By Gallego H.B. No. 85
77R1280 JJT-D
1-1 AN ACT
1-2 relating to the location of a disposal facility selected by the
1-3 Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority.
1-5 SECTION 1. Sections 402.029(a) and (c), Health and Safety
1-6 Code, are amended to read as follows:
1-7 (a) The authority, through the board, may sue and be sued in
1-8 the name of the authority in any court of this state, except as to
1-9 matters pertaining to the site selection and licensing of a
1-10 disposal facility [within the geographical area of Hudspeth County,
1-11 Texas, described in Section 402.0921], which suits may only be
1-12 brought in the courts of Travis County, Texas.
1-13 (c) Any judgment, injunction, declaration, or writ issued
1-14 against the authority by a Texas court other than the supreme court
1-15 of Texas that is related to the site selection or licensing of a
1-16 disposal facility [within the geographical area of Hudspeth County,
1-17 Texas, described in Section 402.0921] shall be automatically
1-18 suspended upon the filing by the authority of a notice of appeal or
1-19 other submission to a higher court challenging the judgment,
1-20 injunction, declaration, or writ. No Texas court other than the
1-21 Texas supreme court shall have any power to decline or otherwise
1-22 affect the automatic suspension pending appeal in such case
1-23 [related to Hudspeth County, Texas].
1-24 SECTION 2. Section 402.059(a), Health and Safety Code, is
2-1 amended to read as follows:
2-2 (a) The authority, its employees, contractors, and agents
2-3 may enter public or private property to assess the suitability of
2-4 land for a disposal site [in Hudspeth County, Texas].
2-5 SECTION 3. Section 403.001(a), Health and Safety Code, is
2-6 amended to read as follows:
2-7 (a) The governor shall appoint six members to represent this
2-8 state on the commission established by Article III of the Texas
2-9 Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact. One of the voting
2-10 members of the compact commission shall be a legal resident of the
2-11 host county. In this subsection, "host county" has the meaning
2-12 assigned by Section 2.01, Article II, Texas Low-Level Radioactive
2-13 Waste Disposal Compact (Section 403.006, Health and Safety Code)
2-14 [Hudspeth County, Texas].
2-15 SECTION 4. Sections 402.059(d) and 402.0921, Health and
2-16 Safety Code, are repealed.
2-17 SECTION 5. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives a
2-18 vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
2-19 provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this
2-20 Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
2-21 Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
2-23 Amend H.B. 85 by deleting SECTION 4 of the bill and inserting
2-24 a new SECTION 4 to read as follows:
2-25 SECTION 4. Sections 402.059(d), 402.0921 and 402.0922,
2-26 Health and Safety Code, are repealed.
2-27 Zbranek