By Green H.B. No. 684 77R748 DAK-D A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to a franchise tax credit for contributions to programs 1-3 for at-risk youth. 1-4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-5 SECTION 1. Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding 1-6 Subchapter T to read as follows: 1-7 SUBCHAPTER T. TAX CREDIT FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO PROGRAMS FOR 1-8 AT-RISK YOUTH 1-9 Sec. 171.871. DESCRIPTION OF LOCAL COMMUNITY. (a) The local 1-10 community of a corporation eligible for a credit under this 1-11 subchapter is, except as provided by Subsection (b): 1-12 (1) the municipality in which the headquarters of the 1-13 corporation is located; or 1-14 (2) if the headquarters of the corporation is not 1-15 located in a municipality, the county in which the corporation's 1-16 headquarters is located. 1-17 (b) A corporation with a facility that is not located in the 1-18 local community described by Subsection (a) may designate its 1-19 contribution as originating from that facility. The local 1-20 community of a corporation that makes this designation is: 1-21 (1) the municipality in which the designated facility 1-22 is located; or 1-23 (2) if the designated facility is not located in a 1-24 municipality, the county in which the designated facility is 2-1 located. 2-2 Sec. 171.872. ELIGIBILITY. A corporation is eligible for a 2-3 credit against the tax imposed under this chapter in the amount and 2-4 under the conditions and limitations provided by this subchapter. 2-5 Sec. 171.873. CONTRIBUTIONS ELIGIBLE FOR CREDIT. (a) A 2-6 corporation may claim a credit under this subchapter only for a 2-7 contribution to a program designated by its local community, as 2-8 described by Section 171.871, that provides services described by 2-9 Subsection (b) for: 2-10 (1) children in at-risk situations and the families of 2-11 those children as described by Subchapter D, Chapter 264, Family 2-12 Code; or 2-13 (2) children who qualify, under criteria developed by 2-14 the local community, as at-risk youth and the families of those 2-15 children. 2-16 (b) Services provided by a program described by Subsection 2-17 (a) may include only: 2-18 (1) services described by Section 264.302(f), Family 2-19 Code; and 2-20 (2) other services identified by the local community 2-21 relating to: 2-22 (A) the education, training, and career 2-23 development of at-risk youth; and 2-24 (B) the provision of community service by 2-25 at-risk youth. 2-26 Sec. 171.874. LIMITATIONS ON CREDIT. (a) Subject to the 2-27 limitations of this subchapter, the amount of the credit is equal 3-1 to the amount of the contribution made by the corporation. 3-2 (b) The total credit under this subchapter for a report may 3-3 not exceed 50 percent of the amount of net franchise tax due for 3-4 the privilege period after any other applicable tax credits. 3-5 (c) A corporation may claim a credit under this subchapter 3-6 for a contribution made during an accounting period only against 3-7 the tax owed for the corresponding reporting period. 3-8 Sec. 171.875. APPLICATION FOR CREDIT. (a) A corporation 3-9 must apply for a credit under this subchapter on or with the tax 3-10 report for the period for which the credit is claimed. 3-11 (b) The comptroller shall adopt a form for the application 3-12 for the credit. A corporation must use this form in applying for 3-13 the credit. 3-14 Sec. 171.876. ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED. A corporation may not 3-15 convey, assign, or transfer the credit allowed under this 3-16 subchapter to another entity unless all of the assets of the 3-17 corporation are conveyed, assigned, or transferred in the same 3-18 transaction. 3-19 Sec. 171.877. LIMITATION ON USE OF QUALIFYING CONTRIBUTIONS. 3-20 A local community, as described by Section 171.871, that receives 3-21 contributions for which a corporation qualifies for a tax credit 3-22 under this subchapter may use those contributions only for the 3-23 program designated by the local community to provide services to 3-24 at-risk youth described by Section 171.873. The program may 3-25 provide services to at-risk youth who do not reside in the local 3-26 community. 3-27 SECTION 2. (a) This Act takes effect January 1, 2002, and 4-1 applies only to a report due on or after that date. 4-2 (b) A corporation may claim a credit under Subchapter T, 4-3 Chapter 171, Tax Code, as added by this Act, only for a 4-4 contribution made on or after January 1, 2002.