SRC-JEC C.S.S.B. 361 77(R)BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research CenterC.S.S.B. 361 77R11429 YDB-DBy: Lucio Health & Human Services 4/3/2001 Committee Report (Substituted) DIGEST AND PURPOSE The Interagency Council on Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (council) was created in 1987 for the purpose of developing a state plan to provide services to persons with autism or a pervasive developmental disorder. C.S.S.B. 361 updates the composition of the council and allows for expenditures for staff and reimbursement for council members. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 114.003(b)-(e) and (g), Human Resources Code, as follows: (b) Provides that the Interagency Council on Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (council) is composed of seven, rather than two, public members, the majority of whom are family members of a person with autism or a pervasive developmental disorder, and one representative from each of certain state agencies, to serve as ex officio members, including the Interagency Council on Early Childhood Intervention. Deletes language requiring the appointment of the representatives by the commissioner of the respective agency. (c) Requires the commissioner or executive head of each state agency to appoint a person as that agency's representative. Limits the capacities of an ex officio member. (d) Entitles a public member to reimbursement of the travel expenses incurred by the public member while conducting the business of the council, as provided in the General Appropriations Act. Deletes text prohibiting compensation and reimbursement of expenses. Makes a conforming change. (e) Makes conforming changes. (g) Makes a conforming change. SECTION 2. Amends Section 114.004, Human Resources Code, to authorize the council to require the employment of staff to perform clerical duties. Requires the commissioner to determine which agency must employ clerical staff for the council. Deletes language prohibiting spending funds on staff salaries. SECTION 3. Repealer: Section 114.006(c) (State Plan), Human Resources Code. SECTION 4. Requires the governor, as soon as possible after the effective date of this Act, to appoint five new members to the council as required by Section 114.003, Human Resources Code, as amended by this Act. SECTION 5. Effective date: September 1, 2001. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE CHANGES Differs from the original by prohibiting compensation for a public council member, while still allowing reimbursement of travel expenses. Differs from the original by authorizing the council to require an agency to employ clerical staff for the council, rather than authorizing the council to employ staff. Adds the provision requiring the commissioner to determine which agency is required to employ the staff.