Senate Research Center   S.B. 1651
77R3175 MCK-DBy: Bernsen
As Filed


Based upon changes to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency
Assistance Act, mitigation planning is now required to ensure eligibility
to receive enhanced amounts of federal disaster assistance funds and
pre-disaster mitigation program funds.  Pre-disaster planning can better
address comprehensive long-term needs of the community and can also provide
more opportunities for local partnerships, support, and commitments.  When
such planning exists, there should be procedures to quickly approve and
implement the procedures whenever funding opportunities occur.  As
proposed, S.B. 1651 requires the Division of Emergency Management in the
office of the governor to improve hazard mitigation services by assisting
local governments that do not have resources to manage hazard mitigation
grant program projects with developing and implementing projects and
applying for funding from the hazard mitigation grant program, and by
developing and carrying out certain other procedures to improve hazard
mitigation services. 


This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a
state officer, institution, or agency. 


SECTION 1.  Amends Chapter 418C, Government Code, by adding Section
418.049, as follows: 

Sec. 418.049.  MITIGATION SERVICES.  Requires the division of emergency
management in the office of the governor (division) to improve hazard
mitigation services by: 

(1)  assisting local governments that do not have resources to manage
hazard mitigation grant program projects with developing and implementing
projects and applying for funding from the hazard mitigation grant program; 

  (2)  developing procedures:

(A)  to provide direct technical assistance to local governments for the
development and implementation of local hazard mitigation planning; and 

(B)  to quickly approve hazard mitigation grant programs project
applications that are consistent with both local and state hazard
mitigation planning; 

(3)  developing procedures for predisaster and postdisaster operations of
the enhanced state hazard mitigation team that include providing technical
assistance to determine causes of disasters and recommend risk reduction

(4)  enhancing the usability of and local government access to historical
and operational hazard vulnerability and risk data, maps, and graphics; 

 (5)  administering interagency contracts with universities and other
organizations to provide enhanced technical information and services to
local governments; 

(6)  developing and conducting specialized training and developing and
distributing guidance, hazard assessment, and informational materials for
local governments, disaster victims, and the general public; 

(7)  serving as a clearinghouse and facilitating access for local
governments to information, eligibility requirements, and application
procedures for federal and state hazard assessment and mitigation grant

(8)  administering federal and state programs, including the hazard
mitigation grant program, the predisaster mitigation program, the coastal
specific property protection mitigation program, and local grant programs; 

(9)  coordinating and assisting local government participation in project
impact activities; 

(10)  participating in partnership activities with associations and
organizations, including the Texas Coastal Advisory Team, the Emergency
Management Association of Texas, and the Texas Flood Plain Management
Association; and 

(11)  conducting regular project site visits to identify and resolve issues
for and provide assistance and guidance to local government hazard
mitigation grant programs project officers to expedite approval,
implementation, and completion of their projects. 

 SECTION 2.  Requires the division to hire three additional full-time
employees to improve mitigationrelated customer services. 

SECTION 3.  Effective date: September 1, 2001.