SRC-MWN, TBR S.B. 424 77(R)BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research CenterS.B. 424 By: Shapleigh Business & Commerce 6/27/2001 Enrolled DIGEST AND PURPOSE The Texas Coordinating Council prepares and reviews a proposed state health plan every six years and updates the plan biennially. This plan focuses on the status of the health care workforce and does not address other significant public health issues resulting from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). S.B. 424 directs the Texas Department of Health and other health related agencies and institutions to develop a state strategic health plan and to recommend action that is necessary to address the public health concerns resulting from increased trade due to NAFTA. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. (a) Requires the Texas Department of Health (department), with assistance from the Health and Human Services Commission (commission), the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC), and the University of Texas School of Public Health at Houston, to study the health of the residents of this state and develop a strategic health plan for this state. (b) Requires the department, in developing the strategic health plan, to examine certain criteria. (c) Requires the strategic health plan to outline the steps the state should take to address the health needs of the residents of this state. (d) Requires the department, not later than December 15, 2002, to develop the strategic health plan required by this Act and file a written report of the plan with the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of representatives. Authorizes the department to combine the plan or the report required by this Act with any other plan or report the department is required to develop or file under other law. SECTION 2. Provides that this Act expires February 1, 2003. SECTION 3. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2001.