SRC-MWN H.B. 3483 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center H.B. 3483 77R10807 JJT-FBy: Ramsay (Sibley) Natural Resources 5/7/2001 Engrossed DIGEST AND PURPOSE To meet mandated air emission reduction standards, coal-fueled power plants are looking to develop advanced coal utilization technologies. The United States Congress has appropriated funds for the research, development, and deployment of clean coal technologies, but there is no current statewide initiative to study, develop, and encourage voluntary implementation of these technologies. Clean coal technologies have the potential to be more energy efficient and reliable than existing coal technologies and to provide a substantial reduction in emissions compared with existing coal technologies. H.B. 3483 creates the Clean Coal Technology Council to coordinate actions of state agencies for the study and development of clean coal technology and pilot projects in Texas. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Title 3, Government Code, by adding Subtitle D, as follows: SUBTITLE D. LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES CHAPTER 351. CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL Sec. 351.001. LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS; STATE POLICY. (a) Sets forth legislative findings. (b) Provides that it is the policy of this state that clean coal technologies will be explored in order to achieve certain goals. Sec. 351.002. DEFINITIONS. Defines "council," "coal," "designated agency," and "pilot project." Sec. 351.003. CREATION AND MEMBERSHIP OF THE CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL. (a) Provides that the Clean Coal Technology Council is created to perform legislative oversight of, and to coordinate actions of state agencies regarding, the study and development of clean coal technology and pilot projects in this state. (b) Provides that the council is composed of certain persons. Sec. 351.004. ADMINISTRATION. (a) Provides that members of the council serve two-year terms expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year and may be reappointed for additional terms. (b) Requires the council to meet at a frequency to be determined by the council and at the call of the co-chairs. (c) Authorizes the council to designate an appropriate state agency to provide administrative support to the council. Requires the designated agency to provide, from its existing staff, the staff necessary to assist the council in carrying out its responsibilities. Authorizes the designated agency to request and distribute federal funding for the use by the council in carrying out its responsibilities. (d) Provides that the council is subject to Chapters 551, 552, and 2001. Sec. 351.005. POWERS, DUTIES, INFORMATION, AND REPORTS OF COUNCIL. (a) Requires the council to perform certain procedures. (b) Requires the designated agency to maintain a public file relating to the council. (c) Requires the designated agency to make available to the public a copy of any council report provided to the legislature. SECTION 2. Requires the Clean Coal Technology Council, nothwithstanding Section 351.004(b), Government Code, as added by this Act, to meet not less than once in each calendar quarter for the first year after its members are appointed. SECTION 3. Provides that the terms of the initial members of the Clean Coal Technology Council expire February 1, 2003. SECTION 4. Effective date: September 1, 2001.