By Hope                                                H.B. No. 802
         77R165 CBH-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to incentives for the sale, purchase, or use of certain
 1-3     vehicles.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Subchapter E, Chapter 152, Tax Code, is amended
 1-6     by adding Section 152.094 to read as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 152.094.  CLEAN-AIR MOTOR VEHICLES.  (a)  In this
 1-8     section:
 1-9                 (1)  "Alternative fuel" means a fuel or power source,
1-10     other than gasoline or conventional diesel fuel, that can be used
1-11     to power a motor vehicle.  The term includes electricity,
1-12     compressed natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas,  liquefied
1-13     hydrogen, biodiesel fuel, solar power, and ethanol.
1-14                 (2)  "Passenger car" has the meaning assigned by
1-15     Section 502.001, Transportation Code.
1-16           (b)  A purchaser is entitled to a credit against the tax
1-17     imposed by this chapter on the sale or use of a motor vehicle that:
1-18                 (1)  is a new motor vehicle;
1-19                 (2)  is a passenger car;
1-20                 (3)  is manufactured to be powered by, and is powered
1-21     by, an alternative fuel either exclusively or interchangeably or in
1-22     combination with gasoline or conventional diesel fuel, but not as
1-23     an additive or mixture to gasoline or conventional diesel fuel; and
1-24                 (4)  is capable of achieving  an estimated average fuel
 2-1     economy standard of not less than 45 miles per gallon of gasoline
 2-2     or conventional diesel fuel, or an equivalent petroleum-based fuel
 2-3     economy standard as measured, reported, published, or accepted by
 2-4     the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
 2-5           (c)  The amount of the credit is equal to the lesser of:
 2-6                 (1)  $2,000; or
 2-7                 (2)  the total amount of the tax imposed by this
 2-8     chapter on the sale or use of the motor vehicle.
 2-9           (d)  This section expires September 30, 2005.
2-10           SECTION 2. Chapter 171, Tax Code, is amended by adding
2-11     Subchapter S to read as follows:
2-13           Sec. 171.851.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter, "franchised
2-14     dealer," "new motor vehicle," and "retail sale" have the meanings
2-15     assigned by Section 152.001.
2-16           Sec. 171.852.  ELIGIBILITY. A corporation is eligible for a
2-17     credit against the tax imposed under this chapter in the amount and
2-18     under the conditions and limitations provided by this subchapter.
2-19           Sec. 171.853.  RETAIL SALES ELIGIBLE FOR CREDIT.  A
2-20     corporation may claim a credit under this subchapter only if:
2-21                 (1)  the corporation is a franchised dealer;
2-22                 (2)  the corporation makes a retail sale in this state
2-23     of a new motor vehicle described by Section 152.094(b); and
2-24                 (3)  the corporation provides to the purchaser of the
2-25     new motor vehicle at the time of the retail sale a rebate,
2-26     discount, or other financial adjustment equal to at least $1,000.
2-27           Sec. 171.854.  AMOUNT; LIMITATIONS.  (a)  The amount of the
 3-1     credit is equal to $1,500 for each retail sale of a new motor
 3-2     vehicle that meets the requirements prescribed by Section 171.853. 
 3-3           (b)  A corporation may claim a credit under this subchapter
 3-4     for a new motor vehicle sold during an accounting period only
 3-5     against the tax owed for the corresponding reporting period.
 3-6           Sec. 171.855.  APPLICATION FOR CREDIT. (a)  A corporation
 3-7     must apply for a credit under this subchapter on or with the tax
 3-8     report for the period for which the credit is claimed.
 3-9           (b)  The comptroller shall adopt a form for the application
3-10     for the credit.  A corporation must use the form in applying for
3-11     the credit.
3-12           Sec. 171.856.  ASSIGNMENT PROHIBITED.  A corporation may not
3-13     convey, assign, or transfer the credit allowed under this
3-14     subchapter to another entity unless all the assets of the
3-15     corporation are conveyed, assigned, or transferred in the same
3-16     transaction.
3-17           Sec. 171.857.  EXPIRATION.  This subchapter expires December
3-18     31, 2005.
3-19           SECTION 3.  Subchapter D, Chapter 502, Transportation Code,
3-20     is amended by adding Section 502.1615 to read as follows:
3-21           Sec. 502.1615.  FEE: CLEAN-AIR VEHICLE.  (a)  Notwithstanding
3-22     any other provision of this subchapter, the fee for a registration
3-23     year for registration of a motor vehicle described by Sections
3-24     152.094(b)(2)-(4), Tax Code, is:
3-25                 (1)  the amount prescribed by Section 502.161(a)(3) for
3-26     the initial registration of a new motor vehicle;
3-27                 (2)  $0 for a vehicle that is not a new motor vehicle
 4-1     and the model year of which is six years or less before the year in
 4-2     which the registration year begins; or
 4-3                 (3)  the amount prescribed by Section 502.161(a)(1) for
 4-4     a vehicle the model year of which is more than six years before the
 4-5     year in which the registration year begins.
 4-6           (b)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter,
 4-7     the department or a county may not impose an additional or other
 4-8     fee for registering a motor vehicle that is not required to pay a
 4-9     registration fee under this section.
4-10           (c)  Section 502.177 does not apply to a motor vehicle to
4-11     which Subsection (a)(2) applies.
4-12           (d)  This section does not affect the requirement that a
4-13     motor vehicle be registered annually.
4-14           (e)  This section applies only to a new motor vehicle
4-15     purchased on or after September 1, 2001, and expires September 1,
4-16     2005.
4-17           SECTION 4.  Subchapter F, Chapter 502, Transportation Code,
4-18     is amended by adding Section 502.2985 to read as follows:
4-19           Sec. 502.2985.  CLEAN-AIR VEHICLES.  (a)  The department
4-20     shall issue specially designed license plates for motor vehicles
4-21     described by Sections 152.094(b)(2)-(4), Tax Code.
4-22           (b)  Notwithstanding Section 502.180(f), Section 502.180
4-23     applies to the issuance of license plates and registration
4-24     insignias under this  section.
4-25           (c)  The department shall issue license plates or a
4-26     registration insignia under this section and shall issue a
4-27     registration receipt to a person who:
 5-1                 (1)  applies to the county assessor-collector of the
 5-2     county in which the person resides on a form provided by the
 5-3     department;
 5-4                 (2)  pays the appropriate registration fee prescribed
 5-5     by Section 502.1615; and
 5-6                 (3)  submits proof that the person is eligible for
 5-7     registration under this section.
 5-8           (d)  If the owner of a vehicle registered under this section
 5-9     disposes of the vehicle before the license plates expire, the owner
5-10     shall return the special license plates to the department.
5-11           (e)  This section applies only to a new motor vehicle
5-12     purchased on or after September 1, 2001, and expires September 1,
5-13     2005.
5-14           SECTION 5.  Subchapter I, Chapter 545, Transportation Code,
5-15     is amended by adding Section 545.424 to read as follows:
5-16           Sec. 545.424.  ACCESS TO HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE LANE BY
5-17     CLEAN-AIR VEHICLES.  (a)  In this section, "high occupancy vehicle
5-18     lane" means a roadway lane that may be used only by a vehicle
5-19     containing a minimum number of occupants.
5-20           (b)  A person operating a motor vehicle with license plates
5-21     issued under Section 502.2985 may drive in a high occupancy vehicle
5-22     lane notwithstanding the minimum occupancy requirement.
5-23           (c)  This section expires September 1, 2005.
5-24           SECTION 6. Subchapter C, Chapter 548, Transportation Code, is
5-25     amended by adding Section 548.1025 to read as follows:
5-26           Sec. 548.1025.  FOUR-YEAR INITIAL INSPECTION PERIOD FOR
5-27     CERTAIN CLEAN-AIR MOTOR VEHICLES.  (a)  In this section, "new motor
 6-1     vehicle" has the meaning assigned by Section 152.001, Tax Code.
 6-2           (b)  Notwithstanding Section 548.101, the initial inspection
 6-3     period is four years for a motor vehicle described by Section
 6-4     152.094(b), Tax Code, that is sold in this state.
 6-5           (c)  This section does not affect a requirement that a motor
 6-6     vehicle emission inspection be conducted during an initial
 6-7     inspection period in a county covered by an inspection and
 6-8     maintenance program approved by the United States Environmental
 6-9     Protection Agency under Section 548.301 and the federal Clean Air
6-10     Act (42 U.S.C. Section 7401 et seq.).
6-11           (d)  This section expires September 1, 2005.
6-12           SECTION 7. Subchapter H, Chapter 548, Transportation Code, is
6-13     amended by adding Section 548.5035 to read as follows:
6-14           Sec. 548.5035.  INITIAL FOUR-YEAR INSPECTION OF CERTAIN
6-15     CLEAN-AIR MOTOR VEHICLES. (a)  Notwithstanding Section 548.501, the
6-16     fee for inspection of a passenger car  under Section 548.1025 shall
6-17     be set by the department by rule on or before September 1 of each
6-18     year.  A fee set by the department under this subsection must be
6-19     based on the costs of producing certificates, providing
6-20     inspections, and administering the program.
6-21           (b)  The fee imposed under this section is in addition to the
6-22     fee provided by Section 548.505.
6-23           (c)  The department by rule shall require an inspection
6-24     station to make an advance payment of a portion of the fee for a
6-25     certificate to be issued under this section.  Additional payment
6-26     may not be required of the station for the certificate.  The
6-27     inspection station may waive the fee due from the owner of the
 7-1     vehicle inspected.  A refund for an unissued certificate shall be
 7-2     made in the same manner as provided for other certificate refunds.
 7-3           (d)  This section expires September 1, 2005.
 7-4           SECTION 8.  (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this
 7-5     section, this Act takes effect September 1, 2001, and applies only
 7-6     to a new motor vehicle purchased on or after that date.  A new
 7-7     motor vehicle purchased before that date is governed by the law in
 7-8     effect when the new motor vehicle was purchased, and that law is
 7-9     continued in effect for that purpose.
7-10           (b)  Subchapter S, Chapter 171, Tax Code, as added by this
7-11     Act, takes effect January 1, 2002, and applies only to a report
7-12     originally due on or after that date.