HBA-DMH H.B. 3234 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisH.B. 3234 By: Reyna, Arthur Licensing & Administrative Procedures 4/6/2001 Introduced BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Since the original enactment of the Bingo Enabling Act (Act), certain provisions of the Act have become obsolete, impractical, or archaic by virtue of industry or regulatory practices and the evolution of technology. House Bill 3234 modifies language in the Act to clarify practice and regulation issues. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. ANALYSIS House Bill 3234 amends the Occupations Code to delete certain foreign and publicly traded corporations or entities and nonresident individuals from the list of persons or groups to which the Texas Lottery Commission (commission) is prohibited from issuing or renewing a commercial lessor license (Sec. 2001.154). The bill deletes from the information that a license to conduct bingo must include the specific purposes to which the net proceeds of bingo are to be devoted and a statement of whether a prize is to be offered and the amount of any authorized prize (Sec. 2001.106). The provides that an authorized organization that holds a commercial lessor license to lease a premises on which bingo is conducted may, rather than must, hold a license to conduct bingo at the same premises (Sec. 2001.161). The bill provides that a person does not commit an offense if the person is conducting, promoting, or administering bingo on behalf of any group conducting the game only for amusement, and sets forth restrictions for such games (Sec. 2001.551). The bill prohibits a bingo occasion from occurring at any time other than the time permitted in the commission's records, rather than providing that a bingo occasion begins when the premises are opened to the public (Sec. 2001.419). The bill modifies the prohibited uses of card-minding devices, the requirements for collection of a prize fee, and the definition of "bingo occasion" and "fraternal organization" (Secs. 2001.002, 2001.409, and 2001.502). The bill repeals provisions relating to notice to local authorities of a license application (SECTION 11). EFFECTIVE DATE October 1, 2001.