By Driver H.B. No. 1115 77R2731 JD-F A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to the authority of a municipality to implement a 1-3 photographic traffic signal enforcement system; providing for the 1-4 imposition of civil penalties and providing a criminal penalty. 1-5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-6 SECTION 1. Subtitle I, Title 7, Transportation Code, is 1-7 amended by adding Chapter 707 to read as follows: 1-8 CHAPTER 707. PHOTOGRAPHIC TRAFFIC SIGNAL 1-9 ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM 1-10 Sec. 707.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: 1-11 (1) "Owner of a motor vehicle" means the owner of a 1-12 motor vehicle as shown on the motor vehicle registration records of 1-13 the Texas Department of Transportation or the analogous department 1-14 or agency of another state or country. 1-15 (2) "Photographic traffic signal enforcement system" 1-16 means a system that: 1-17 (A) consists of a camera system and vehicle 1-18 sensor installed to exclusively work in conjunction with an 1-19 electrically operated traffic-control signal; and 1-20 (B) is capable of producing at least two 1-21 recorded images that depict the license plate attached to the rear 1-22 of a motor vehicle that is not operated in compliance with the 1-23 instructions of the traffic-control signal. 1-24 (3) "Recorded image" means a photographic or digital 2-1 image that depicts the rear of a motor vehicle. 2-2 (4) "Traffic-control signal" has the meaning assigned 2-3 by Section 541.304. 2-4 Sec. 707.002. AUTHORITY TO PROVIDE FOR CIVIL PENALTY. The 2-5 governing body of a municipality by ordinance may implement a 2-6 photographic traffic signal enforcement system and provide that the 2-7 owner of a motor vehicle is liable to the municipality for a civil 2-8 penalty if, while facing only a steady red signal displayed by an 2-9 electrically operated traffic-control signal located in the 2-10 municipality, the vehicle is operated in violation of the 2-11 instructions of that traffic-control signal, as specified by 2-12 Section 544.007(d). 2-13 Sec. 707.003. INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF PHOTOGRAPHIC 2-14 TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM. A municipality that implements 2-15 a photographic traffic signal enforcement system under this chapter 2-16 may: 2-17 (1) contract for the administration and enforcement of 2-18 the ordinance; and 2-19 (2) install and operate the system or contract for the 2-20 installation or operation of the system. 2-21 Sec. 707.004. REQUIRED ORDINANCE PROVISIONS. An ordinance 2-22 adopted under Section 707.002 must provide that a person against 2-23 whom the municipality seeks to impose a civil penalty is entitled 2-24 to a hearing and shall: 2-25 (1) provide for the period in which the hearing must 2-26 be held; 2-27 (2) provide for the appointment of a hearing officer 3-1 with authority to administer oaths and issue orders compelling the 3-2 attendance of witnesses and the production of documents; and 3-3 (3) designate the department, agency, or office of the 3-4 municipality responsible for the enforcement and administration of 3-5 the ordinance or provide that the entity with which the 3-6 municipality enters into a contract under Section 707.003(1) is 3-7 responsible for the enforcement and administration of the 3-8 ordinance. 3-9 Sec. 707.005. EFFECT ON OTHER ENFORCEMENT. (a) The 3-10 implementation of a photographic traffic signal enforcement system 3-11 by a municipality under this chapter does not: 3-12 (1) preclude the application or enforcement in the 3-13 municipality of Section 544.007(d) in the manner prescribed by 3-14 Chapter 543; or 3-15 (2) prohibit a peace officer from arresting a violator 3-16 of Section 544.007(d) as provided by Chapter 543 or from issuing 3-17 the violator a citation and notice to appear as provided by that 3-18 chapter. 3-19 (b) A municipality may not impose a civil penalty under this 3-20 chapter on the owner of a motor vehicle if the operator of the 3-21 vehicle was arrested or issued a citation and notice to appear by a 3-22 peace officer for the same violation of Section 544.007(d) recorded 3-23 by the traffic signal enforcement system. 3-24 Sec. 707.006. NOTICE OF VIOLATION; CONTENTS. (a) The 3-25 imposition of a civil penalty under this chapter is initiated by 3-26 the mailing of a notice of violation to the owner of the motor 3-27 vehicle against whom the municipality seeks to impose the civil 4-1 penalty. 4-2 (b) Not later than the 30th day after the date the violation 4-3 is alleged to have occurred, the designated department, agency, or 4-4 office of the municipality or the entity with which the 4-5 municipality has entered into a contract under Section 707.003(1) 4-6 shall mail the notice of violation to the owner at: 4-7 (1) the owner's address as shown on the registration 4-8 records of the Texas Department of Transportation; or 4-9 (2) if the vehicle is registered in another state or 4-10 country, the owner's address as shown on the motor vehicle 4-11 registration records of the department or agency of the other state 4-12 or country analogous to the Texas Department of Transportation. 4-13 (c) The notice of violation must contain the following: 4-14 (1) a description of the violation alleged; 4-15 (2) the location of the intersection where the 4-16 violation occurred; 4-17 (3) the date and time of the violation; 4-18 (4) the name and address of the owner of the vehicle 4-19 involved in the violation; 4-20 (5) the registration number displayed on the license 4-21 plate of the vehicle involved in the violation; 4-22 (6) a copy of a recorded image of the registration 4-23 number displayed on the license plate of the vehicle involved in 4-24 the violation; 4-25 (7) the amount of the civil penalty for which the 4-26 owner is liable; 4-27 (8) the number of days the person has in which to pay 5-1 the civil penalty and a statement that the person incurs a late 5-2 payment penalty if the civil penalty is not paid within that 5-3 period; 5-4 (9) a statement that the owner of the vehicle in the 5-5 citation or summons may elect to pay the civil penalty instead of 5-6 appearing at the time and place of the administrative adjudication 5-7 hearing; and 5-8 (10) information that informs the owner of the vehicle 5-9 named in the notice of violation: 5-10 (A) of the owner's right to contest the 5-11 imposition of the civil penalty against the person in an 5-12 administrative adjudication hearing; 5-13 (B) that imposition of the civil penalty may be 5-14 contested by submitting a written request for an administrative 5-15 adjudication hearing before the expiration of the period specified 5-16 by Subdivision (8); and 5-17 (C) that failure to pay the civil penalty or to 5-18 contest liability for the penalty in a timely manner is an 5-19 admission of liability. 5-20 (d) A notice of violation is presumed to have been received 5-21 on the fifth day after the date the notice is mailed. 5-22 Sec. 707.007. ADMISSION OF LIABILITY. A person who fails to 5-23 pay the civil penalty or to contest liability for the penalty in a 5-24 timely manner or who requests an administrative adjudication 5-25 hearing to contest the imposition of the civil penalty against the 5-26 person and fails to appear at that hearing is considered to admit 5-27 liability for the full amount of the civil penalty stated in the 6-1 notice of violation mailed to the person. 6-2 Sec. 707.008. PRESUMPTION. It is presumed that the owner of 6-3 the motor vehicle committed the violation alleged in the notice of 6-4 violation mailed to the person if the motor vehicle depicted in a 6-5 photograph or digital image taken by a photographic traffic signal 6-6 enforcement system belongs to the owner of the motor vehicle. 6-7 Sec. 707.009. ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUDICATION HEARING. (a) A 6-8 person who receives a notice of violation under this chapter may 6-9 contest the imposition of the civil penalty specified in the notice 6-10 of violation by filing a written request for an administrative 6-11 adjudication hearing. The request for a hearing must be filed on 6-12 or before the date specified in the notice of violation, which may 6-13 not be less than the 15th day after the date the notice of 6-14 violation was mailed. 6-15 (b) On receipt of a timely request for an administrative 6-16 adjudication hearing, the municipality shall notify the person of 6-17 the date and time of the hearing. 6-18 (c) A hearing officer designated by the governing body of 6-19 the municipality shall conduct the administrative adjudication 6-20 hearing. 6-21 (d) In an administrative adjudication hearing, the issues 6-22 must be proven by a preponderence of the evidence. 6-23 (e) The reliability of the photographic traffic signal 6-24 enforcement system used to produce the recorded image of the motor 6-25 vehicle involved in the violation may be attested to by affidavit 6-26 of an officer or employee of the municipality or of the entity with 6-27 which the municipality has contracted under Section 707.003(1) who 7-1 is responsible for inspecting and maintaining the system. 7-2 (f) An affidavit of an officer or employee of the 7-3 municipality that alleges a violation based on an inspection of the 7-4 applicable recorded image is: 7-5 (1) admissible in the administrative adjudication 7-6 hearing; and 7-7 (2) evidence of the facts contained in the affidavit. 7-8 (g) At the conclusion of the administrative adjudication 7-9 hearing, the hearing officer shall enter a finding of liability for 7-10 the civil penalty or a finding of no liability for the civil 7-11 penalty. A finding under this subsection must be in writing and be 7-12 signed and dated by the hearing officer. 7-13 (h) A finding of liability for a civil penalty must specify 7-14 the amount of the civil penalty for which the person is liable. If 7-15 the hearing officer enters a finding of no liability, a civil 7-16 penalty for the violation may not be imposed against the person. 7-17 (i) A finding of liability or a finding of no liability 7-18 entered under this section may: 7-19 (1) be filed with the clerk or secretary of the 7-20 municipality or with a person designated by the governing body of 7-21 the municipality; and 7-22 (2) be recorded on microfilm or microfiche or using 7-23 data processing techniques. 7-24 Sec. 707.010. UNTIMELY REQUEST FOR ADMINISTRATIVE 7-25 ADJUDICATION HEARING. Notwithstanding any other provision of this 7-26 chapter, a person who receives a notice of violation under this 7-27 chapter and who fails to timely pay the amount of the civil penalty 8-1 or fails to timely request an administrative adjudication hearing 8-2 is entitled to an administrative adjudication hearing if: 8-3 (1) the person submits a written request for the 8-4 hearing to the designated hearing officer, accompanied by an 8-5 affidavit that attests to the date on which the person received the 8-6 notice of violation; and 8-7 (2) the written request and affidavit are submitted to 8-8 the hearing officer within the same number of days after the date 8-9 the person received the notice of violation as specified by Section 8-10 707.006(c)(10)(B). 8-11 Sec. 707.011. AMOUNT OF CIVIL PENALTY; LATE PAYMENT PENALTY. 8-12 (a) Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), the amount of a 8-13 civil penalty that may be imposed on the owner of a motor vehicle 8-14 under this chapter may not exceed $75. 8-15 (b) For a third or subsequent violation committed by the 8-16 same owner of a motor vehicle during any 12-month period, the 8-17 amount of the civil penalty may not exceed $200. 8-18 (c) The governing body of the municipality may prescribe a 8-19 late payment penalty not to exceed $50 for a civil penalty that is 8-20 not timely paid. 8-21 Sec. 707.012. ENFORCEMENT. If the owner of a motor vehicle 8-22 is delinquent in the payment of three or more civil penalties 8-23 imposed under this chapter, the motor vehicle alleged to have been 8-24 involved in any of the violations may be impounded or immobilized 8-25 by placement of an appropriate device on the vehicle. 8-26 Sec. 707.013. APPEAL. (a) The owner of a motor vehicle 8-27 determined by a hearing officer to be liable for a civil penalty 9-1 may appeal that determination to a judge of the municipal court of 9-2 the municipality by filing an appeal petition with the clerk of the 9-3 municipal court. 9-4 (b) The petition must be: 9-5 (1) filed before the 31st day after the date on which 9-6 the administrative adjudication hearing officer entered the finding 9-7 of liability for the civil penalty; and 9-8 (2) accompanied by payment of the costs required by 9-9 law for municipal court. 9-10 (c) The municipal court clerk shall schedule a hearing and 9-11 notify the owner of the motor vehicle and the appropriate 9-12 department, agency, or office of the municipality of the date, 9-13 time, and place of the hearing. 9-14 (d) Unless the owner of the vehicle, before filing the 9-15 appeal petition, posts a bond in the amount of the civil penalty 9-16 with the department, agency, or office of the municipality or with 9-17 the contracted entity designated to enforce and administer the 9-18 ordinance, an appeal does not stay enforcement or collection of the 9-19 civil penalty imposed against that owner. 9-20 Sec. 707.014. IMPOSITION OF CIVIL PENALTY NOT A CONVICTION. 9-21 The imposition of a civil penalty under this chapter is not a 9-22 conviction and may not be considered a conviction for any purpose. 9-23 Sec. 707.015. REQUIRED SIGNAGE. (a) A municipality that 9-24 implements a photographic traffic signal enforcement system shall 9-25 place or erect signs to inform motorists entering the municipality 9-26 that a photographic traffic signal enforcement system is in use in 9-27 the municipality. 10-1 (b) The municipality shall place or erect a sign required by 10-2 Subsection (a) at each location where a city limits sign has been 10-3 placed or erected adjacent to a roadway that enters the 10-4 municipality. 10-5 (c) A sign required by this section must: 10-6 (1) conform to the manual and specifications adopted 10-7 by the Texas Transportation Commission under Section 544.001; and 10-8 (2) read as follows: "THIS (CITY, TOWN, OR VILLAGE) 10-9 USES A PHOTOGRAPHIC TRAFFIC SIGNAL ENFORCEMENT SYSTEM TO ENFORCE 10-10 COMPLIANCE WITH TRAFFIC SIGNALS." 10-11 Sec. 707.016. IMPROPER USE OF SYSTEM; OFFENSE. (a) A 10-12 person commits an offense if the person uses a photographic traffic 10-13 signal enforcement system to produce a recorded image other than in 10-14 the manner and for the purposes specified by this chapter. 10-15 (b) An offense under this section is a Class A misdemeanor. 10-16 Sec. 707.017. USE OF REVENUE. In a municipal fiscal year, 10-17 after deducting any amount necessary to pay for the operation or 10-18 maintenance of the photographic traffic signal enforcement system, 10-19 the municipality shall use revenue derived from civil penalties 10-20 imposed under this chapter only for traffic safety and traffic 10-21 signal awareness and education programs. 10-22 SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives 10-23 a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as 10-24 provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this 10-25 Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this 10-26 Act takes effect September 1, 2001.