to or correction of the assessment roll by the district,
penalties and interest on an assessment or reassessment, expenses of
collection, and reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the district are a
first and prior lien against the property assessed, are  superior to any
other lien or claim other than a lien or claim for county, school district,
or municipal ad valorem taxes, and are the personal liability of and charge
against the owners of the property even if the owners are not named in the
assessment proceedings.  

(c)  Provides that the lien is effective from the date of the resolution of
the board levying the assessment until the assessment is paid.  Authorizes
the board to enforce the lien in the same manner that the board may enforce
an ad valorem tax lien against real property.  

Sec. 376.470.  SALES AND USE TAX. (a) Authorizes the district to impose a
sales and use tax if authorized by a majority of the qualified voters of
the district voting at an election called for that purpose.  Authorizes
revenue from the tax to be used for any purpose for which ad valorem tax
revenue of the district may be used.  

(b)  Prohibits the district from adopting a tax under this subchapter if as
a result of the adoption of the tax the combined rate of all sales and use
taxes imposed by the county and other political subdivisions of this state
having territory in the county would exceed two percent at any location in
the district.  

(c)  Provides that if the voters of the county approve the adoption of the
tax at an election held on the same election date on which another
political subdivision adopts a sales and use tax or approves the increase
in the rate of its sales and use tax and as a result the combined rate of
all sales and use taxes imposed by the district and other political
subdivisions of this state having territory in the district would exceed
two percent at any location in the county, the election to adopt a sales
and use tax under this subchapter has no effect.  

Sec. 376.471.  MAINTENANCE TAX. (a) Authorizes the district, if authorized
at an election held in accordance with Section 376.472, to impose and
collect an annual ad valorem tax on taxable property in the district for
the maintenance and operation of the district, improvements constructed or
acquired by the district, or the provision of services. 
  (b)  Requires the board to determine the tax rate. 

Sec. 376.472.  ELECTIONS. (a) Requires the district, in addition to the
elections the district is required to hold under Chapter 375L, to hold an
election in the manner provided by that subchapter to obtain voter approval
before the district imposes a maintenance tax or issues bonds payable from
ad valorem taxes or assessments.  

(b)  Authorizes the board to include more than one purpose in a single
proposition at an election.  

Prohibits the district from imposing an impact fee or assessment under
Chapter 375 on a residential property, multiunit residential property, or

(b)  Prohibits the district from imposing an assessment or impact fee on
the property of an electric utility, gas utility, power generation company,
or a telecommunications provider.  Defines "electric utility," "power
generation company," "gas utility," and "telecommunications provider." 

Sec. 376.474.  NO EMINENT DOMAIN POWER. Prohibits the district from
exercising the power of eminent domain. 

DEBTS. (a) Authorizes the board to vote to dissolve a district that has
debt. Requires the district, if the vote is in favor of dissolution, to
remain in existence solely for the limited purpose of discharging its
debts.  Provides that the dissolution is effective when all debts have been

  (b)  Provides that Section 375.264 does not apply to the district.

MUNICIPALITY.  (a) Authorizes the governing body of a municipality, if
territory in the municipality's limit or extraterritorial jurisdiction is
included in the district, to remove that territory from the district if the
district does not have bonded indebtedness. 

(b) Requires the governing body of the municipality, in order to remove
territory under Subsection (a), to notify the secretary of the board of the
district in writing that the territory is excluded from the district's

(c) Requires the governing body of a municipality, if the municipality
annexes territory that is in its extraterritorial jurisdiction and included
in the district, to notify the secretary of the board of the district in
writing that the annexed territory is excluded from the district's

SECTION 2.  Sets forth legislative findings regarding the fulfillment of
procedural requirements with respect to the notice, introduction, and
passage of this Act. 

SECTION 3.  (a) Provides that Sections 375.062 and 376.460, Local
Government Code, as added by this Act, do not apply to the initial board of
directors of the Aldine Community Improvement District. 

 (b)  Sets forth the names of the members of the initial board of

(c)  Provides that of the initial directors, the directors appointed for
positions 1 through 4 serve until June 1, 2003, and the directors appointed
for positions 5 through 9 serve until June 1, 2005.  

SECTION 4.  Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2001.


Differs from the original by proposing Section 376.476, Local Government
Code, and by including telecommunications providers in the entities against
whose property the district is prohibited from imposing an assessment or
impact fee.