Senate Research CenterS.B. 789
By: Moncrief
Health & Human Services


Texas faces unique challenges with its health care system. The state has
experienced a larger population increase than any other state in the nation
in the past decade, especially in its Hispanic and aging babyboomer
populations. Rural Texas has difficulty recruiting doctors, and several
counties in Texas do not even have a physician. Telemedicine has the
potential to bring health services to rural and underserved communities.
S.B. 789 sets forth provisions regarding the reimbursement and the
regulation of telemedicine medical services in Texas.  


Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Health and Human Services
Commission in SECTION 1 (Section 531.0216, Government Code) and SECTION 17
(Section 32.053, Human Resources Code) of this bill. 

Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Health and Human Services
Commission in conjunction with the Telecommunications Infrastructure Board
in SECTION 2 (Section 531.02161, Government Code) and SECTION 15 (Section
57.0475, Utilities Code) of this bill. 

Rulemaking authority previously granted to the Texas State Board of Medical
Examiners is modified in SECTION 9 (Section 6(b), Article 21.53F, Insurance
Code, as added by Section 1, Chapter 880, Acts of the 75th Legislature,
Regular Session, 1997) of this bill. 

Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the Texas Board of Mental
Health and Mental Retardation in SECTION 18 (Section 533.102, Health and
Safety Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Section 531.0216, Government Code, as follows: 

from "telemedicine" to "telemedicine medical services."   

(b) Requires the Health and Human Services Commission (commission), by
rule, in developing the reimbursement system, to perform certain functions. 

(c)  Adds a reference to physicians relating to the commission encouraging
certain groups to participate as telemedicine medical service providers and
makes conforming changes. 

(d)  Authorizes the commission to adopt rules as necessary to implement
this section, subject to Section 153.004 (Rules Regarding Telemedicine
Services), Occupations Code, rather than being subject to Section 5.11,
Medical Practices Act (Article 4495b, V.T.C.S.). 
 (e) Prohibits the commission from reimbursing a health care facility for
telemedicine medical services provided to a Medicaid recipient unless the
facility complies with the minimum standards adopted under Section

(f) Requires the commission, not later than December 1 of each
even-numbered year, to report to the speaker of the house of
representatives and the lieutenant governor on the effects of telemedicine
medical services on the Medicaid program in the state, including the number
of physicians and health professionals using telemedicine medical services,
the geographic and demographic disposition of the physicians and health
professionals, the number of patients receiving telemedicine medical
services, the types of services being provided, and the cost and
utilization of telemedicine medical services on the program. 

  (g) Defines "telehealth service" and makes a conforming change.  

SECTION 2.  Amends Chapter 531B, Government Code, by adding Section
531.02161, as follows: 

"telemedicine medical service."   

(b) Requires the commission and the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund
Board (TIFB) by joint rule to establish and adopt minimum standards for an
operating system used in the provisions of telemedicine medical services by
a health care facility participating in the state Medicaid program,
including certain standards. 

(c) Requires the commission and TIFB, in developing standards under this
section, to address certain issues. 

SECTION 3.  Amends Section 531.0217, Government Code, to redefine "health
professional," "physician," "telehealth service," and "telemedicine medical

  (b) Makes conforming changes.

  (c) Makes conforming changes.

 (d) Makes conforming changes.

  (e) Makes conforming changes.

(f) Requires the commission to require facilities and providers of
telemedicine medical services to make a good faith effort to identify and
coordinate with existing providers to preserve and protect existing health
care systems and medical relationships in an area. Makes a conforming

(g) Requires the commission to require that a primary health care physician
be notified of a telemedicine medical service for the purpose of sharing
medical information, if a patient receiving such a service has primary care
physician or provider and consents to the notification. 

(h) Requires the commission, in consultation with the Texas State Board of
Medical Examiners (board), to monitor and regulate the use of telemedicine
medical services to ensure compliance with this section.  Authorizes the
commission to use a corrective action plan to ensure compliance with this
section in addition to any other method of enforcement. 

 (i) Adds language regarding certain rules that the board and commission
are authorized to adopt to include establishing supervisory requirements
for a service delegated to and performed by an individual who is not a
physician and defining those situations when a face-to-face consultation
with a physician is required after a telemedicine medical service.  Makes
conforming changes. 

(j) Requires the commissioner to establish an advisory committee for
certain purposes. 

(k) Provides that this section does not affect any requirement relating to:
a federally qualified health center; a rural health clinic,or a physician
delegation of the authority to carry out or sign prescription drug orders
to an advanced practice nurse or physician assistant. 

SECTION 4.  Amends Chapter 62D, Health and Safety Code, by adding Section
62.157, as follows: 

Sec.  62.157. TELEMEDICINE MEDICAL SERVICES.  Requires a health plan
provider, in providing covered benefits to a child, to permit benefits to
be provided through telemedicine medical services in accordance with
policies developed by the commission.  Sets forth requirements regarding
such policies.  Requires the commission, in developing the required
policies, to consult with the telemedicine advisory committee.  Defines
"telemedicine medical service." 

SECTION 5. Amends Section 1, Article 21.53F, Insurance Code, as added by
Section 1, Chapter 880, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session,
1997, to define "health professional," "physician," "telehealth service,"
and "telemedicine medical service."  Deletes definition of "telemedicine." 

SECTION 6.  Amends Section 3, Article 21.53F, Insurance Code, as added by
Section 1, Chapter 880, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session,
1997, as follows: 

TELEHEALTH SERVICES.  Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 7.  Amends Section 4, Article 21.53F, Insurance Code, as added by
Section 1, Chapter 880, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session,
1997, to make conforming changes. 

SECTION 8.  Amends Section 5, Article 21.53F, Insurance Code, as added by
Section 1, Chapter 880, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session,
1997, to require that the confidentiality of a patient's medical
information is maintained as required by Chapter 159 (Physician-Patient
Communication), Occupations Code, instead of Section 5.08, Medical Practice
Act (Article 4495b, V.T.C.S.).  Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 9.  Amends Section 6(b), Article 21.53F, Insurance Code, as added
by Section 1, Chapter 880, Acts of the 75th Legislature, Regular Session,
1997, to authorize the Texas State Board of Medical Examiners, in
consultation with the commissioner, to adopt certain rules. 

SECTION 10.  Amends Section 153.004, Occupations Code, as follows:

Makes conforming changes. 

SECTION 11.  Amends Section 57.042, Utilities Code, by amending Subdivision
(11) and adding Subdivision (12) to define "telehealth service,"
"telemedicine medical service" and to delete the definition of

SECTION 12.  Amends Section 57.045, Utilities Code, to require the
telecommunications  infrastructure fund board (board) to establish an
assistance program to provide education concerning the telecommunications
infrastructure fund and to facilitate access to funds and programs under
this subchapter by health care facilities and by physicians licensed to
practice medicine in this state. Requires the assistance program to include
a toll-free telephone number and provide access to information through the

SECTION 13. Amends Section 57.046(b), Utilities Code, to require the board
to use money in the qualifying entities account for any purposes authorized
by this subchapter, including funding an automated system to integrate
client services and eligibility requirements for health and human services
across agencies. 

SECTION 14.  Amends Sections 57.047(a) and (b), Utilities Code, to make
conforming changes. 

SECTION 15.  Amends Chapter 57C, Utilities Code, by adding Section 57.0475,
as follows: 

Authorizes the board to award a grant under Section 57.047(a)(1)(C) only to
certain health care facilities.   
(b)  Requires the board and the Health and Human Services Commission
(commission) to jointly adopt rules prescribing the criteria a health care
facility not described by Subsection (a)(1) must meet to be eligible to
receive a grant under Section 57.047(a)(1)(C).  Requires the board and the
commission, in determining the criteria, to prioritize health care
facilities based on certain factors. 
  (c) Sets forth requirements regarding the criteria adopted under
Subsection (b).  

SECTION 16.  Amends Section 58.253(a), Utilities Code, to require an
electing company, on customer request, to provide private network services
to a project that would have been eligible to be funded by the
telecommunications infrastructure fund under Chapter 57C, as that
subchapter existed on January 1, 2001 

SECTION 17.  Amends Chapter 32B, Human Resources Code, by adding Section
32.053, as follows: 

Sec. 32.053.  HOME TELEMEDICINE PILOT PROGRAM.  (a)  Requires the Health
and Human Services Commission to establish a pilot program under which
certain recipients of medical assistance receive, in addition to other home
health care services for which the recipients are eligible, home health
care services through home telemonitoring systems located in the
recipients' homes. 

(b)  Requires the Health and Human Services Commission to implement the
program in certain areas.  
(c)  Authorizes the Health and Human Services Commission to reimburse a
home and community support services agency participating in the program for
services provided by the agency through home telemonitoring systems in an
amount not to exceed $300 a month for each home at which services are

(d)  Requires the Health and Human Services Commission to adopt eligibility
criteria for the program.  Sets forth requirements for the criteria. 

(e)  Requires the Health and Human Services Commission to determine home
health care services to be provided to program participants through a home
telemonitoring system.  Authorizes home health care services provided
through the system to include  certain services. 
(f)  Requires the Health and Human Services Commission, in designing and
implementing the program, to make certain assurances. 
(g)  Requires the Health and Human Services Commission to adopt all rules
necessary for implementation of the program. 

(h)  Requires the Health and Human Services Commission, not later than
December 1, 2004, to submit a report to the legislature regarding the
program that includes certain items. 
  (i)  Provides that this section expires September 1, 2005.
SECTION 18.  Amends Chapter 533, Health and Safety Code, by adding
Subchapter E, as follows: 


Sec. 533.101.  JAIL DIVERSION PILOT PROGRAM.  (a)  Requires the Texas Board
of Mental Health and Mental Retardation (board) and the Texas Department of
Mental Health and Mental Retardation (department) to develop and implement
a pilot program in one rural area and one urban area designed to
incorporate audiovisual telecommunications systems for certain purposes. 
(b)  Requires the commission, in designing the program, to employ to the
greatest extent practicable certain available electronic information
systems for the program. 
(c)  Requires the department and participating local mental health
authorities, prosecutorial agencies, law enforcement agencies, jail
facilities, courts, county or municipal governments, and providers of
psychiatric services to enter into an agreement regarding the procedures to
follow in implementing the program and the duties of each participating
entity.  Requires the participating county to be responsible for
establishing the diversion team as prescribed by the department. 

(d)  Provides that, if appropriate treatment services are not available, a
person with mental illness does not have to be diverted from the criminal
justice system. 

Sec. 533.102.  PREBOOKING DIVERSION.  (a)  Requires the pilot program to
incorporate a system for diverting a person with mental illness from the
criminal justice system before the person's contact with a law enforcement
officer results in:  charges being brought against the person; or  the
person being detained in a jail. 

(b)  Requires the prebooking diversion system to provide for a law
enforcement officer or booking center staff member to request a mental
health or crisis stabilization evaluation of a person by a local mental
health authority crisis counselor or the equivalent through an audiovisual
teleconference.  Requires the  board by rule to establish procedures for
evaluations performed under the system. 
Sec. 533.103.  POSTBOOKING DIVERSION BY COURT.  Requires the pilot program
to incorporate a system for diverting a person with mental illness from the
criminal justice system by a court at the person's arraignment or a court
hearing.  Authorizes a court participating in the pilot program to order:
the assessment of a person before the court by the local mental health
authority to assess appropriate community mental health treatment options
as alternatives to prosecution; and a person before the court to undertake
appropriate psychiatric treatment as a condition of the dismissal of
criminal charges, deferral of prosecution, bail, or probation. 
Sec. 533.104.  POSTBOOKING DIVERSION FOR PERSON IN JAIL.  (a)  Requires the
pilot program to incorporate a system to provide routine mental health
treatment to a person in jail by the local mental health authority through
an audiovisual teleconferencing system. 

(b)  Requires the program to include a jail diversion liaison employed by
the local mental health authority who shall: determine whether certain
jailed individuals are eligible for diversion treatment programs; and
facilitate the interaction of jail staff and court officials to further the

(c)  Requires the local mental health authority to employ a jail diversion
team to select candidates for diversion into mental health treatment based
on certain criteria. 
Requires the pilot program, to support the postbooking jail diversion
program, to provide for implementation of an information system designed to
quickly identify a person with a serious mental illness who has entered the
local jail system. 

(b)  Requires the pilot program to provide for electronic transmission of
information concerning all admissions to jails participating in the program
to an information system at the local mental health authority. 

(c)  Requires the local mental health authority to ensure that the
authority's information system automatically performs certain functions. 
Sec. 533.106.  REPORTS TO LEGISLATURE.  Requires the board to evaluate the
pilot program under this subchapter and publish a report on the performance
of the program in providing needed treatment and in saving or increasing
costs to the jail and mental health systems.  Requires the board to deliver
the report to the governor, lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house
of representatives not later than November 1 of each even-numbered year. 
 Sec. 533.107.  EXPIRATION.  Provides that this subchapter expires
September 1, 2005. 

SECTION 19.  (a)  Authorizes a licensed dentist, for purposes of this
section, to delegate orally, in writing, or through advanced audio and
video telecommunications services a service, task, or procedure to a dental
hygienist who is under the supervision and responsibility of the dentist,
under certain conditions.  
 (b)  Defines "dental professional," "student," "teledentistry dental
(c)  Requires the Commissioner of Human Services to appoint a program
administrator to administer a pilot program that uses teledentistry and
other methods of delivering dental services to provide dental services to
students in one public school district in the state. 
(d)  Requires the program administrator to establish an advisory committee
to assist the program administrator in developing and implementing the
pilot program. 
(e)  Requires the program administrator, in developing the pilot program,
to design the program in a certain manner.   

(f)  Requires the program administrator to adopt procedures as necessary
for certain purposes. 
(g)  Authorizes only a teledentistry dental service initiated or provided
by a licensed dentist in this state to be reimbursed under the Medicaid
program.  Requires Medicaid reimbursement for  a teledentistry dental
service to be at the same rate as the Medicaid program reimburses for a
comparable in-person dental service.  Prohibits a request for reimbursement
from being denied solely because an in-person consultation between a
dentist or other dental professional and a patient did not occur.  Requires
reimbursement for a dental hygienist for service to be made through the
supervising dentist. 
(h)  Requires a dental hygienist to act under the remote supervision of a
local dentist.  Requires both the dentist and the hygienist to be located
within the boundaries of the school district served by the pilot program. 

(i)  Requires images and assessment information to be sent by the dental
hygienist to a supervising dentist either live or by means of store and
forward technology.  Authorizes a dentist, after having reviewed the
required information, to authorize the provision of preventive services by
the dental hygienist located at the school. 

(j)  Authorizes a dental hygienist participating in the pilot program to
initiate screening and assessment services and, under the supervision of a
dentist, to perform any procedure the hygienist is authorized to perform
under law. 

(k)  Prohibits a teledentistry dental service from being provided if an
in-person consultation with a dentist is reasonably available to a student.
Requires dentists and other dental professionals participating in the pilot
program to make a good faith effort to identify and coordinate with
existing providers to preserve and protect existing dental care systems and
dental relationships. 

(l)  Requires the program administrator to establish a control group not to
exceed 1,000 students to provide a benchmark for measuring the performance
of the pilot program.  Requires each student in the control group to be
examined by a dentist, in person, at the end of the program to evaluate the
effectiveness of teledentistry dental services provided during the program.
Requires the examining dentist to practice in a dental office located
outside the boundaries of the school district served by the pilot program. 

(m)  Requires the program administrator to use the results of the pilot
program to for certain purposes.   
(n)  Requires a dental professional who provides teledentistry dental
services to ensure that the informed consent of the student or a person
authorized to provide consent for the student is obtained before
teledentistry dental services are provided. 

(o)  Requires students participating in the pilot program to be referred to
local dentists for restorative care and monitored to ensure that
restorative services are provided. 
(p)  Requires the program administrator, not later than December 31, 2002,
to submit a report to the legislature containing certain information. 
(q)  Provides that this section expires and the advisory committee is
abolished December 31, 2002. 
SECTION 20.  Requires the Health and Human Services Commission and the
Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund Board, not later than October 1,
2001, to adopt minimum standards for an operating system used by a health
care facility in providing telemedicine medical services to a Medicaid
recipient as required by Section 531.02161, Government Code, as added by
this Act. 
SECTION 21.  Requires the Health and Human Services Commission, not later
than January 1, 2002, to adopt rules required by Section 531.0217,
Government Code, as amended by this Act. 
 SECTION 22.  (a)  Requires the Commissioner of Human Services to appoint a
program administrator for the teledentistry pilot program, as added by
Section 19 of this Act, not later than the 30th day after the effective
date of this Act. 
(b)  Requires the program administrator to appoint an advisory committee
and to begin implementing the teledentistry pilot program not later than
the 30th day after the date the program administrator is appointed. 
SECTION 23.  Provides that Section 57.046(b)(8), Utilities Code, as added
by this Act, expires September 1, 2003. 
SECTION 24.  Requires, if before implementing any provision of this Act a
state agency determines that a waiver or authorization from a federal
agency is necessary for implementation of that provision, the agency
affected by the provision to request the waiver or authorization and may
delay implementing that provision until the waiver or authorization is
SECTION 25.  Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2001.