By King of Uvalde                                      H.B. No. 981
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to oil and gas royalty reporting standards.
 1-4           SECTION 1. Subchapter L, Chapter 91, Natural Resources Code,
 1-5     is amended by adding Section 91.5001 to read as follows:
 1-6           Sec. 91.5001.  DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "payor" has
 1-7     the meaning assigned by Section 91.401.
 1-8           SECTION 2. Sections 91.501-91.506, Natural Resources Code,
 1-9     are amended to read as follows:
1-10           Sec. 91.501.  INFORMATION REQUIRED. If payment is made to a
1-11     royalty interest owner from the proceeds derived from the sale of
1-12     oil or gas production pursuant to a division order, lease,
1-13     servitude, or other agreement, the payor [person making the
1-14     payment] shall include the information required by Section 91.502
1-15     [of this code] on the check stub, [or on] an attachment to the
1-16     payment form, or another remittance advice.
1-17           Sec. 91.502.  TYPES OF INFORMATION PROVIDED.  Each check
1-18     stub, [or] attachment to a payment form, or other remittance advice
1-19     must include:
1-20                 (1)  the lease, property, or well name, [or] any lease,
1-21     property, or well identification number used to identify the lease,
1-22     property, or well, and a county and state in which the lease,
1-23     property, or well is located;
1-24                 (2)  the month and year during which the sales occurred
 2-1     for which payment is being made;
 2-2                 (3)  the total number of barrels of oil or the total
 2-3     amount of gas sold;
 2-4                 (4)  the price per barrel or per MCF of oil or gas
 2-5     sold;
 2-6                 (5)  the total amount of state severance and other
 2-7     production taxes paid;
 2-8                 (6)  the windfall profit tax paid on the owner's
 2-9     interest;
2-10                 (7)  any other deductions or adjustments;
2-11                 (8)  the net value of total sales after deductions;
2-12                 (9)  the owner's interest in sales from the lease,
2-13     property, or well expressed as a decimal;
2-14                 (10)  the owner's share of the total value of sales
2-15     before any tax deductions;
2-16                 (11)  the owner's share of the sales value less
2-17     deductions; and
2-18                 (12)  an address and telephone number at which
2-19     additional information regarding the payment may be obtained and
2-20     questions may be answered.
2-21           Sec. 91.503.  LEASE, PROPERTY, OR WELL DESCRIPTION [NAME]. If
2-22     a division order is not provided that includes the information
2-23     required by Section 91.402(c)(1)(B) [lease, property, or well
2-24     identification number is used under Subdivision (1) of Section
2-25     91.502 of this code], the payor [person making the payment] must,
2-26     at a minimum, provide prior to or with the first payment to which
2-27     this subchapter applies the information required by Section
 3-1     91.402(c)(1)(B) for the lease, property, or well for which payment
 3-2     of proceeds is being reported [name to which the lease, property,
 3-3     or well number refers].
 3-6     LEASE IDENTIFICATION. (a) If the payor [person making a payment]
 3-7     does not explain on the check stub, [or] attachment to the payment
 3-8     form, or other remittance advice, or by a separate mailing,
 3-9     deductions from or adjustments to payments, the payor [person
3-10     making the payment] must provide an explanation by certified mail
3-11     not later than the 60th day after the date the payor receives a
3-12     [on] request from [of] the royalty interest owner.  The royalty
3-13     interest owner must send the request by certified mail.
3-14           (b)  If a royalty interest owner requests information by
3-15     certified mail concerning the heating value of the gas produced or
3-16     sold from the lease, property, or well in which the owner has an
3-17     interest, the payor must, not later than the 60th day after the
3-18     date the payor receives the request, provide by certified mail:
3-19                 (1)  a copy of the Form G-1 filed with the commission;
3-20     or
3-21                 (2)  a check stub or separate statement that includes
3-22     the information.
3-23           (c)  A royalty interest owner who received a payment from a
3-24     payor during the preceding calendar year may request in writing by
3-25     certified mail that the payor provide a report listing the
3-26     following information for the preceding year:
3-27                 (1)  each lease, property, or well identification
 4-1     number;
 4-2                 (2)  each lease, property, or well name;
 4-3                 (3)  the field name;
 4-4                 (4)  the county and state in which the property is
 4-5     located; and
 4-6                 (5)  the commission lease identification number or
 4-7     commingling permit number or any other identification number under
 4-8     which the production for the lease, property, or well is being
 4-9     reported to the state.
4-10           (d)  A payor who receives a request for information under
4-11     Subsection (c) shall provide the information by certified mail not
4-12     later than the 60th day after the date the payor receives the
4-13     request.
4-14           (e)  At least once every 12 months, a payor shall provide the
4-15     following statement to each royalty interest owner to whom the
4-16     payor makes a payment:
4-17           Section 91.504, Texas Natural Resources Code, gives an
4-18           owner of a royalty interest in oil or gas produced in
4-19           Texas the right to request from a payor information
4-20           about itemized deductions, the heating value of the
4-21           gas, and the Railroad Commission of Texas
4-22           identification number for the lease, property, or well
4-23           that may not have been provided to the royalty interest
4-24           owner.  The request must be in writing and must be made
4-25           by certified mail.  A payor must respond to a request
4-26           regarding itemized deductions, the heating value of the
4-27           gas, or the Railroad Commission of Texas identification
 5-1           number by certified mail not later than the 60th day
 5-2           after the date the request is received.  Additional
 5-3           information regarding production and related
 5-4           information may be obtained by contacting the Railroad
 5-5           Commission of Texas' Office of Public Assistance or
 5-6           accessing the commission's website.
 5-7           Sec. 91.505.  PROVIDING OTHER INFORMATION. If a royalty
 5-8     interest owner requests information or answers to questions
 5-9     concerning a payment made pursuant to this subchapter, other than
5-10     information requested under Section 91.504, and the request is made
5-11     by certified mail, the payor [person making the payment] must
5-12     respond to the request by certified mail not later than 30 days
5-13     after the request is received.
5-14           Sec. 91.506.  EXEMPTION.  If the information required by
5-15     Section 91.502 [of this code] is provided in some other manner on a
5-16     monthly basis, the payor [person making the payment] is not
5-17     required to include the information on the check stub, [or]
5-18     attachment to the payment form, or other remittance advice.
5-19           SECTION 3.  Subchapter L, Chapter 91, Natural Resources Code,
5-20     is amended by adding Section 91.507 to read as follows:
5-21           Sec. 91.507.  ENFORCEMENT. (a)  A royalty interest owner who
5-22     does not receive the information required to be provided under
5-23     Section 91.502 or 91.503 in a timely manner may send a written
5-24     request for the information to the payor by certified mail.
5-25           (b)  Not later than the 60th day after the date the payor
5-26     receives the written request for information under this section,
5-27     the payor shall provide the requested information by certified
 6-1     mail.
 6-2           (c)  If a payor fails to provide the requested information
 6-3     within the period specified by Subsection (b), either party may
 6-4     request mediation.
 6-5           (d)  If the royalty interest owner makes a written request
 6-6     for information under Section 91.504 or this section and the payor
 6-7     does not provide the information within the 60-day period, the
 6-8     royalty interest owner may bring a civil action against the payor
 6-9     to enforce the provisions of Section 91.504 or this section, as
6-10     applicable.  The prevailing party is entitled to recover reasonable
6-11     court costs and attorney's fees.
6-12           SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect January 1, 2002, except
6-13     that Sections 91.501, 91.502, 91.504, and 91.506, Natural Resources
6-14     Code, as amended by this Act, and Section 91.507, Natural Resources
6-15     Code, as added by this Act, take effect September 1, 2002.