SRC-SEW H.B. 1113 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center H.B. 1113 77R4362 ATP-DBy: Goolsby (West) Intergovernmental Relations 5/5/2001 Engrossed DIGEST AND PURPOSE Current law requires a municipality of 1.5 million or more that has adopted provisions regarding municipal civil service to establish and maintain a legislative leave time account for each of its firefighter and police officer employee organizations. A legislative leave time account decreases the amount of money an employee organization is required to reimburse a municipality when its members take time off from work to conduct legislative business. A number of police officers from other municipalities have expressed interest in donating some of their accumulated vacation and overtime to their employee organization to be used for legislative leave purposes. H.B. 1113 requires a municipality of one million or more that has not adopted the provisions for municipal civil service to establish and maintain a legislative leave time account for each police officer employee organization. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 614A, Government Code, by adding Section 614.011, as follows: Sec. 614.011. LEGISLATIVE LEAVE TIME ACCOUNT. (a) Provides that this section applies only to certain police officers. (b) Prohibits a police officer from donating more than two hours for each month of accumulated vacation or compensatory time to the legislative leave time account of an employee organization. Requires the municipality to establish and maintain a legislative leave time account for each employee organization. (c) Requires the police officer to authorize the donation in writing on a form provided by the employee organization and approved by the municipality. Requires the municipality, after receiving the signed authorization on an approved form, to transfer donated time to the account monthly until the municipality receives the police officer's written revocation of the authorization. (d) Authorizes only a police officer who is a member of an employee organization to use for legislative leave purposes the time donated to the account of that employee organization. Authorizes a police officer to use for legislative leave purposes the time donated under this section instead of reimbursing the municipality under Section 614.005. (e) Requires a request to use for legislative leave purposes the time in an employee organization's time account to be in writing and submitted to the municipality by the president or the equivalent officer of the employee organization or by that officer's designee. (f) Requires the municipality to account for the time donated to the account and used from the account. Requires the municipality to credit and debit an account on an hour-for-hour basis regardless of the cash value of the time donated or used. (g) Prohibits an employee organization from using for legislative leave purposes more than 4,000 hours from its legislative leave time account under this section in a calendar year. Provides that this subsection does not prevent an employee organization from accumulating more than 4,000 hours, but only addresses the total number of donated hours that an employee organization is authorized use in any calendar year. SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2001.