SRC-BWC C.S.S.B. 1713 77(R) BILL ANALYSIS Senate Research CenterC.S.S.B. 1713 77R9998 JAT-FBy: Van de Putte Criminal Justice 4/19/2001 Committee Report (Substituted) DIGEST AND PURPOSE Currently, peace officers and concealed carry permit holders have different authority in carrying a weapon. Establishments serving the public are often confused by the current law that distinguishes between a peace officer and a concealed carry permit holder. C.S.S.B. 1713 clarifies current law to specifically state that peace officers and special investigators have the authority to carry weapons into any public place. RULEMAKING AUTHORITY This bill does not expressly grant any additional rulemaking authority to a state officer, institution, or agency. SECTION BY SECTION ANALYSIS SECTION 1. Amends Section 46.15(a), Penal Code, to provide that Sections 46.02 and 46.03 do not apply to peace officers, including commissioned peace officers of another state, or special investigators under Article 2.122 (Special Investigators), Code of Criminal Procedure, and neither section prohibits a peace officer or special investigator from carrying a weapon in this state, including in an establishment in this state serving the public, regardless of whether the peace officer or special investigator is engaged in the actual discharge of the officer's or investigator's duties while carrying the weapon. SECTION 2. Effective date: upon passage or September 1, 2001. SUMMARY OF COMMITTEE CHANGES Differs from As Filed version by adding new language for clarity.