HBA-SEP C.S.H.B. 2403 77(R)BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisC.S.H.B. 2403 By: Lewis, Ron Natural Resources 4/22/2001 Committee Report (Substituted) BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE The United States Department of Energy recently published new energy efficiency standards for clotheswashing machines (machines). These federal standards, however, do not address water efficiency. In Texas, water conservation has emerged as an important issue and machines that use water inefficiently contribute to the problem. C.S.H.B. 2403 requires the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC) to report to the legislature on the water consumption factor of all clothes-washing machines that were imported into this state during the preceding calendar year. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that rulemaking authority is expressly delegated to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission in SECTION 1 (Section 372.004, Health and Safety Code) of this bill. ANALYSIS C.S.H.B. 2403 amends the Health and Safety Code to require the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), beginning in February, 2003, to report to the legislature in January of each year on the number of clothes-washing machines with a water consumption factor of more than 11, more than 9.5 but not more than 11, and of 9.5 or less that were imported into this state during the preceding calendar year and report on the average water consumption factor of all clothes-washing machines that were imported into this state during the preceding calendar year. TNRCC shall by rule require appropriate industry trade associations or other entities to provide the information to TNRCC by January 2003, and each January thereafter. These provisions do not apply to a clothes-washing machine with a capacity of more than 3.5 cubic feet or less than 1.6 cubic feet. EFFECTIVE DATE September 1, 2001. COMPARISON OF ORIGINAL TO SUBSTITUTE C.S.H.B. 2403 modifies the original by removing the prohibition against the sale, distribution, or importing of clothes-washing machines for use in this state unless they meet certain water and energy saving performance standards. The substitute removes related labeling requirements for clothes-washing machines. The substitute requires the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission to report to the legislature on the water consumption factor of all clothes-washing machines that were imported into this state during the preceding calendar year.