Senate Research CenterC.S.S.B. 1090
77R10940 JRD-DBy: Ellis, Rodney
Committee Report (Substituted)


Currently, under the Texas Constitution, no bill shall contain more than
one subject. The one exception to this rule is the General Appropriations
Act, which must contain more than one subject because it aggregates all the
subjects on which the state spends money, with the limitation that the
general appropriations bill must be strictly limited to the subjects and
accounts of money.  C.S.S.B. 1090 codifies certain state agency practices
and duties currently prescribed by the General Appropriations Act as
general law to ensure their constitutional validity.  


Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the State Board of Education
in SECTION 3.02 (Section 30.003(g), Education Code), to the supreme court
and the court of criminal appeals in SECTION 4.03 (Section 22.303,
Government Code), to the Department of Agriculture in SECTION 6.01 (Section
12.0144, Agriculture Code) of this bill. 


SECTION 1.01.  Amends Section 815.206, Government Code, to codify Rider 2
following the appropriation to the Employees Retirement System of Texas in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Subsection (f), as follows: 

(f) Requires the board of trustees of the Employees Retirement System of
Texas, in addition to the other requirements of this section, to contract
with an actuary to perform a limited actuarial evaluation of the assets and
liabilities of the retirement system not later than February 28 of each
odd-numbered year to determine certain effects of investment, salary, and
payroll experience. 

SECTION 1.02. Amends Chapter 2205B, Government Code, to codify Rider 7
following the appropriations to the General Services Commission in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 2205.0345, as follows: 

Requires the General Services Commission to maintain real property,
including facilities, owned by this state and used by the State Aircraft
Pooling Board.   

SECTION 1.03. Amends Chapter 2165B, Government Code, to codify Rider 11
following the appropriation to the General Services Commission in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 2165.057, as follows: 

Sec. 2165.057.  NOTICE TO LEGISLATOR.  Requires the General Services
Commission (commission), before relocating a state office, executing a
lease contract for a state office, or changing a policy that affects office
location in a state legislative district, to notify each member of the
legislature who represents the district. 

 SECTION 1.04.  Amends Chapter 481L, Government Code, to codify Riders 7,
6, 8, 29, and 9 following, respectively, the appropriations to the Parks
and Wildlife Department, the Texas Commission on the Arts, the Texas
Department of Economic Development, the Texas Department of Transportation,
and the Texas Historical Commission in the General Appropriations Act for
the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
481.175, as follows:   

UNDERSTANDING.  Requires the Texas Department of Economic Development, the
Parks and Wildlife Department, the Texas Commission on the Arts, the Texas
Department of Transportation, and the Texas Historical Commission to
coordinate with each other on all matters, including spending, relating to
the promotion of tourism and travel.  Requires these agencies to enter into
a memorandum of understanding that meets certain requirements. 

SECTION 1.05. Amends Section 442.005, Government Code, to codify Rider 11
following the appropriation to the Texas Historical Commission in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Subsection (v), as follows: 

(v) Requires the Texas Historical Commission (THC) to cooperate with the
General Services Commission for any bidding or contracting related to the
construction of capital improvements on buildings owned or maintained by

SECTION 1.06. Amends Chapter 443, Government Code, to codify Rider 2
following the appropriation to the State Preservation Board in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by
adding Section 443.0153, as follows: 

443.0153.  PAVED SURFACES ON CAPITOL GROUNDS.  Requires the Texas
Department of Transportation to maintain paved surfaces on the Capitol
grounds according to the long-range master plan approved under Section


SECTION 2.01. Amends Section 461.0124(d), Health and Safety Code, to codify
Rider 5 following the appropriation to the Texas Commission on Alcohol an
Drug Abuse in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
ending August 31, 2001, to require the plan to provide a priority for
obtaining treatment services for certain individuals in need of treatment. 

SECTION 2.02. Amends Chapter 461, Health and Safety Code, to codify Rider 7
following the appropriation to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug
Abuse in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 461.01245, as follows: 

Sec.  461.01245.  COORDINATION OF SUPPORT SERVICES.  Requires the treatment
plan for each client of the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
(commission) to contain complete and appropriate medical, educational, and
vocational objectives to meet the client's needs.  Requires the commission
to perform certain functions. 

SECTION 2.03. Amends Chapter 461, Health and Safety Code, to codify Rider
10 following the appropriation to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug
Abuse in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 461.01255, as follows: 

Sec.  461.01255.  HIV SERVICES CONTRACTING.  Defines "HIV."  Requires the
contracting for HIV services by the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug
Abuse to be as comprehensive as the contracting for those services by the
Texas Department of Health and to include certain specific elements. 

 SECTION 2.04.  Amends Chapter 74, Human Resources Code, to codify Rider 5
following the appropriation to the Children's Trust Fund of Texas Council
in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending
August 31, 2001, by adding Section 74.0034, as follows: 

Sec.  74.0034.  CONTRACTS.  (a) Requires the Children's Trust Fund of Texas
Council (council) to notify the governor's office of a proposed contract to
which the council is a party at least 30 days before the proposed effective
date of the contract.   

(b) Authorizes the governor's office to disapprove of the proposed contract
by informing the council of the disapproval by a certain date. 

(c) Prohibits the council from spending money appropriated to the council
on a contract disapproved by the governor's office. 

(d) Authorizes the council to proceed with a proposed contract under
certain conditions. 
(e) Prohibits the council from contracting with certain persons or for
certain purposes. 

SECTION 2.05.  Amends Chapter 32B, Human Resources Code, to codify Rider 28
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Health in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 32.0284, as follows: 

Provides that this section applies to payments made from funds appropriated
for acute care services to certain rural hospitals.  Requires the Health
and Human Services Commission or an agency operating part of the medical
assistance program (department) to compute the reimbursement rate for a
payment described by this Section according to a certain process. Prohibits
the department, if using the Tax equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of
1982 (TEFRA) method to compute, from imposing the TEFRA cap.  Requires the
participating managed care organization to reimburse the hospital under a
full-risk managed care pilot project. 

SECTION 2.06. Amends Chapter 32B, Human Resources Code, to codify Rider 29
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Health in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 32.0283, as follows: 

Provides that this section applies to certain physicians.  Requires the
Health and Human Services Commission or an agency operating part of the
medical assistance program (department), except as provided by this
section, to reimburse a physician described by this section at the rate
specified by the medical assistance fee schedule.  Requires the department
to reimburse certain physicians at a certain rate.  Requires the department
to pay certain physicians a monthly case management fee. 

SECTION 2.07. Amends Section 32.021, Human Resources Code, to codify Rider
7e following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Human Services in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Subsection (p) to require the Health and Human Services
Commission or an agency operating part of the medical assistance program,
as appropriate, to encourage competition among nursing facilities with
which the department contracts. 

SECTION 2.08.  Amends Chapter 533D, Health and Safety Code, to codify Rider
24 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Mental Health and
Mental Retardation (MHMR) in the General Appropriations Act for the state
fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section  533.0845, as

MHMR, to conserve appropriated money, to transfer surplus personal property
from one facility to another and to a community mental health and mental
retardation center with or without reimbursement.  Authorizes MHMR to sell
or transfer surplus personal property belonging to an MHMR facility.
Provides that the procedure provided by Chapter 2175,  (Surplus and Salvage
Property), Government Code.  Authorizes MHMR, notwithstanding Chapter 771
(Interagency Cooperation Act), Government Code, to make a sale or transfer
under this section without a contract. 

SECTION 2.09. Amends Chapter 591B, Health and Safety Code, to codify Rider
32 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Mental Health and
Mental Retardation (MHMR)  in the General Appropriations Act for the state
fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 591.014, as

SERVICES.  Requires MHMR, to ensure that individuals seeking residential
services for a person with mental retardation have a choice among available
providers, to inform individuals seeking those residential services of all
the available services options, including large and small congregate living
arrangements and Medicaid services available under a federal waiver. 


SECTION 3.01.  Amends Section 8.102, Education Code, to codify Rider 4
following the appropriation to the Texas Education Agency in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, to
require the commissioner of education to report information obtained under
this section to the State Board of Education for transmittal to the
Legislative Budget Board and the Governor's Office of Budget and Planning,
accompanied by any recommendations relating to the performance of regional
education service centers. 

SECTION 3.02.  Amends Section 30.003, Education Code, to codify Rider 27
following the appropriation to the Texas Education Agency in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by
amending Subsections (d) and (g), as follows: 

(d) Requires certain school districts to remit the payment to the
commissioner of education by a certain date. 

(g) Requires the State Board of Education to adopt rules for certain
purposes and to adopt other rules as necessary to implement this section. 

SECTION 3.03.  Amends Section 39.073, Education Code, to codify Rider 28
following the appropriation to the Texas Education Agency (agency) in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Subsection (f) as follows: 

(f) Requires the agency, when the agency notifies a school district that
the district's accreditation status has been changed, to also notify each
state senator and state representative who represents a legislative
district that includes territory that is within the school district. 

SECTION 3.04.  Amends Chapter 29E, Education Code, to codify Rider 48
following the appropriation to the Texas Education Agency (agency) in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 29.158, as follows: 
CARE.  Requires the agency to participate to the extent practical in
interagency initiatives relating to coordination and funding of early
childhood education and care, including initiatives relating to the federal
Head Start program. 

SECTION 3.05.  Amends Chapter 29C, Education Code, to codify Rider 49
following the appropriation to the Texas Education Agency (agency) in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 29.087, as follows: 

agency to encourage parents of students at risk of dropping out of school
as defined by Section 29.081 to participate in certain parenting programs.
Requires the agency to use money appropriated for providing academic
counseling and support service programs to accomplish the purposes of this

SECTION 3.06.  Amends Section 31.104, Education Code, to codify Rider 54
following the appropriation to the Texas Education Agency (agency) in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Subsection (e), as follows: 

(e) Requires the agency to assist each school district to ensure that the
appropriate textbook is available for each student enrolled in
kindergarten, first, second, or third grade in a foundation curriculum
course offered by the district. 

SECTION 3.07.  Amends Section 21.048, Education Code, to codify Rider 5
following the appropriation to the State Board for Educator Certification
(board) in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
ending August 31, 2001, by amending Subsection (d) and adding Subsection
(e), as follows: 

(d) Requires the board to ensure that certain examinations are offered at
certain locations. 

  (e) Redesignated from existing Subsection (d).  

SECTION 3.08.  Amends Chapter 30A, Education Code, to codify Rider 6 of the
special provisions for the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
and Texas School for the Deaf in the General Appropriations Act for the
state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 30.006, as

Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Texas School for the
Deaf performs an assessment of a student, the school impose on the school
district in which the student resides a certain fee.  Requires the school
to make a reasonable effort to collect a fee imposed under this section. 

SECTION 3.09.  Amends Section 825.206, Government Code, to codify Rider 2
following the appropriation to the Teacher Retirement System in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by
adding Subsection (g), as follows: 

(g) Requires the board of trustees appointed to administer the Teacher
Retirement System (board) to contract with an actuary to perform a limited
actuarial valuation of the assets and liabilities of the retirement system
not later than February 28 of each odd-numbered year to determine the
effect of investment, salary, and payroll experience on certain stated

 SECTION 3.10.  Amends Chapter 2205B, Government Code, to codify Rider 2
following the appropriation to The University of Texas System
Administration and Rider 4 following the appropriation to the University of
Texas Medical Branch at Galveston in the General Appropriations Act for the
state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 2205.0331,
as follows: 

Sec.  2205.0331.  UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM AIRCRAFT.  Authorizes the
University of Texas System to acquire, operate, maintain, and replace a
passenger airplane. Authorizes the system to purchase the airplane if the
system is unable to acquire the airplane by gift.  Provides that the
airplane is subject to the authority of the State Aircraft Pooling Board
(board) under this chapter if the system purchases the airplane.
Authorizes the system to use money allocated to the system from the
available university fund to pay for the cost of acquiring, operating,
maintaining, or replacing the airplane.  Authorizes the University of Texas
Medical Branch at Galveston to lease and operate a helicopter to transport
critically ill or emergency patients to the medical branch hospitals.
Prohibits the medical branch from using state funds to operate the
helicopter except under certain conditions.  Authorizes the University of
Texas System to lease additional aircraft on a short-term basis as needed.

SECTION 3.11.  Amends, to conform to the codification as Section 2205.0331,
Government Code, of Rider 2 following the appropriation to the University
of Texas System Administration and Rider 4 following the appropriation to
the University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001,
Section 2205.031(a), Government Code, as follows: 

(a) Provides that this chapter applies to all aircraft owned or leased by
the state, except as provided by Sections 2205.033 and 2205.0331.  

SECTION 3.12.  Amends Section 87.004, Education Code, to codify Rider 2
following the appropriation to Tarleton State University in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by
adding Subsections (g) and (h), as follows: 
(g) Requires the Texas Institute for Applied Environmental Research
(institute) to monitor the water quality in the Bosque River and report the
data collected to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission
(commission) biannually by a certain date. Requires the institute to
coordinate the collection and reporting of data to conform with protocols
of the commission.   

(h) Requires the institute, the commission, and other appropriate entities
to cooperate with each other and avoid duplication of efforts in water
quality monitoring the statute conducts. 

SECTION 3.13.  Amends Chapter 74A, Education Code, to codify certain
provisions of Rider 3 following the appropriation to the University of
Texas Medical Branch at Galveston in the General Appropriations Act for the
state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 74.009, as

Sec.  74.009.  PATIENT CHARGES; GIFTS AND GRANTS.  Authorizes the board of
regents of The University of Texas System (board of regents) to set
reasonable rates to be charged and collected by hospitals of the University
of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (medical branch) and to accept gifts
and donations for the support and maintenance of those hospitals.
Prohibits the board of regents from using more than $5 million of local
revenue each year to match any gift made to endowments of the medical
branch, under certain conditions. Prohibits a project initiated under this
section from being structured so that it will require future appropriation
of general revenue.  Provides that this section does not authorize the
board of regents, without prior specific approval of the legislature, to
accept real property that would require a legislative appropriation for the
maintenance, repair, or construction of buildings. 
SECTION 3.14.  Amends Chapter 74K, Education Code, to codify Rider 2
following the appropriation to The University of Texas Health Science
Center at Tyler in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 74.604, as follows: 

Sec.  74.604.  PATIENT CHARGES; GIFTS AND GRANTS.  Requires the board of
regents of The University of Texas System (board) to set reasonable rates
to be charged and collected from paying patients at the University of Texas
Health Center at Tyler, and authorizes the board to enter into contracts
for the hospitalization of indigent persons.  Authorizes the board to
accept gifts and donations for the support and maintenance of the health
science center.  Provides that this section does not authorize the board,
without prior specific approval of the legislature, to accept real property
that would require a legislative appropriation for the maintenance, repair,
or construction of buildings. 

SECTION 3.15.  Amends Chapter 86B, Education Code, to codify Rider 2
following the appropriation to the Texas A&M University Health Science
Center in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 86.25, as follows: 

FACILITIES.  Authorizes the Texas A&M University Health Science Center to
unite with certain clinics, hospitals and foundations as its long-term
primary partners for highquality clinical education and research for the
benefit of the people of this state.  Authorizes the Texas A&M University
Health Science Center to collaborate with certain entities. 

SECTION 3.16.  Amends Section 321.0137, Government Code, to codify Rider 4
following the appropriation to public community/junior colleges in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Subsection (c), as follows:   

(c) Requires the state auditor, in an independent audit of a junior college
district that receives an appropriation under the General Appropriations
Act, to determine whether that district has complied with the eligibility
requirements for receiving the appropriation and any limitations on the
expenditure of the appropriation prescribed by the General Appropriations


SECTION 4.01.  Amends Chapter 91, Government Code, to codify Rider 3
following the appropriation to the State Law Library in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by
adding Section 91.010, as follows: 

Sec.  91.010.  COMPUTER-BASED LEGAL RESEARCH SERVICE.  Authorizes the State
Law Library (library) to enter into interagency contracts with other state
agencies and courts to provide a computer-based legal research service.
Requires the library to charge a fee for the service in an amount equal to
the cost to the library of providing the service. 

SECTION 4.02.  Amends Chapter 22C, Government Code, to codify Rider 5, of
Article IV, Special Provisions-Judiciary, in the General Appropriations Act
for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section
22.229, as follows: 

Sec.  22.229.  TRANSFER OF CASES.  Requires the chief justice of each court
of appeals to cooperate with the chief justice of the supreme court in
transferring cases between courts of appeals in adjacent jurisdictions to
equalize the disparity in workloads of the courts of appeals.  

SECTION 4.03.  Amends Chapter 22D, Government Code, to codify Rider 6
following the appropriation to the Article IV Special Provisions-Judiciary
in the General Appropriations Act for the  state fiscal biennium ending
August 31, 2001, by adding Section 22.303, as follows: 

Sec.  22.303.  VOICE OR VIDEO RECORDING.  Requires the supreme court and
the court of criminal appeals to jointly adopt rules authorizing the use of
voice or video recording technology, including CD-ROM, to make a record of
court proceedings.  Prohibits rules adopted under this section from
authorizing the use of voice or video recording technology as a substitute
for a written transcript.   


SECTION 5.01.  Amends Chapter 431B, Government Code, to codify Rider 9
following the appropriation to the adjutant general's department in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 431.0301, as follows: 

the Texas Department of Transportation to construct, repair, and maintain
roads in Camp Mabry in Austin and roads providing access to and from Camp

SECTION 5.02.  Amends Chapter 5A, Alcoholic Beverage Code, to codify Rider
5 following the appropriation to the Alcoholic Beverage Commission in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 5.19, as follows: 

Sec.  5.19.  COMMISSION AS STATE POLICE AGENCY.  Provides that, for the
purposes of application to the federal government for a license, permit, or
other authorization, including a radio frequency, or for law enforcement
assistance grants, the Alcoholic Beverage Commission is a state police

SECTION 5.03.  Amends Chapter 5A, Alcoholic Beverage Code, to codify Rider
9 following the appropriation to the Alcoholic Beverage Commission in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 5.143, as follows: 

Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC), as part of the initial and
ongoing training of TABC's commissioned inspectors and representatives, to
emphasize the evidentiary threshold required in the prosecution of criminal
cases as it applies to minors in possession of alcoholic beverages. 

SECTION 5.04. Amends Chapter 496A, Government Code, to codify Rider 8
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 496.008, as follows: 

Sec.  496.008.  REVIEW OF CONSTRUCTION CHANGE ORDERS.  Requires the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice (department), on review of a change order,
to develop a procedure to determine the cause of the change order and
document the cause of the change order in the project file.  Requires the
department, if it determines that the change was caused by the error or
omission of a contracted party, to hold the party financially responsible. 

SECTION 5.05.   Amends Chapter 493, Government Code, to codify Rider 14
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 493.026, as follows: 

Sec.  493.026.  PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS.  Requires the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice (department) to use a payroll deduction program, in
circumstances in which a deduction is practical, to collect money owed the
department by employees for meals and other services. 
SECTION 5.06.  Amends Chapter 497E, Government Code, to codify Rider 18
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 497.098, as follows: 

Sec.  497.098.  LABOR FOR PERSONAL SERVICES PROHIBITED.  Prohibits inmate
labor from being used to provide personal services to an employee of the
Texas Department of Criminal Justice.  Provides that this section does not
apply to the use of inmate labor to maintain state property. 

SECTION 5.07.  Amends Chapter 493, Government Code, to codify Rider 22
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 493.0071, as follows: 

Sec.  493.0071.  EMPLOYEE CONFLICT OF INTEREST.  Prohibits the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice (department) from employing a person who, in
the course of the person's official duties as a department employee,
conducts business with an individual or firm in which the person has a
direct or indirect financial interest. 

SECTION 5.08.  Amends Chapter 493, Government Code, to codify Rider 23
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 493.0075, as follows:   

Sec.  493.0075.  DISCIPLINARY AND GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES.  (a) Requires the
Texas Board of Criminal Justice (board) to maintain disciplinary procedures
that allow a Texas Department of Criminal Justice (department) employee to
designate a person of the employee's choice to represent the employee in a
hearing held to consider disciplinary action against the employee. 

(b) Requires the board to maintain grievance procedures that meet certain

(c) Requires a disciplinary or grievance hearing at which a department
employee serves as an employee representative to be held at certain times,
unless a different time is otherwise agreed upon.  Requires an employee who
is the subject of a disciplinary or grievance hearing to attend the hearing
as a regular duty of employment.  Requires an employee representative who
is a department employee to obtain prior approval to use unpaid leave to
attend a hearing. 

SECTION 5.09.  Amends Chapter 60, Code of Criminal Procedure, to codify
Rider 35 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Criminal
Justice in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 60.053, as follows: 

Sec.  60.053.  MANAGEMENT OF OFFENDER INFORMATION.  Requires the Texas
Department of Criminal Justice (department) to automate, to the greatest
extent feasible, the management of information relating to offenders.
Authorizes the department, to accomplish this objective, to enter into a
contract for automation or engineering assistance on receiving approval
from the Department of Information Resources. 

SECTION 5.10. Amends Chapter 496B, Government Code, to codify Rider 39
following the appropriation  to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 496.0511, as follows: 

PROCESS.  Authorizes the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (department)
to purchase treatment services, residential services, and inmate care
through a request for proposal process.  Requires the department to perform
certain functions. 

SECTION 5.11.  Amends Chapter 51Z, Education Code, to codify Rider 49
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 51.949, as follows: 

that an inmate confined in a facility operated by or under a contract with
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice is classified as a resident of
this state for education purposes at an institution of higher education.   

SECTION 5.12.  Amends Chapter 501C, Government Code, to codify Rider 50
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 501.098, as follows: 

Provides that a postsecondary educational course is available only to
certain inmates.  Requires an inmate, if released on parole or mandatory
supervision, to reimburse as a condition of parole or mandatory supervision
the cost of a course of study undertaken by the inmate under this section.
Prohibits the Texas Department of Criminal Justice from providing in-cell
tutoring for an inmate who is confined in administrative segregation. 

SECTION 5.13. Amends Section 419.027, Government Code, to codify Rider 4
following the appropriation to the Texas Commission on Fire Protection in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, to prohibit the Texas Commission on Fire Protection, when
conducting an inspection of a fire department, from providing prior notice
of the inspection to the fire department. 

SECTION 5.14. Amends Chapter 419A, Government Code, to codify Rider 6
following the appropriation to the Texas Commission on Fire Protection in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 419.0092, as follows: 

Sec.  419.0092.  STANDARDS COMPLIANCE OFFICERS.  Requires the Texas
Commission on Fire Protection to appoint one person from the staff of each
regional ofice to serve as the standards compliance officer. 

SECTION 5.15.  Amends Chapter 141C, Human Resources Code, to codify Rider
16 following the appropriation to the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission
in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending
August 31, 2001, by adding Section 141.04315, as follows: 

GUIDELINES.  Requires the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission to provide
training to maximize the appropriate placement of juvenile offenders under
the progressive sanctions guidelines in Chapter 59 (Progressive Sanctions
Guidelines), Family Code, to personnel of local juvenile probation
departments and judges of the juvenile courts. 

SECTION 5.16.  Amends Chapter 1702B, Occupations Code, to codify Rider 4
following the appropriation to the Texas Commission on Private Security,
referred to as the Board of Private Investigators and Private Security
Agencies, in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 1702.0291, as follows: 

Sec.  1702.0291.  MEETING LOCATION.  Authorizes a Board of Private
Investigators and Private Security Agencies (commission) meeting to be held
only at a state facility in Austin. 

SECTION 5.17. Amends Chapter 411A, Government Code, to codify Rider 3
following the  appropriation to the Department of Public Safety in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 411.0135, as follows: 

BUSINESS.  Prohibits the public safety director from authorizing more than
30 officers or employees of the department to use a state-owned or
state-leased motor vehicle to commute to and from work under Section

SECTION 5.18. Amends Chapter 411A, Government Code, to codify Rider 4
following the appropriation to the Department of Public Safety in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 411.0079, as follows: 

Requires the Department of Public Safety (department) to maintain, for each
fiscal year, a record of the number of emergency calls to which a
supervisory officer above the rank of lieutenant responded from certain
locations.  Requires the department to clearly identify the nature of each
emergency call included in the record.   

SECTION 5.19. Amends Section 411.014, Government Code, to codify Rider 20
following the appropriation to the Department of Public Safety in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Subsection (c) to authorize the Department of Public Safety
(department) to allow the Texas Department of Public Safety Historical
Museum to use department property for a historical museum. 

SECTION 5.20.  Amends Chapter 750, Transportation Code, to codify Rider 22
following the appropriation to the Department of Public Safety in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 750.001, as follows: 

Sec.  750.001.  STRANDED MOTORIST ASSISTANCE.  Provides that the Department
of Public Safety (department) is the lead state agency to help motorists
whose vehicles are disabled on state or federal roads.  Requires the
department to obtain the cooperation of the Texas Department of
Transportation and all other relevant state agencies and coordinate its
efforts with all local law enforcement agencies and interested private
businesses.  Requires the department, as part of its duties under this
section, to establish and publicize a toll-free number and a universal
distress signal for motorists who need assistance. 

SECTION 5.21.  Amends Section 61.033, Human Resources Code, to codify Rider
12 following the appropriation to the Texas Youth Commission in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, as

Sec.  61.033.  New heading: ANNUAL REPORT.  Requires the Texas Youth
Commission to prepare annually a complete and detailed written report that
meets certain requirements. 


SECTION 6.01.  Amends Section 12.0144, Agriculture Code, to codify Rider 5
following the appropriation to the Department of Agriculture in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, to
require the Department of Agriculture, with exception, to set fees in an
amount which offsets, when feasible, all of the direct and indirect state
costs of administering its regulatory activities.  Deletes text regarding
the General Appropriations Act.  Provides that the cost offset requirement
established by this section does not apply to certain activities. 

SECTION 6.02.  Amends Section 61.067, Natural Resources Code, to codify
Rider 12 following the appropriation to the General Land Office in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium  ending August 31,
2001, by adding Subsection (f) to authorize the land office to use trusty
inmates provided by the institutional division of the Texas Department of
Criminal Justice to clean and maintain public beaches. 

SECTION 6.03.  Amends Chapter 5D, Water Code, to codify Rider 3 following
the appropriation to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 5.127, as follows: 

Sec.  5.127.  AUTHORITY TO CHARTER AIRCRAFT.  Authorizes the Texas Natural
Resource Conservation Commission to spend appropriated money to charter
aircraft for monitoring environmental quality and enforcing state
environmental and water rights laws. 

SECTION 6.04.  Amends Section 5.235, Water Code, to codify in part Rider 5
following the appropriation to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (p) to provide that certain
fees charged may not exceed $2000. 

SECTION 6.05.  Amends Section 382.062, Health and Safety Code, to codify in
part Rider 5 following the appropriation to the Texas Natural Resource
Conservation Commission in the General Appropriations Act for the state
fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by amending Subsection (d) to
prohibit a fee assessed under this section from being less than $25 or more
than $80,000. 

SECTION 6.06.  Amends Chapter 11B, Parks and Wildlife Code, to codify Rider
13 following the appropriation to the Parks and Wildlife Department in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 11.0202, as follows: 

Sec.  11.0202.  CLOTHING PROVISION.  Prohibits the Parks and Wildlife
Department (department) from providing a clothing or cleaning allowance to
any nonuniformed personnel. Authorizes the department to provide a cleaning
allowance not to exceed $500 per year to an employee required to wear a


SECTION 7.01.  Amends Chapter 481A, Government Code, to codify Rider 11
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Economic Development
in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending
August 31, 2001, by adding Section 481.0064, as follows: 

Sec.  481.0064.  DEFENSE INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT.  Requires the Texas
Department of Economic Development (department) to prepare annually a plan
stating in detail the department's intended action to support the defense
infrastructure of the economy of this state.  Requires the plan to contain
certain types of information.  Requires the department to make the plan
available to the legislature at the beginning of each fiscal year.
Requires the department to prepare a quarterly report stating in detail the
economic effect of the military and civilian defense industry on the
economy of this state. 

SECTION 7.02.  Amends Chapter 2306A, Government Code, to codify Rider 2
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 2306.008, as follows: 
Sec.  2306.008.  CONTRACT REPORTING REQUIREMENT.  Requires a party that
enters into a contract with the Texas Department of Housing and Community
Affairs (department) to provide a full accounting of state money expended
under the terms of the contract to the executive director of the department
(director) by a certain date.  Requires all contracts entered  into by the
department to state the reporting requirement provided by this section.
Provides that the failure of a party contracting with the department to
provide the full accounting of expended state money as required by this
section is sufficient reason for the department to terminate the contract
and to deny any future contracts to that contracting party. 

SECTION 7.03.  Amends Chapter 2306Z, Government Code, to codify Rider 4
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 2306.590, as follows: 

the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and the Texas Water
Development Board to coordinate funds, as outlined in a memorandum of
understanding, for certain stated purposes. 

SECTION 7.04.  Amends Chapter 2306A, Government Code, to codify in part
Rider 9 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 2306.009, as follows: 

Sec.  2306.009.  SCORING CRITERIA.  Requires the Texas Department of
Housing and Community Affairs (department) to integrate certain scoring
criteria into any scoring system used to award certain contracts. 

SECTION 7.05.  Amends Section 2306.358, Government Code, to codify in part
Rider 9 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (i) to require the
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (department), to the
extent practicable, to develop a sliding scale fee schedule applicable to
the issuance of qualified 501(c)(3) bonds described by this section to
encourage increased participation in the bond program by nonprofit
entities, including community housing development corporations. 

SECTION 7.06. Amends Section 2306.677, Government Code, to codify in part
Rider 9 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2001, by amending Subsection (a) and adding
Subsection (c), as follows: 

(a) Prohibits a fee charged by the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs (department) to an applicant for a low income housing tax
credit from being excessive and, except as provided by Subsection (c),
requires the fee to reflect the department's actual costs in processing
applications and providing copies of documents in connection with the
allocation process.   

(c) Requires the department, to the extent practicable, to develop a
sliding scale fee schedule for applications submitted under this subchapter
to encourage increased participation in the low income housing tax credit
program by certain nonprofit entities. 

SECTION 7.07.  Amends Chapter 2306H, Government Code, to codify Rider 13
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Housing and
Community Affairs in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 2306.1801, as follows: 

(a) Requires the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
(department), through the mortgage revenue bond program for first-time
homebuyers, to  maximize the creation of single family housing for
individuals and families of very low income by setting aside for a period
of one year at least 30 percent of the lendable bond proceeds for
individuals and families with incomes at or below 60 percent of the area
median family income. 

(b) Requires the department to use down payment and closing cost assistance
or other methods of assistance to facilitate the origination of single
family mortgage loans to individuals and families with incomes at or below
60 percent of the area median family income. 

(c) Requires the department to manage the mortgage revenue bond program for
firsttime homebuyers in a manner that will obtain the highest reasonable
bond rating. 

SECTION 7.08. Amends Section 201.403, Transportation Code, to codify Rider
13, following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Transportation
in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending
August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (e) to require the Texas Department
of Transportation to implement the policy statement prepared under Section
201.402(a) to hire qualified minority applicants for supervisory or
management positions and to promote qualified minority employees into
supervisory or management positions. 

SECTION 7.09. Amends Section 201.108, Transportation Code, to codify Rider
20 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Transportation in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Subsections (c) and (d), as follows: 

(c) Requires the Texas Department of Transportation (department), in
complying with the requirements of Chapter 2102 (Internal Auditing),
Government Code, to assign at least one internal auditor to each district
office and to each division in the department. Requires an internal auditor
assigned under this subsection to report either directly to the commission
or to the internal auditor appointed under Section 2102.006 (Internal
Auditor; Staff), Government Code.  

(d) Authorizes an internal auditor assigned to a district office under
Subsection (c) to consider suggestions from a district engineer in
developing a proposal for the department's annual audit plan. 

SECTION 7.10. Amends Chapter 223B, Transportation Code, to codify Rider 21
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Transportation in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 223.049, as follows: 

CONTRACTS.  Requires the Texas Department of Transportation (department),
in a contract for construction or maintenance work made with the private
sector, to require a contractor and a subcontractor to pay all employees
and contract labor not less than the federal minimum wage rate.  Requires
the department to withhold payments to the contractor until the contractual
obligations to pay employees and contract labor have been fulfilled. 

SECTION 7.11. Amends Chapter 201H, Transportation Code, to codify Rider 32
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Transportation in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Section 201.6091, as follows: 

Sec.  201.6091.  PROJECT STATUS.  Requires the Texas Department of
Transportation (department), before January 1 of each year, to provide each
member of the legislature, unless the member requests it not be provided, a
status report of all highway construction projects, by legislative
district, under contract or awaiting funding at the time of the report,
including projects  that would be funded fully or partially by state,
federal, or toll funds.  Requires the department to notify by a certain
date all legislative members of the legislative district about the status
of the project and how other projects in any legislative district would be

SECTION 7.12. Amends Section 22.005(b), Transportation Code, to codify in
part Rider 33 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of
Transportation in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2001, to require the Texas Department of
Transportation (department) to deposit money it receives under this
subsection in the state treasury and to hold the money in trust to be used
for those purposes for which the money is made available. Requires the
department, unless the agency from which the money is received prescribes
otherwise, to keep the money in separate funds designated according to the
purposes for which the money is made available, including a fund designated
for the purpose of reimbursing the state highway fund for expenditures made
for projects for which federal money is made available. 

SECTION 7.13. Amends Section 222.052, Transportation Code, to codify in
part Rider 33 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of
Transportation in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal
biennium ending August 31, 2001, by adding Subsection (d) to require the
Texas Department of Transportation to hold in trust contributions made
under this section for certain purposes. 

SECTION 7.14.  Amends Section 201.608, Transportation Code, to codify Rider
48 following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Transportation in
the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August
31, 2001, by adding Subsection (d) to require the Texas Department of
Transportation (department) to annually review its proposed road and
maintenance projects to determine whether the projects are adequate to
allow for the projected effect of overweight trucks on state highways
resulting from international trade. 

SECTION 7.15. Amends Chapter 302A, Labor Code, to codify Rider 13 following
the appropriation to the Texas Workforce Commission in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by
adding Section 302.0042, as follows: 

Sec.  302.0042.  DONATED PURCHASE AGREEMENTS.  Requires the Texas Workforce
Commission (commission) to use donated purchase agreements and other
funding mechanisms, to the extent permitted by federal law, for certain

SECTION 7.16. Amends Chapter 302A, Labor Code, to codify Rider 14 following
the appropriation to the Texas Workforce Commission in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by
adding Section 302.0041, as follows: 

Sec.  302.0041.  MAXIMIZING FEDERAL CHILD CARE FUNDS.  Requires the Texas
Workforce Commission (commission) to cooperate with municipalities,
nonprofit organizations, the Texas Education Agency, and school districts
to obtain local matching funds necessary to maximize federal funds for
child care.  Authorizes the commission to implement necessary system and
accounting system changes as needed to implement this section. 

SECTION 7.17. Amends Chapter 302A, Labor Code, to codify Rider 23 following
the appropriation to the Texas Workforce Commission in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by
adding Section 302.009, as follows:  

the Texas Workforce Commission (commission) and local workforce boards to
expand the availability of employment and child care programs to rural
areas to the extent the expansion is determined to be cost effective. 

SECTION 7.18.  Amends Chapter 2308G, Government Code, to codify Rider 27
following the  appropriation to the Texas Workforce Commission in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 2308.317, as follows: 

Provides that a person receiving child care assistance benefits who meets
certain requirements continues to be eligible for child care assistance
benefits while the person is enrolled in an educational program for an
associate's degree.  Provides that a person is eligible for benefits under
this section for a period not to exceed four years as long as the person
meets certain requirements.  Authorizes the local workforce development
board to determine the eligibility of a person under this section based on
the person's progress towards completion of the educational program. 

SECTION 7.19. Amends Chapter 302A, Labor Code, to codify Rider 29 following
the appropriation to the Texas Workforce Commission in the General
Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31, 2001, by
adding Section 302.010, as follows: 

Sets forth guidelines concerning the primary objective of certain job
training programs.  Authorizes a job training program to contain
instruction in English as a second language but prohibits a program of
instruction in English as a second language from substituting for a job
training program. 

SECTION 7.20. Amends Chapter 31A, Human Resources Code, to codify Rider 33
following the appropriation to the Texas Workforce Commission in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 31.0128, as follows: 

Requires that, if the Texas Department of Human Services (department), the
Texas Workforce Commission, or both the department and the Texas Workforce
Commission require an applicant for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
to register with the commission before the department determines the
applicant's ability for assistance, the applicant's registration and
orientation take place at an office at which the department determines an
applicant's eligibility for assistance. 


SECTION 8.01.  Amends Chapter 2003B, Government Code, to codify Rider 2
following the appropriation to the State Office of Administrative Hearings
in the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending
August 31, 2001, by adding Section 2003.025, as follows: 

Requires the State Office of Administrative Hearings (office) to establish
procedures under which a state agency is authorized to limit, in an
interagency contract that the agency executes with the office, the
aggregate billable amount for a fiscal year. 

SECTION 8.02.  Amends Section 1601.154, Occupations Code, to codify Rider 1
following the appropriation to the State Board of Barber Examiners in the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Subsection (c) to prohibit the State Board of Barber
Examiners (board) from spending money appropriated for inspections except
under certain conditions. Requires the board to send a copy of the signed
contract to the Legislative Budget Board, the Governor's Office of Budget
and Planning, and the comptroller. 

SECTION 8.03.  Amends Chapter 1602D, Occupations Code, to codify Rider 1
following the  appropriation to the Texas Cosmetology Commission in  the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 1602.1545, as follows: 

Prohibits the Texas Cosmetology Commission (commission) from spending money
appropriated for inspections except under certain conditions.  Requires the
commission to send a copy of the signed contract to the Legislative Budget
Board, the Governor's Office of Budget and Planning, and the comptroller. 

SECTION 8.04.  Amends Chapter 1602D, Occupations Code, to codify Rider 5
following the appropriation to the Texas Cosmetology Commission in  the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Section 1602.156, as follows: 

Sec. 1602.156.  PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR INSPECTIONS.  Provides that, if the
Texas Cosmetology Commission (commission) divides the state into districts
for the purpose of inspecting schools of cosmetology, the inspector
assigned to the district in which a school is located is required to
inspect the school.  Authorizes the commission's director of enforcement to
inspect a school if it is located in a district to which an inspector has
not been assigned. 

SECTION 8.05.  Amends Section 1602.151, Occupations Code, to codify Rider 7
following the appropriation to the Texas Cosmetology Commission in  the
General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium ending August 31,
2001, by adding Subsection (c) to require the Texas Cosmetology Commission
to adopt written policies and procedures relating to overnight travel. 

SECTION 8.06.  Amends Chapter 51D, Occupations Code, to codify Rider 10
following the appropriation to the Texas Department of Licensing and
Regulation in  the General Appropriations Act for the state fiscal biennium
ending August 31, 2001, by adding Section 51.207, as follows: 

Sec.  51.207.  ELECTRONIC EXAMINATIONS.  Requires the Texas Commission of
Licensing and Regulation (commission) to perform certain functions. 


SECTION 9.01.  Provides that this Act is enacted as a part of the state's
continuing statutory revision program under Chapter 323 (Texas Legislative
Council), Government Code.  Provides that this Act is a revision for
purposes of Section 43 (Revision of Laws), Article III, Texas Constitution,
and has the purpose of codifying without substantive change various
provisions of Chapter 1589, Acts of the 76th Legislature, Regular Session,
1999 (the General Appropriations Act).  Provides that if any provision of
this Act conflicts with another statute enacted by the 77th Legislature,
Regular Session, 2001, the other statute controls. 

SECTION 9.02.  Effective date: August 31, 2001.


Amends original As Filed S.B. 1090 as follows:

SECTION 1.01.  Omits text from original proposed SECTION 1.01 adding
Section 402.030, Government Code.  Redesignates text from original proposed
SECTION 1.02 as SECTION 1.01. No changes in text. 

SECTION 1.02.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 1.03 as
SECTION 1.02.  No changes in text. 

 SECTION 1.03.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 1.04 as
SECTION 1.03.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 1.04.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 1.05 as
SECTION 1.04.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 1.05.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 1.06 as
SECTION 1.05.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 1.06.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 1.07 as
SECTION 1.06.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 2.01.  Omits text from original proposed SECTION 2.01  adding
Section 461.019, Health and Safety Code.  Redesignates text from original
SECTION 2.02 as SECTION 2.01.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 2.02.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 2.03 as
SECTION 2.02.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 2.03.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 2.04 as
SECTION 2.03.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 2.04.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 2.05 as
SECTION 2.04.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 2.05.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 2.06 as
SECTION 2.05.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 2.06.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 2.07 as
SECTION 2.06.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 2.07.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 2.09 as
SECTION 2.07.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 2.08.  Omits text from original proposed SECTION 2.08 adding
Section 531.0392, Government Code.  Redesignates text from original
proposed SECTION 2.10 as SECTION 2.08. 

SECTION 2.09.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 2.11 as
SECTION 2.09. 

SECTIONS 3.01 through 3.15, no change.

SECTIONS 4.01 through 4.03, no change.

SECTION 5.01.  No change.

SECTION 5.02.  No change.  

SECTION 5.03.  No change.

SECTION 5.04.  Omits text from original proposed SECTION 5.04 adding
Section 495.025, Government Code.  Redesignates text from original proposed
SECTION 5.05 as SECTION 5.04. No changes in text.   

SECTION 5.05.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.06 as
SECTION 5.05.  No changes in text. 
SECTION 5.06.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.07 as
SECTION 5.06.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.07.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.08 as
SECTION 5.07.   No changes in text.   

SECTION 5.08.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.09 as
SECTION 5.08.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.09.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.10 as
SECTION 5.09.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.10.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.11 as
SECTION 5.10.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.11.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.12 as
SECTION 5.11.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.12.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.13 as
SECTION 5.12.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.13.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.14 as
SECTION 5.13.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.14.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.15 as
SECTION 5.14.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.15.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.16 as
SECTION 5.15.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.16.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.17 as
SECTION 5.16.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.17.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.17 as
SECTION 5.18.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.18.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.18 as
SECTION 5.17.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.19.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.20 as
SECTION 5.19.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.20.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.21 as
SECTION 5.20.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 5.21.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 5.23 as
SECTION 5.21.  No changes in text. 

Omits text from original proposed SECTION 5.22 adding Chapter 411J,
Government Code.   

SECTION 6.01.  Replaces the text "boll weevil" with "cotton pest."  

SECTIONS 6.02 through 6.06, no change.

SECTIONS 7.01 through 7.03, no change.
SECTION 7.04.  Omits text from original proposed SECTION 7.04 adding
Section 2306.185, Government Code.  Redesignates text from original
proposed SECTION 7.05 as SECTION 7.04. No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.05.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.06 as
SECTION 7.05.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.06.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.07 as
SECTION 7.06.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.07.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.08 as
SECTION 7.07.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.08.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.09 as
SECTION 7.08.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.09.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.10 as
SECTION 7.09.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.10.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.11 as
SECTION 7.10.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.11.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.12 as
SECTION 7.11.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.12.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.13 as
SECTION 7.12.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.13.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.14 as
SECTION 7.13.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.14.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.16 as
SECTION 7.14.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.15.  Omits text from original proposed SECTION 7.15 amending
Section 201.706, Transportation Code. Redesignates text from original
proposed SECTION 7.17 as SECTION 7.15. No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.16.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.18 as
SECTION 7.16.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.17.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.19 as
SECTION 7.17.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.18.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.20 as
SECTION 7.18.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.19.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.21 as
SECTION 7.19.  No changes in text. 

SECTION 7.20.  Redesignates text from original proposed SECTION 7.23 as
SECTION 7.20.  No changes in text. 

Omits text from original proposed SECTION 7.22 adding Section 302.044,
Labor Code. 

 SECTIONS 8.01 through 8.06, no changes.

SECTIONS 9.01 and 9.02, no changes.