HBA-MPM S.B. 424 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Office of House Bill AnalysisS.B. 424 By: Shapleigh Public Health 4/17/2001 Engrossed BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Currently, the Texas Statewide Health Coordinating Council prepares and reviews a proposed state health plan every six years and updates the plan biennially. The health plan may not reflect the effects of growth in trade, transportation, the economy, and population in Texas resulting from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). The impact of these changes may overwhelm the existing public health and medical infrastructure, not only in communities along the Texas-Mexico border, but throughout the state. To keep up with emerging needs, a strategic health plan to address these issues must be in place. Senate Bill 424 requires the Texas Department of Health to develop a state strategic plan to address concerns relating to the effects of NAFTA on Texas. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY It is the opinion of the Office of House Bill Analysis that this bill does not expressly delegate any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, department, agency, or institution. ANALYSIS Senate Bill 424 requires the Texas Department of Health (TDH), with assistance from the Health and Human Services Commission and The University of Texas School of Public Health at Houston, to study the health of Texas residents and develop a strategic health plan for Texas. The bill provides that in developing the plan, TDH must examine the impact of increased contact and commerce between Texas and Mexico on the health of Texas residents, health care access and delivery, and the organizational infrastructure of the health care system. The bill provides that the plan must outline the steps the state should take to address health needs of Texas residents. The bill requires TDH, no later than December 15, 2002, to develop the plan and file a written report of the plan with the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives. The Act expires February 1, 2003. EFFECTIVE DATE On passage, or if the Act does not receive the necessary vote, the Act takes effect September 1, 2001.