Senate Research CenterC.S.H.B. 3567
77R14958 AJA-FBy: Marchant (Truan)
Veteran Affairs & Military Installations
Committee Report (Substituted)


Currently, the Veterans Land Board finances land loans for veterans using
the "contract for deed" method.  Title to the land using this method
remains in the Veterans Land Board, until completion of the contract, and
the purchaser cannot obtain a mortgage loan for construction.  C.S.H.B.
1804 allows the Veterans Land Board to finance veterans' land loans through
lending institutions using the "deed of trust" method. 


Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Veterans' Land Board in
SECTION 2 (Chapter 161K, Natural Resources Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 161.171(a), Natural Resources Code, to require
the veterans' land fund to include proceeds derived from the sale or other
disposition of the board's interest in contracts for the sale of land or
rights in land or a loan made under Subchapter K; interest and penalties
received from the sale or resale of  land purchased under this chapter or
from rights in the land, bonuses, income, rents, royalties, and any other
pecuniary benefit received by the board from land purchased under this
chapter or loans made under Subchapter K; any interest of the board in a
loan made under Subchapter K using money in the fund, including any title
insurance related to the loan or land purchased with the loan; and any
equitable interest in property encumbered under Subchapter K and
attributable to the fund. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Chapter 161, Natural Resources Code, by adding
Subchapter K, as follows: 

Sec. 161.501.  PURPOSE OF SUBCHAPTER; CONSTRUCTION.  Sets forth the purpose
and construction of this subchapter. 

 Sec. 161.502.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "lending institution" and "loan."

Sec. 161.503.  LOANS. (a)  Requires the Veterans' Land Board (board), in
addition to purchasing land under Subchapters F and G, to make or acquire
loans with money from the fund to finance land purchases by eligible
persons in accordance with this subchapter and rules adopted by the board. 

(b)  Authorizes the board to enter into contracts with lending institutions
to assist in processing, originating, servicing, or administering loans
under this subchapter. 

(c)  Requires the board to obtain insurance covering at least 50 percent of
all losses anticipated in connection with payment defaults on loans secured
by first or second mortgages, based on the advice of one or more qualified
consultants to the board as to potential losses that may be reasonably
expected on the loans as determined by analysis  that includes actual
experience in the residential mortgage lending industry on similar types of
mortgage loans or that insures repayment of at least 50 percent of the
outstanding principal amount of all loans made under this subchapter if the
loans are not repaid by the recipients. 

  (d)  Requires the board to adopt rules as necessary to implement this

Sec. 161.504.  ELIGIBILITY FOR LOAN. (a)  Requires a person, to qualify for
a loan under this subchapter, to be a veteran at the time the person
applies for the loan.  Provides that if an eligible veteran dies after
filing an application for a loan, the veteran's surviving spouse may
complete the transaction. 

(b)  Authorizes the board by rule to determine the number of loans that a
person may receive under this subchapter. 

Sec. 161.505.  SECURITY FOR LOAN.  Prohibits a disbursement of money on a
loan from being  made unless the loan is secured by a mortgage, deed of
trust, or other lien on the land purchased with the proceeds of the loan.
Provides that a mortgage, deed of trust, or other lien may be a
participation in a lien securing any other loan for the purchase of the
property, including a lien securing a home loan under Chapter 162. 

Sec. 161.506.  INITIAL PAYMENT OR EQUITY.  Authorizes the board to require
an initial payment on a loan or require an investment in the land by the
loan recipient in an amount set by the board by rule. 

Sec. 161.507.  LOAN PAYMENTS. (a)  Requires the final principal payment on
a loan to be made not later than the 40th anniversary of the date of the

(b)  Requires the board to determine the maximum principal amount of loans
to the same eligible person that may be outstanding at any time. 

(c)  Requires payments on the loan to be made at times determined by the

Sec. 161.508.  FEES; INTEREST.   (a)  Requires all fees to be charged to a
person who receives a loan to be approved by the board. 

 (b)  Provides that any fees or expenses incurred in connection with a
loan, including the cost of insurance, may be charged to the loan recipient
and included in the principal amount of the loan. 

(c)  Requires that a loan bear a fixed, variable, floating, or other rate
or rates of interest determined by the board.  Authorizes the board to set
the interest rate or rates to provide a margin over the rate paid by the
board on bonds issued by the board under this chapter. 

(d)  Authorizes the difference between the cost of the money to the board
and the interest rate or rates charged to a loan recipient to be used in
whole or in part to defray the expense of administering the program. 

(e)  Requires the board, to ensure the maximum benefit of the program to
the loan recipient, to adopt rules relating to the fees, charges, and
interest rates that may be charged by a lending institution in connection
with financing the purchase of land with money that does not come from the
fund and limiting to the maximum extent practical the fees, charges, and
interest rates to the fees, charges, and interest rates that would be
collected by the lending institution in the normal course of the
institution's mortgage  lending business. 

that principal and interest that become delinquent bear interest at a rate
determined by the board. 

Sec. 161.510.  COMBINATION WITH HOME LOAN.  Authorizes the board to permit
a person to combine a loan made under this subchapter with a home loan made
under Chapter 162 if the portion of the loan made under this subchapter is
funded from amounts on deposit in the fund and the portion of the loan made
under Chapter 162 is not funded from amounts in the fund and to prescribe
the amounts of and forms for a combined loan under this section. 

Sec. 161.511.  TIME LIMIT ON TRANSFER OF LAND. (a)  Provides that except as
provided by Subsection (c), a recipient of a loan may not lease, sell, or
otherwise transfer in whole or part land or any interest in land against
which there is a mortgage, deed of trust, or any other lien securing the
loan before the third anniversary of the date the recipient purchases the
land and unless the recipient has complied with any other terms and
conditions provided by this subchapter and the rules of the board. 

(b)  Provides that after the three-year period prescribed by Subsection
(a), land may be sold or otherwise transferred, subject to any lien
securing a loan, if all interest, principal, and taxes that are due have
been paid, the terms and conditions of this subchapter and rules of the
board have been met, and the board approves the sale or other transfer. 

(c)  Authorizes the board to waive the three-year period prescribed by
Subsection (a), in a case of death, bankruptcy, financial incapacity, or
divorce of the loan recipient; if a loan recipient is forced to move
because of a change in employment or because the recipient's home is
condemned through no fault of the recipient; or at any other time the board
considers a waiver to be in the best interest of the program. 

the board, if a recipient of a loan does not comply with the requirements
of Section 161.511(a) and the board does not waive the three-year period
prescribed by that section, by rule to provide for an increase in the
interest rate on the loan; the acceleration of repayment of the principal
of and interest on the loan; or any other remedy the board considers

Sec. 161.513.  FORECLOSURE AND RESALE.  Requires the board to adopt rules
providing procedures governing foreclosure of a lien securing a loan. 

SECTION 3.  Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2001.


Amends Engrossed H.B. 3567 by deleting proposed text and changes to
existing text and replacing with new proposed text and changes to existing