Senate Research CenterC.S.H.B. 1839
77R15584 JSA-FBy: Junell (Ellis, Rodney)
Committee Report (Substituted)


The economic future of Texas depends on the state's ability to remain at
the forefront of scientific and technological innovation. Texas is
favorably located and has the infrastructure needed to facilitate growth in
the high-tech industry. Texas is positioned to meet the technological
challenges of the next century. Currently, Texas ranks second in the nation
in the total number of high-tech jobs and first in the number of new jobs
created since 1990. There are 772,000 high-tech employees in Texas,
approximately 11 percent of the state's workforce.  

Texas companies will be able to lead in national and world markets only if
there is continuing development of the research base. Universities can
comprise a major part of the research base. Through university research,
new technologies are developed and commercialized which can create a
considerable economic advantage for the state. Investments in research and
development can have a considerable rate of return.  C.S.H.B. 1839 creates
the Texas excellence fund and the university research fund to support and
maintain educational and general activities, including research and student
services, that promote increased research capacity and develop
institutional excellence.  


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a
state officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Chapter 62, Education Code, by adding Subchapter C, as


 Sec. 62.051.  PURPOSE.  Provides findings of purpose. 

Sec. 62.052.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "eligible comprehensive research
university," and "eligible general academic teaching institution." 
Sec. 62.053.  ADMINISTRATION.  Provides that the Texas excellence fund is a
fund outside the state treasury in the custody of the comptroller.
Requires the comptroller to administer and invest the fund. 

Sec. 62.054.  FUNDING.  Sets forth guidelines regarding the composition of
the fund and the use of money appropriated from the fund.  

INSTITUTIONS. (a)  Authorizes the legislature, in each state fiscal year,
to appropriate all or part of the money in the Texas excellence fund to
eligible comprehensive research universities and other eligible general
academic teaching institutions according to certain percentages.   
 (b)  Provides that Subsection (a) does not apply to the allocation of
money appropriated from the Texas excellence fund for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2003.  Provides that, for each fiscal year in
the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2003, the money appropriated
from the fund is allocated among the eligible general academic teaching
institutions, including eligible comprehensive research universities, as
provided by the General Appropriations Act.  Provides that this subsection
expires January 1, 2004. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 62.025, Education Code, by amending Subsections
(a) and (c) and adding Subsection (d), as follows: 
(a)  Requires the comptroller, not later than November 1 of each state
fiscal year,  to deposit the first $50 million that comes to the state at
the beginning of each state fiscal year and that is not dedicated by other
law according to a certain guidelines.   
(c)  Provides that the deposit required by this section to the higher
education fund expires on September 1 after the date the comptroller
certifies that the value of the higher education fund is $2 billion.
Requires the comptroller, in each state fiscal year that begins on or after
that date, to deposit to the credit of the Texas excellence fund
established under Subchapter C from the first money that comes to the state
at the beginning of that fiscal year an amount equal to the income earned
from investment of the higher education fund in the preceding state fiscal
year as certified by the comptroller, not to exceed $50 million. 
(d)  Prohibits the deposit to the Texas excellence fund under Subsection
(a)(1) or Subsection (c) from being made in any state fiscal year for which
the legislature has made an appropriation specifically for the purposes of
the Texas excellence fund in an amount equal to or greater than the income
earned from investment of the higher education fund in the preceding state
fiscal year as certified by the comptroller. 
SECTION 3.  Amends Sections 62.026(b) and (d), Education Code, as follows:
(b)  Provides that the fund consists of the amount (rather than $50
million) deposited in the fund each state fiscal year under Section 62.025
and interest, dividends, and other income earned from the investment of the
(d)  Requires the comptroller, in consultation with the presiding officers
of the governing boards of the institutions eligible to benefit from the
income from the investment of the fund under Section 17, Article VII, Texas
Constitution, to invest the fund in a manner that maximizes the amount of
income earned and gains realized from the investment of the fund. 
SECTION 4.  Amends Chapter 62, Education Code, by adding Subchapter D, as


Sec. 62.071.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "comprehensive research university,"
"eligible institution," and "general academic teaching institution." 

Sec. 62.072.   FUNDING.  Sets forth guidelines regarding the distribution
of funds to eligible institutions in accordance with this section and the
use of such funds. 
SECTION 5. Sets forth guidelines regarding the allocation of funds to
certain institutions and the use of such funds.   
SECTION 6.  Sets forth guidelines regarding the allocation of funds
appropriated under Section 62.072, Education Code, as added by this Act,
and under Subsections (a) and (b), Section 5 of this Act.   
SECTION 7.  Effective date: September 1, 2001.