Senate Research Center   S.B. 681
77R4032 DWS-DBy: Shapleigh
Business & Commerce
As Filed


In 1999, approximately 4.4 million truck crossings occurred though nine
ports-of-entry from Mexico into Texas, a 250 percent increase since the
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was ratified.  Currently,
inspection and customs procedures at ports-of-entry are outdated and cannot
keep up with the increase in border traffic resulting from NAFTA, leading
to congestion in border cities and restricted movement of goods and people
across the border.  As introduced, S.B. 681 directs the Texas Department of
Transportation (TxDOT) to study and identify activities in the pre-border
crossing and primary inspection phases that could be automated via the
development of Intelligent Transportation Systems for Commercial Vehicle
Operations (ITS/CVO) at ports-of-entry along the Texas-Mexico border,
including a cost-benefit analysis of the use of ITS/CVO technology.
Dependent upon the study's findings, TxDOT is required to implement the
ITS/CVO technology at certain locations in Texas, and coordinate with
transportation officials of other jurisdictions to develop interoperability
standards for the systems. 


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a
state officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Chapter 201H, Transportation Code, by adding Section
201.614, as follows: 

Sec. 201.614.  INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS.  Requires the Texas
Department of Transportation (department) to study the feasibility of use
of Intelligent Transportation Systems for Commercial Vehicle Operations
(ITS/CVO) at international bridges, other appropriate locations at ports of
entry from Mexico, and vehicle weight facilities operated by the state.
Sets forth certain areas and analyses that the study must include. Requires
the department, in conducting the study, to consult with customs brokers,
freight forwarders, and domestic and Mexican motor carriers.  Requires the
department, to the extent the department considers appropriate based on the
results of the study, to implement the use of ITS/CVO.  Requires the
department to coordinate with transportation officials of other
jurisdictions to develop interoperability standards for the systems. 

SECTION 2.  Effective date: September 1, 2001.