SRC-MKV H.B. 2913 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center H.B. 2913 By: Bonnen (Brown) Natural Resources 5/9/2001 Engrossed DIGEST AND PURPOSE Currently, the Brazoria County Conservation and Reclamation District Number Three (district) has the tax rate for maintenance set at $0.10 on each $100 of assessed valuation. The district believes that to better maintain the more than 600 miles of ditches they have jurisdiction over, the tax rate should be increased. H.B. 2913 authorizes the commissioners of the district to raise the tax and increases the daily salary of district commissioners. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 20, Chapter 307, Acts of the 61st Legislature, Regular Session, 1969 (Article 8280-476, V.T.C.S.), to increase from $20 to $100 the fee paid to commissioners of the Brazoria County Conservation and Reclamation District Number 3 for each day necessarily taken in discharge of their duties. SECTION 2. Amends Chapter 307, Acts of the 61st Legislature, Regular Session, 1969 (Article 8280-476, V.T.C.S.), by adding Section 36A, as follows: Sec. 36A. Requires the commissioners, notwithstanding the district charter, other provisions of this Act, or other laws, by majority vote to set a tax rate for maintenance taxes levied and collected by the district not to exceed 15 cents on each $100 of assessed valuation. SECTION 3. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2001.