Senate Research CenterC.S.S.B. 1198
77R12064 YDB-DBy: Carona
Business & Commerce
Committee Report (Substituted)


Currently, the authority of the state, through the Texas Department of
Licensing and Regulation (department), to regulate and enforce elevator
safety and required annual inspections is limited. C.S.S.B. 1198 creates a
mechanism, through annual inspection, for discovering building owners whose
elevators have never been inspected.  It also create a fee structure for
registration and inspections, sets forth requirements for inspectors and
contractors, and gives the commissioner of the department the ability to
shut down operation through emergency order. 


Rulemaking authority is expressly granted to the commissioner of licensing
and regulation in SECTION 1 (Section 754.015, Health and Safety Code) of
this bill. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Chapter 754B, Health and Safety Code, as follows:


Sec. 754.011.  DEFINITIONS.  Defines "acceptance inspection," "accident,"
"alteration," "annual inspection," "ASME Code A18," "contractor,"
"equipment," "industrial facility," "serious bodily injury," and "unit of
equipment."  Redefines "ASME Code A17.3" and "related equipment." 

Sec. 754.0111.  EXEMPTION.  Provides that this subchapter does not apply to
equipment, rather than specific equipment, in a private building owned by,
rather than a private building for, a labor union, trade association,
private club, or charitable organization that has two or fewer floors.
Provides that this subchapter does not apply to an elevator located in a
single-family dwelling. 

Sec. 754.012.  ELEVATOR ADVISORY BOARD.  Provides that the elevator
advisory board (board) is composed of 12, rather than nine, members
appointed by the commissioner of licensing and regulation (commissioner).
Deletes wording related to the qualifications of certain members of the
board.  Provides that a licensed or registered engineer or architect,
rather than a representative of professional engineers or architects, is to
be appointed as a member of the board.  Provides that four, rather than
one, public members are to be appointed to the board. Provides that a board
member serves without compensation but is entitled to reimbursement for
travel as provided for in the General Appropriations Act, rather than for
travel and other necessary expenses incurred in performing duties under
this subchapter. 

Sec. 754.013.  BOARD DUTIES.  Makes conforming changes.
Sec. 754.014.  STANDARDS ADOPTED BY COMMISSIONER.  (a) Makes conforming
(b) Prohibits standards adopted by the commissioner from containing
requirements in addition to the requirements in the ASME Code A18.
Requires the standards to allow alteration of existing equipment if the
alteration does not diminish the safety of the equipment below the level
required by this subchapter at the time of the alteration.   

(c) Deletes wording related to requirements of the standards adopted by the

  (d) Makes conforming changes.

(e) Requires the commissioner to grant a delay for compliance with the
applicable ASME Code A17.1, ASME Code A17.3, rather than the 1994 ASME Code
A17.3, or ASME Code A18 until a specified time if compliance is not readily
achievable, as that phrase is defined in the Americans with Disabilities
Act (42 U.S.C. Section 12101 et seq.), or regulations adopted under that
Act.  Prohibits the accumulated total time of all delays from exceeding
three years except as provided by Subsection (f) or as allowed in the
discretion of the commissioner.  Makes conforming changes. 

(f)  Deletes wording related to the requirement of the commissioner to
grant a delay. Makes conforming changes. 

(g) Authorizes the comissioner to grant a waiver from compliance from an
applicable code requirement, rather than specific codes, under certain
conditions.  Makes a conforming change. 

(h)  Requires the commissioner to grant a waiver of compliance if the
noncompliance resulted from compliance with a municipal equipment
construction code at the time of the original installation and the
noncompliance does not pose imminent and significant danger.  Makes a
conforming change. 

  (i) Makes a conforming change.

  (j) Deletes wording related to fees the commissioner is authorized to

(k)  Provides that, for the purpose of this section, the date of
installation or alteration of equipment is the date that the owner of the
real property entered into a contract for the installation or alteration of
the equipment, rather than the date the owner entered into a contract for
the purchase of the elevators, escalators, or related equipment.  Makes
conforming changes. 

Sec. 754.015.  RULES.  (a) Requires the commissioner, by rule, to provide
for the registration of qualified inspectors and contractors, rather than
the certification of qualified persons as inspectors for the purposes of
this subchapter, and for  notification to building owners, architects, and
other building industry professionals regarding the necessity of annually
inspecting equipment. 

(b) Provides an exception to the prohibition of the commissioner from
requiring an inspection of equipment more often than every 12 months.
Prohibits the commissioner from by rule: 

_requiring persons to post a bond or furnish insurance or to have minimum
experience or education as a condition of certification or registration;  

_requiring inspection reports or certificates of compliance to be placed in
locations other than one provided in Section 754.019(a)(4); 
_requiring building owners to submit proposed plans for equipment
installation or alteration to the department; 

_prohibiting an QEI-1 certified inspector who is registered with the
department from inspecting equipment; or 

_requiring an inspection report or certificate of compliance to be placed
inside or immediately outside an elevator cab or escalator or in the lobby
or hallways of a building. 

(c) Authorizes the commissioner, by rule, to require a reinspection or
recertification of equipment if the equipment has been altered and poses a
significant threat to passenger safety or if an annual inspection report
indicates an existing violation has continued longer than permitted in a
delay granted by the commissioner. 

  (d) Authorizes the commissioner, by rule, to charge a fee for certain

COMPLIANCE.  (a) Deletes wording related to the location of equipment
covered in inspection reports required under this subchapter.  Requires
there to be separate inspection reports and certificates, rather than only
one inspection report and certificate, of compliance for each unit of
equipment, rather than for each building. 

(b) Requires an inspector to issue the report to the building owner not
later than the 10th calendar say after the date of inspection.  Deletes
wording related to the forms on which the inspection report shall be made. 

(c) Requires the commissioner to issue a certificate of compliance to the
building owner if an application is submitted by the building owner with
applicable fees and the application reflects that certain actions have been
taken.  Deletes wording related to statements on the certificate of
compliance, findings of the inspector, and delays or waivers granted by the

Sec. 754.017.  (a) Requires an individual, in order to inspect equipment,
to be registered with the department, attend educational courses as
required by the department, be certified as a QEI-1, rather than an ASME
QEI-1, inspector by an organization accredited by the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers, and pay all applicable registration fees.  Deletes
wording related to payment of certification charges or fees. 

(b) Deletes wording related to actions the commissioner is prohibited from
performing. Provides that a person assisting a certified inspector is not
required to be certified, rather than not being required to be ASME-QEI-1

(c) Provides that a registration expires on the first anniversary of the
date of issuance. Deletes wording related to charges the commissioner is
authorized to assess. 

Sec. 754.0171.  CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION.  (a) Prohibits a person from
installing, repairing, or maintaining equipment without registering as a
contractor with the department as required by this subchapter.   

(b) Requires a contractor to submit an application for registration and pay
appropriate fees to the department.   

(c) Provides that a registration expires on the first anniversary of the
date of issuance.   
(d) Requires a contractor registered as required by this chapter to submit
to the department a quarterly report containing certain information. 

(e) Requires installation, repair, alteration, and maintenance standards
for contractors to be consistent with ASME Code A17.1, ASME Code A17.3, and
ASME Code A18. 

 Sec. 754.0172.  Redesignates Section 754.0171.  Makes conforming changes.

Sec. 754.018.  Requires that this subchapter, if a municipality operates a
program for the installation, alteration, inspection or certification of
equipment, subject to Section 754.014(h), not apply to equipment in that
municipality.  Makes conforming changes. 

Sec. 754.019.  (a) Requires the owner of real property on which equipment
covered by this subchapter to: 

_have the equipment inspected annually by a certified inspector, rather
than inspected in accordance with the commissioner's rules by an ASME QEI-1
certified inspector; 

_file the inspection report for each unit of equipment, and all applicable
fees, with the department, rather than a copy of each inspection report and
certain fees with the commissioner, not later than the 60th day after the
date on which an inspection is made under this subchapter; and 

_display the certificate of compliance or a copy of the certificate in a
place designated by rule if related to equipment other than an elevator or
escalator, rather a place designated by the commissioner if the equipment
relates to related equipment. 

Deletes wording related to the issuance of a certificate of compliance by
the commissioner. Makes conforming changes. 

(b) Requires the owner, when an inspection report is filed, to submit
certain items to the department, as applicable, rather than to the

(c) Deletes wording relating to the length of time allowed between
inspections and the applicability of this requirement to certain equipment.
Provides that an inspection report and filing fees, rather than a fee, are
considered filed on the date of postmark, rather than mailing, by the
United States mail if properly addressed to the department, rather than the
commissioner.  Makes a conforming change. 

(d) Deletes wording related to late charges for the late filing of an
inspection report and a prohibition of the commissioner regarding the
placement of an inspection report. 

Sec. 754.020.  New heading: CHIEF ELEVATOR INSPECTOR.  Authorizes the
commissioner to appoint a chief elevator inspector to administer the
equipment inspection and registration program.  Sets forth certain
qualifications for the chief elevator inspector.  Deletes wording related
to where fees collected under this subchapter are required to be deposited. 

PERSONNEL.  Requires, rather than authorizes, the commissioner to compile a
list of certified inspectors and contractors who are registered with the
department, rather than ASME QEI-1 certified inspectors who are registered
with the department to perform an inspection under this subchapter, and
employee personnel who are, rather than as, necessary to enforce this
Sec. 754.022.  Requires the department, rather than the commissioner, if
the department learns of a situation of noncompliance under Section
754.019, to send notice by certified mail of the noncompliance and the
actions required to remedy the noncompliance to the record owner of the
real property on which the equipment that is the subject of the
noncompliance is located. 

EMERGENCY ORDERS.  (a) Authorizes a department employee, rather than the
commissioner, if there is good cause to believe that equipment on real
property poses an imminent and significant danger, rather than is
dangerous, or that an accident involving equipment occurred on the property
and serious bodily injury or property damage resulted, to enter the
property during regular business hours after notice to the owner, operator,
or person in charge of the property to inspect the equipment or investigate
the danger or accident at no cost to the owner.  Makes conforming changes. 

  (b) Makes a conforming change.

(c) Authorizes the department, rather than the commissioner, to deny,
suspend, or revoke the registration of an inspector or contractor, rather
than an ASME QEI-1 certified inspector, and to assess an administrative
penalty for: 

_obtaining a registration, but not with the commissioner, by fraud or false

_falsifying a report, rather than any inspection report submitted to the
commissioner; or 
   _violating this subchapter or a rule adopted under this subchapter.

(e) Requires the attorney general, if requested, to represent the
department and its personnel, rather than the commissioner, in a legal

(f) Authorizes the commissioner to issue an emergency order as necessary to
enforce this subchapter if the commissioner determines that an emergency
exists requiring immediate action to protect the public health and safety. 

(g) Authorizes the commissioner to issue an emergency order with
simultaneous notice and without hearing or with the notice and opportunity
for hearing practicable under the circumstances. 

(h) Requires the commissioner, if an emergency order is issued under this
section without a hearing, to set the time and place for a hearing to
affirm, modify, or set aside the emergency order not later than the 10th
day after the date the order was issued. 

(i) Authorizes an emergency order to direct a building owner or manager to
disconnect power to or lock out equipment under certain circumstances. 

(j) Sets forth the conditions under which the building owner or manager is
authorized to have the power reconnected or the equipment unlocked if an
emergency order to disconnect power or lock out equipment is issued. 

(k) Authorizes the commissioner or the commissioner's designee to allow
delayed payment if the building owner or manager commits in writing to pay
the department for the expenses required by Subsection (j) not later than
the 10th day after the date power is reconnected or equipment is unlocked. 

 (l)  Requires the commissioner or the commissioner's designee, if an
emergency order to disconnect power or lock out equipment is issued and the
building owner later notifies the department that the imminent and
significant danger no longer exists, to promptly issue written permission
to reconnect power or unlock the equipment and notify the owner after the
requirements of Subsection (j) are satisfied. 

SECTION 2.  Effective date: September 1, 2001.
Provides that a contractor is not required to be registered under Section
754.0171, Health and Safety Code, as added by this Act, until January 1,


SECTION 1.  Amends As Filed S.B. 1198 as follows:

 Sec. 754.011.  Redefines "industrial facility."

Sec. 754.014.  Removes proposed text related to requiring sprinklers in
certain equipment locations. 

Sec. 754.015.  Removes proposed text related to a prohibition regarding a
certified inspector. 

Sec. 754.018.  Removes proposed text related to prohibitions regarding a
municipality's inspection program. 

SECTION 2.  No change.