Senate Research Center   H.B. 2766
77R12863 KSD-DBy: Delisi (Ellis)


Currently, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (board) oversees
several different student loan repayment assistance programs. However, the
board, with very few exceptions, does not provide repayment assistance to
attorneys who choose to work for the office of the attorney general (OAG).
A law student may incur high education loan debt, and as a result may feel
compelled not to consider working for the OAG but to accept higher paying
private sector employment to pay off his or her debt. In addition, there is
concern that the turnover rate is high for attorneys who initially work for
the OAG. H.B. 2766 authorizes the board to provide assistance in the
repayment of education loans for attorneys who work for the OAG.  


Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board in SECTION 1 (Section 61.959, Education Code) of this


SECTION 1. Amends Chapter 61, Education Code, by adding Subchapter X, as


Sec. 61.951.  REPAYMENT ASSISTANCE AUTHORIZED.  (a)  Authorizes the Texas
Higher Education Coordinating Board (board) to provide, using funds
appropriated for that purpose and in accordance with this subchapter and
board rules, assistance in the repayment of education loans for attorneys
who apply and qualify for the assistance. 

 (b)  Provides that the provision of financial assistance in the repayment
of education loans under this subchapter promotes a public purpose. 

Sec. 61.952.  ELIGIBILITY.  Requires that to be eligible to receive
repayment assistance, an attorney meet certain requirements. 
Sec. 61.953.  AGREEMENT; TERMS.  (a)  Requires that to qualify for
repayment assistance under this subchapter, an attorney enter into a
written agreement with the board as provided by this subchapter.  Requires
the agreement to specify the conditions the attorney is required to satisfy
to receive the repayment assistance.  

 (b)  Requires that to be eligible to receive the repayment assistance, an
attorney agree to serve at least three years as an attorney with the office
of the attorney general. 

 (c)  Authorizes only service as an attorney with the office of the
attorney general after the date the attorney enters into the agreement to
be used to satisfy the service requirement under the agreement.  
 (d)  Requires the attorney to complete the service obligation during the
three years following the date of the agreement unless the board grants the
attorney additional time to begin fulfilling the  service obligation.
Requires the board to grant the attorney additional time to complete the
service obligation for good cause.  

 (e)  Requires the board to cancel an attorney's service obligation if the
board determines that the attorney has become permanently disabled so that
the attorney is not able to serve as an attorney with the office of the
attorney general or has died.  

 (f)  Requires the board to require an attorney who receives the repayment
assistance to sign an agreement in the nature of a contract under which the
attorney agrees to perform the required years of service.  Provides that if
the attorney does not fulfill the terms of the agreement, all repayment
assistance paid under this subchapter on behalf of the attorney becomes a
loan and is required to be repaid.  Requires the agreement to include a
promissory note acknowledging the conditional nature of the repayment
assistance and promising to repay the amount of the loan repayment,
applicable interest, and reasonable collection costs if the attorney does
not satisfy the applicable conditions. Requires the board to determine the
terms of the promissory note.  

Sec. 61.954.  LIMITATIONS.  (a)  Authorizes the attorney, for each year
that an attorney serves as an attorney with the office of the attorney
general under an agreement under Section 61.953, to receive repayment
assistance under this subchapter in an amount not to exceed $6,000. 

 (b)  Prohibits an attorney from receiving repayment assistance under this
subchapter for more than three years. 

Sec. 61.955.  ELIGIBLE LOANS. (a)  Authorizes the board to provide
repayment assistance for the repayment of any education loan received by
the attorney through any lender, other than a private individual, for
certain purposes. 

 (b)  Prohibits the board from providing repayment assistance for an
education loan that is in default at the time of the attorney's

 (c)  Requires each state fiscal biennium the board to attempt to allocate
all funds appropriated for the purpose of providing repayment assistance
under this subchapter. 

Sec. 61.956.  REPAYMENT. (a)  Requires the board to deliver any repayment
assistance made under this subchapter in a lump sum payable to the lender
and the attorney and in accordance with any applicable federal law. 

 (b) Authorizes assistance received under this subchapter to be applied to
the principal amount of the loan and to interest that accrues. 

Sec. 61.957.  ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE TO BOARD.  Authorizes the board to carry
out certain duties. 

Sec. 61.958.  ACCEPTANCE OF FUNDS.  Authorizes the board to solicit and
accept gifts, grants, and donations for the purposes of this subchapter. 

Sec. 61.959.  RULES. (a)  Requires the board to adopt rules necessary for
the administration of this subchapter. 

 (b)  Requires the board to distribute a copy of the rules adopted under
this section and pertinent information in this subchapter to certain
Sec. 61.960.  TOTAL AMOUNT OF REPAYMENT ASSISTANCE.  Prohibits the total
amount of repayment assistance distributed by the board under this
subchapter from exceeding the total amount of gifts, grants, and donations
accepted by the board for repayment assistance, tuition set aside under
Section 61.961, and legislative appropriations for repayment assistance. 

Requires the governing board of each public school of law in this state
authorized by the board to award a degree that satisfies the law study
requirements for licensure as an attorney in this state to set aside one
percent of tuition charges for resident students enrolled in the school of

 (b)  Requires the amount set aside to be transferred to the comptroller to
be maintained in the state treasury for the sole purpose of repayment of
education loans of attorneys under this subchapter.  Provides that Section
403.095(b), Government Code, does not apply to the amount set aside under
this section. 
SECTION 2.  Requires the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to adopt
the rules for the repayment assistance program under Chapter 61X, Education
Code, as added by this Act, not later than December 1, 2001. 
SECTION 3.  Requires the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to
submit a report to the legislature regarding the board's activities under
Chapter 61X, Education Code, as added by this Act, not later than December
1, 2004. 
SECTION 4.  Effective date: September 1, 2001.