Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 854
By: Dutton
Human Services


Hunger and homelessness are daily challenges faced by many Texans.
According to the Center for Public Policy Priorities (CPPP), it is
estimated that 32 percent of all children in Texas are hungry or at risk of
hunger.  Almost 13 percent of Texas households experience some level of
food insecurity, and five percent suffer from outright hunger.  Texas ranks
second among states in having the highest percentage of hungry families.
CPPP estimates that only one quarter of those eligible for food assistance
in 1999 actually received it.  The Texas Alliance for Human Needs reports
that despite state legislative initiatives for development of better Texas
low-income housing initiatives and recent federal laws providing
opportunities for state housing agencies, nonprofit organizations, and
others to obtain federal properties for the poor, the homeless population
in Texas is still increasing.  House Bill 854 creates an interagency work
group on hunger and homelessness to improve services and service delivery
to Texans who are hungry or homeless or who are at risk of becoming hungry
or homeless.  


It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does
not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state
officer, department, agency, or institution. 


House Bill 854 amends the Government Code to create an interagency work
group on hunger and homelessness (work group) to assist the Health and
Human Services Commission (HHSC) in improving services to address the needs
of persons who are hungry or homeless or at risk of being hungry or
homeless.  The bill requires the commissioner of health and human services
to appoint work group members and sets forth provisions regarding the
composition, administration, and operation of the workgroup.  The bill
requires the work group to study and make recommendations on methods of
improving outreach efforts and service delivery.  As a part of the study
and recommendations, the work group is required to: 

_assess the extent and nature of hunger and homelessness in Texas;

_identify underserved populations;

_identify methods to increase service delivery to this population;

_explore methods to enhance existing services and improve service delivery;

_evaluate the need for additional programs and services to prevent and
alleviate hunger and homelessness. 

The bill sets forth reporting requirements for the work group and requires
the reports to be submitted annually to the governor and the legislature.
The bill provides that the work group is not subject to state agency
advisory committee provisions and requirements. 


September 1, 2001.