Senate Research CenterC.S.S.B. 429
77R2062 JMM-DBy: Lucio
Business & Commerce
Committee Report (Substituted)


Currently, only three of the five Texas Workforce and Economic
Competitiveness (TCWEC) council agencies are funding TCWEC activities,
although state law requires that all five proportionally fund them.
C.S.S.B. 429 authorizes the establishment of a proportional funding formula
to enable equitable funding by the five council agencies; establishes two
performance measures as part of the state's performance-based budgeting and
accountability system for agencies with work force programs; and provides
for the dissemination of workforce development system information over the


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a
state officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 2308.065(b), Government Code, to require the
Council on Workforce and Economic Competitiveness (council), with the
governor's approval, to establish a funding formula to determine the level
of support each agency must provide in participating in the workforce
development system. 

SECTION 2.  Amends Section 2308.101, Government Code, as follows:

(b)  Requires the council to provide the information required to be
reported under Subsections (a)(13) and (14) and Section 2308.104(a) to the
Texas Workforce Commission (commission). Requires the commission to include
information provided under this subsection that relates to the
administration and operation of the state's workforce development system
with other information the commission provides to the public on the
Internet.  Deletes language regarding the Job Training Partnership Act (29
U.S.C. Section 1501 et seq.). 

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 2308.104, Government Code, as follows:

Sec. 2308.104.  STRATEGIC PLAN.  Requires the council to develop and
recommend to the governor and report to the legislature a single strategic
plan that establishes the framework for the budgeting and operation of the
workforce development system, including school to careers and welfare to
work components, administered by agencies represented on the council.
Requires the council to annually report to the governor and the legislature
on the implementation of the strategic plan. 

(b)  Requires the council to engage in strategic planning by developing two
types of performance measures as described by Subsections (c) and (d).
Requires that to the fullest extent possible, all measures be selected from
those already developed and approved before September 1, 2001, by one or
more state agencies that administer workforce programs.  Authorizes the
council to develop a new measure only if the council identifies a gap in
accountability or determines that at least one state agency  administering
a workforce program cannot report under the measures developed and approved
before September 1, 2001. 

(c)  Provides that the first performance measures identifying outcomes that
are essentially consistent across all workforce programs.  Authorizes that
job placement rates, job retention rates, and wage rates to be included
among those measures. Authorizes the council to develop or select each
formal measure in consultation with the state agencies required to report
under this subsection.  Provides that once approved by the governor and the
LBB, a formal measure becomes part of the state's performance budget and
accounting system and applies to each state agency that administers a
workforce program. 

(d)  Provides that the second type of performance measure consists of less
formal measures, to provide information determined by the council to be
essential in development of the strategic plan under this section.
Authorizes employer participation rates, customer satisfaction levels, and
educational attainment to be included among those measures.  Requires the
council to develop or select each less formal measure with the approval of
the governor and in consultation with the state agencies required to report
under this subsection.  Requires the LBB to provide technical assistance to
the council to ensure that the measures and associated reporting criteria
are consistent with the state's performance budget and accounting system.
Authorizes the council to exempt a state agency that administers a
workforce program from any requirement to use a less formal measure. 

  (e)  Makes a conforming change.

(f)  Requires the council to include in the council's strategic plans,
rather than plan, goals, objectives, and performance measures for the
workforce system that involve programs of all state agencies that
administer workforce programs.  Deletes language regarding the council. 

  (g)  Makes conforming changes.

SECTION 4.  Amends Section 2308.151, Government Code, by adding Subsection
(c), as follows: 

(c)  Requires the council, with the approval of the governor, to establish
a funding formula to determine the level of support each agency
administering a workforce program must provide to operate the automated
follow-up and evaluation system required by this section. 

SECTION 5.  Effective date:September 1, 2001.
Requires the council and the LBB to complete the development, review, and
approval, as appropriate, of the performance measures required by Section
2308.104, Government Code, as amended by this Act, on or before September
1, 2002. 


SECTION 3.  Amends As Filed S.B. 429, by adding language regarding use of
already existing measures and the development of new measures.  Amends As
Filed S.B. 429, by adding language listing both formal measures and less
formal measures.