HBA-CBW H.B. 906 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 906 By: Bosse Land & Resource Management 3/23/2001 Introduced BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The Coastal Coordination Council (council) administers the Texas coastal management program linking federal, state, and local activities along the coast. Although small compared to many state programs, the council's grant program is a vital part of Texas' coastal management efforts. Despite the federal grants that are awarded to the council to fund coastal management efforts, the council lacks statutory guidance for administering these funds. C.S.H.B. 906 provides for the continuation of council and implements the recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking authority is expressly delegated to the Coastal Coordination Council in SECTION 3 (Section 33.204, Natural Resources Code) of this bill. ANALYSIS C.S.H.B. 906 amends the Natural Resources Code to provide for the continuation of the Coastal Coordination Council (council) until 2013 (Sec. 33.211). The bill authorizes the council to award grants to projects that further the goals of and policies of the council. The bill requires the council by rule to establish the procedures for making any determination related to awarding a grant (Sec. 33.204). The bill modifies the composition of the council to include the city or county elected official who resides in the coastal area (Sec. 33.2041). The bill removes a provision that authorizes the council to appoint only persons who live in the Texas coastal area to the advisory committee (Sec. 33.052). The bill authorizes the council to review a proposed action of an agency or subdivision if any member of the council other than the director of the Texas A&M University Sea Grant Program, rather than any three members, agree that there is a significant unresolved dispute regarding the proposed action's consistency with the goals and policies of the coastal management program (Sec. 33.205). The bill requires the council to report to the legislature on the population growth of, infrastructure needs of, and use of resources on the coast (Sec. 33.207). The bill also sets forth standard Sunset Advisory Commission recommendations regarding public testimony, equal employment, conflicts of interest, member removal, standards of conduct, member training, and the maintaining of written complaints (Secs. 33.204, 33.2041-33.2045, and 33.212). EFFECTIVE DATE September 1, 2001.