SRC-MKV H.B. 3632 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research Center H.B. 3632 77R13236 KLA-DBy: Farabee (Haywood) Intergovernmental Relations 5/9/2001 Engrossed DIGEST AND PURPOSE Under current law, multiple filings are required in different courts to resolve multiple issues between parties. In addition, there may be a need to simplify filing and docketing procedures of certain misdemeanor cases. H.B. 3632 modifies the jurisdiction of a county court at law in Wichita County. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 25.2452, Government Code, as follows: Sec. 25.2452. WICHITA COUNTY COURT AT LAW PROVISIONS. (a) Adds language relating to the general jurisdiction provided for a county court at law by the Texas Probate Code. Makes conforming changes. (b) Requires all misdemeanor cases, probate and mental health matters, and appeals from municipal courts of record to be filed in the county court at law. Authorizes a county court at law to transfer a case or an appeal described by this subsection to the county court with the consent of the county judge. Deletes language relating to the County Court at Law No. 2 of Wichita County having probate and mental health jurisdiction provided by genera law for county courts. (c) Deletes language relating to the County Court at Law No. 1 of Wichita County having concurrent jurisdiction with the county court in probate and mental health proceedings under certain conditions. (d) Provides that a county court at law does not have jurisdiction in certain cases. (e) Sets forth provisions relating to a county court at law transferring a civil case to the district court in Wichita County. (f) No changes. (g) Changes reference from "does not exceed the amount that is 90 percent of" to "is $1,000 less than." Requires, rather than authorizes, the judge to be paid in installments in the same manner as other county employees, rather than equal monthly installments. (h) No changes. (i) Makes conforming changes. (j) No changes. (k) Makes conforming changes. SECTION 2. Effective date: September 1, 2001. Makes application of this Act prospective.