HBA-CMT H.B. 1957 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 1957 By: Naishtat Urban Affairs 4/1/2001 Introduced BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Currently, municipalities with populations of 10,000 or greater are allowed to deduct employee association dues from paychecks of municipal employees. Employees must make a formal written request to have this service performed. House Bill 1957 requires municipalities to provide such deductions at the voluntary request of an employee. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. ANALYSIS House Bill 1957 amends the Local Government Code to require the governing body of a municipality with a population greater than 10,000 to deduct from a municipal employee's monthly wages or salary an amount requested in writing from the employee in payment of membership dues to a bona fide employees' association named by the employee if the municipality permits deductions for a purpose other than for payment for a charitable purpose, health insurance, taxes, or a deduction required by law. The provisions of the Local Government Code applying to payroll deductions in municipalities of more than 10,000 apply to payroll deductions made under the provisions of the bill. EFFECTIVE DATE On passage, or if the Act does not take receive the necessary vote, the Act takes effect September 1, 2001.