1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to regulation of the business of selling checks, including
 1-3     electronic checks.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 152.002, Finance Code, is amended to read
 1-6     as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 152.002.  DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
 1-8                 (1)  "Business of selling checks" means the activity of
 1-9     receiving money by any means from a purchaser for the purpose of
1-10     subsequently transferring the money in the form of a check payable
1-11     by the seller to a person designated by the purchaser, for direct
1-12     or indirect compensation, including earnings from money received
1-13     from the purchaser or the purchaser's agent and held pending
1-14     disbursement on a check sold to the purchaser, whether or not the
1-15     activity is conducted on a regular basis or as an organized
1-16     business concern.
1-17                 (2)  "Check" means an instrument, service, or device
1-18     for the transmission or payment of money, including a draft,
1-19     traveler's check, or money order, or an electronic equivalent to a
1-20     draft, traveler's check, or money order, including an automated
1-21     clearinghouse transfer.  The term does not include an instrument,
1-22     service, or device that:
1-23                       (A)  transfers money directly from the purchaser
1-24     to a creditor of the purchaser or to an agent of the creditor;
 2-1                       (B)  is redeemed by the issuer in goods or
 2-2     services under circumstances not designed to evade the obligations
 2-3     and responsibilities imposed by this chapter; or
 2-4                       (C)  transfers money in the form of currency to
 2-5     another person in a transmission or transportation transaction
 2-6     subject to Chapter 153[.  The term also includes an instrument for
 2-7     the transmission or payment of money in which the purchaser or
 2-8     remitter of the instrument appoints or purports to appoint the
 2-9     seller as its agent for the receipt, transmission, or handling of
2-10     money, regardless of who signs the instrument].
2-11                 (3) [(2)]  "Commission" means the Finance Commission of
2-12     Texas.
2-13                 (4) [(3)]  "Commissioner" means the banking
2-14     commissioner of Texas.
2-15                 (5) [(4)]  "Deliver" means to deliver a check to the
2-16     first person who in payment for the check remits or purports to
2-17     remit the face amount of the check or makes a remittance or
2-18     purported remittance against the face amount, regardless of whether
2-19     the person who delivers the check:
2-20                       (A)  signs the check or is otherwise directly
2-21     liable for obligations evidenced by the check; or
2-22                       (B)  charges a fee in addition to the face
2-23     amount.
2-24                 (6) [(5)]  "Department" means the Texas Department of
2-25     Banking.
2-26                 (7)  "Financial institution" has the meaning assigned
2-27     by Section 201.101.
 3-1                 (8)  "License holder" means a person holding a current
 3-2     license issued under Section 152.209.  The term includes a person
 3-3     exempt from licensing under Section 152.202 to the extent the
 3-4     obligations and responsibilities of a license holder under this
 3-5     chapter are imposed on the person as a condition of exemption.
 3-6                 (9)  "Money" means a medium of exchange authorized or
 3-7     adopted by a domestic or foreign government and includes a monetary
 3-8     unit of account established by an intergovernmental organization or
 3-9     by agreement between two or more nations.  The term also includes
3-10     money represented in digital electronic format, whether or not
3-11     specially encrypted, and stored or capable of storage on electronic
3-12     media in a manner that is retrievable and transferable
3-13     electronically.
3-14                 (10) [(6)]  "Permissible investment" means:
3-15                       (A)  cash in demand or interest-bearing accounts
3-16     with a federally insured financial institution, including
3-17     certificates of deposit;
3-18                       (B)  a marketable [an] investment security
3-19     consisting of [that is an obligation]:
3-20                             (i)  bonds and other legally created
3-21     general obligations of a state, an agency or political subdivision
3-22     of a state, the United States, or an instrumentality of the United
3-23     States; or
3-24                             (ii)  obligations that a state or an agency
3-25     or political subdivision [the principal and interest] of a state,
3-26     or [which are fully guaranteed by] the United States or an
3-27     instrumentality of the United States has unconditionally agreed to
 4-1     purchase, insure, or guarantee; or
 4-2                             [(iii)  of a state or a political
 4-3     subdivision of a state; or]
 4-4                       (C)  other assets or securities that may be
 4-5     permitted by rule or [any other investment] approved by the
 4-6     commissioner.
 4-7                 (11)  "Principal," in connection with management of a
 4-8     license holder or applicant, means a person who performs executive
 4-9     functions or otherwise controls the executive affairs of a license
4-10     holder, including an owner, officer, director, partner, trustee, or
4-11     manager of the license holder.
4-12                 (12) [(7)  "Person" means an individual, partnership,
4-13     joint stock or other association, trust, or corporation.  The term
4-14     does not include the United States or this state.]
4-15                 [(8)]  "Sell" includes issue, transmit, or deliver.
4-16                 [(9)  "Traveler's check" means a type of check that:]
4-17                       [(A)  is a multiple of a denomination;]
4-18                       [(B)  provides for the purchaser's signature to
4-19     be completed at the time the instrument is purchased; and]
4-20                       [(C)  provides for the purchaser's
4-21     countersignature to be completed when the instrument is
4-22     negotiated.]
4-23           SECTION 2. Subchapter B, Chapter 152, Finance Code, is
4-24     amended to read as follows:
4-26           Sec. 152.101.  ADMINISTRATION. The department shall
4-27     administer this chapter.
 5-1           Sec. 152.102.  RULES. [(a)]  The commission may adopt rules
 5-2     necessary to enforce and administer this chapter, including rules
 5-3     [relating] to:
 5-4                 (1)  implement and clarify this chapter;
 5-5                 (2)  establish fees for applications, licenses,
 5-6     notices, and examinations to defray the cost of administering this
 5-7     chapter;
 5-8                 (3)  create additional exemptions or reduced
 5-9     requirements applicable to specific circumstances, if the exemption
5-10     or reduction is in the public interest and subject to appropriate
5-11     requirements or conditions;
5-12                 (4)  identify additional permissible investments
5-13     subject to appropriate investment limits; and
5-14                 (5)  protect the interests of check purchasers [an
5-15     application for a license].
5-16           [(b)  The commissioner may adopt and enforce reasonable rules
5-17     to prevent unsafe and unsound practices with respect to a
5-18     permissible investment required by this chapter.]
5-19           Sec. 152.103.  EXAMINATIONS [EXCEPTIONS TO REQUIREMENTS.  The
5-20     commissioner by rule may exempt a person from this chapter or
5-21     reduce a requirement of Section 152.102(b), 152.104, 152.205,
5-22     152.206, 152.207, 152.208(a), 152.209, 152.304(b), 152.305,
5-23     152.403, 152.503, or 152.504 if:]
5-24                 [(1)  the person does not engage in the business of
5-25     selling checks to the public and the sale of checks by the person
5-26     is:]
5-27                       [(A)  ancillary to the person's business; and]
 6-1                       [(B)  limited to commercial contracts in
 6-2     interstate commerce; and]
 6-3                 [(2)  the commissioner determines that the exemption or
 6-4     reduced requirement is in the public interest.]
 6-5           [Sec. 152.104.  ANNUAL AUDIT]. (a)  The commissioner shall
 6-6     examine each license holder annually, on a periodic basis as
 6-7     required by any rules adopted under this chapter, or more often as
 6-8     the commissioner considers necessary to efficiently enforce this
 6-9     chapter and other applicable law [shall conduct a financial audit
6-10     of each license holder at the cost of the license holder].
6-11           (b)  The commissioner, in the exercise of discretion and as
6-12     necessary for the efficient enforcement of this chapter or other
6-13     applicable law, may:
6-14                 (1)  examine a license holder at its primary place of
6-15     business;
6-16                 (2)  examine off-site documents that the license holder
6-17     furnishes to the department; and
6-18                 (3)  defer a required examination for not more than six
6-19     months.
6-20           (c)  Information in a report of an examination under this
6-21     section is confidential and may be disclosed only under the
6-22     circumstances provided by Section 152.105.
6-23           (d)  Disclosure of information to the commissioner under an
6-24     examination request does not waive or otherwise affect or diminish
6-25     a privilege to which the information is otherwise subject  [Instead
6-26     of conducting that audit, the commissioner may accept an annual
6-27     report and audit of the affairs of a license holder under this
 7-1     chapter made by a nationally recognized certified public accounting
 7-2     firm or by a bank commissioner or comparable officer of another
 7-3     state].
 7-4           Sec. 152.104.  REGULATORY COOPERATION. (a)  To efficiently
 7-5     carry out the purposes of this chapter and reduce the regulatory
 7-6     burden on license holders, the commissioner may:
 7-7                 (1)  enter into cooperative, coordinating, or
 7-8     information-sharing agreements with another federal, state, or
 7-9     foreign governmental agency that regulates persons engaged in the
7-10     business of selling checks or that otherwise has concurrent
7-11     regulatory or supervisory jurisdiction with respect to license
7-12     holders under this chapter;
7-13                 (2)  with respect to periodic examination or other
7-14     supervision or investigation, accept reports of examination or
7-15     investigation by, and reports submitted to, an agency described by
7-16     Subdivision (1) instead of conducting examinations or
7-17     investigations or receiving reports as might otherwise be required
7-18     or permissible under this chapter;
7-19                 (3)  enter into contracts with an agency described by
7-20     Subdivision (1) to engage the services of the agency for reasonable
7-21     compensation to assist in connection with the commissioner's
7-22     performance of official duties under this chapter or other law, or
7-23     to provide services to the agency for reasonable compensation in
7-24     connection with the agency's performance of official duties under
7-25     law, except that Chapter 2254, Government Code, does not apply to
7-26     contracts under this subdivision; and
7-27                 (4)  enter into joint examinations or joint enforcement
 8-1     actions with an agency described by Subdivision (1), provided that
 8-2     the commissioner may not waive the ability to independently take
 8-3     action under this chapter if the commissioner determines that the
 8-4     action is necessary to carry out the commissioner's
 8-5     responsibilities under this chapter or to enforce compliance with
 8-6     the laws of this state.
 8-7           (b)  Supervisory or examination fees assessed in accordance
 8-8     with this chapter may be shared with another federal, state, or
 8-9     foreign governmental agency that regulates the activities described
8-10     in this chapter or that otherwise has concurrent regulatory or
8-11     supervisory jurisdiction with respect to license holders under this
8-12     chapter in accordance with an agreement between the commissioner
8-13     and the agency.  The commissioner may also receive a portion of
8-14     supervisory or examination fees assessed by a federal, state, or
8-15     foreign governmental agency in accordance with an agreement between
8-16     the commissioner and the agency.
8-17           Sec. 152.105.  CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION; DISCLOSURE. (a)
8-18     Except as provided by Subsection (b), information obtained by the
8-19     commissioner [or the commission] under this chapter and any [from a
8-20     person who holds a license under this chapter or through an
8-21     examination or a] file or record of the department relating to that
8-22     information is confidential and may not be disclosed if the
8-23     information, as determined by the commissioner:
8-24                 (1)  relates to the financial condition of the license
8-25     holder, a license applicant, a person exempt from licensing under
8-26     Section 152.202, or an affiliate or principal of a person exempt
8-27     from licensing under Section 152.202; [or]
 9-1                 (2)  is proprietary information of the license holder;
 9-2     or
 9-3                 (3)  is personal or private information relating to a
 9-4     specific purchaser that identifies or can otherwise be associated
 9-5     with the purchaser [, as determined by the commissioner].
 9-6           (b)  The commissioner may release confidential information
 9-7     if:
 9-8                 (1)  the commissioner finds that immediate and
 9-9     irreparable harm is threatened to a purchaser or potential
9-10     purchaser of a check, or to the public;
9-11                 (2)  the license holder consents to the release of
9-12     information, other than information described by Subsection (a)(3),
9-13     or has published the information contained in the release;
9-14                 (3)  the commissioner finds that release of the
9-15     information is required for an administrative hearing, in which
9-16     case the information may be released to the parties to the hearing
9-17     by an order of the hearings officer that requires the parties to
9-18     maintain confidentiality; or
9-19                 (4)  the commissioner finds that release of the
9-20     information is reasonably necessary to protect the public and is in
9-21     the interest of justice, in which case the information may be
9-22     released only to a representative of an agency, department, or
9-23     instrumentality of this or another state, [or] the United States,
9-24     or a foreign government with whom the United States currently
9-25     maintains diplomatic relations.
9-26           (c)  Before releasing information the commissioner determines
9-27     is not proprietary under Subsection (a)(2), the commissioner shall
 10-1    notify the license holder unless the notification is prohibited by
 10-2    other law.
 10-3          SECTION 3. Subchapter C, Chapter 152, Finance Code, is
 10-4    amended to read as follows:
 10-6          Sec. 152.201.  LICENSE REQUIRED. (a)  Except as provided by
 10-7    Section 152.202, a person must hold a license issued under this
 10-8    chapter to [:]
 10-9                [(1)]  engage in the business of selling checks to
10-10    purchasers:
10-11                (1)  located in this state [, as a service or for
10-12    consideration]; or
10-13                (2)  wherever located if the seller is located in this
10-14    state.
10-15          (b)  For purposes of this section, a seller is located in
10-16    this state if the seller:
10-17                (1)  employs or otherwise uses an agent that is located
10-18    in this state; or
10-19                (2)  maintains, uses [maintain, use], or otherwise
10-20    controls [control] an account at a financial institution office
10-21    located in this state for the purpose of engaging in the business
10-22    of selling checks.
10-23          Sec. 152.202.  EXEMPTIONS FROM LICENSING. (a)  Section
10-24    152.201 does not apply to:
10-25                (1)  a federally insured financial institution [, as
10-26    that term is defined by Section 201.101, if the institution does
10-27    not sell checks, other than traveler's checks, through an agent who
 11-1    is not directly or indirectly owned by the institution unless the
 11-2    agent is also a federally insured financial institution];
 11-3                (2)  an agent [or subagent] of a license holder unless
 11-4    the agent [or subagent sells the license holder's checks
 11-5    over-the-counter to the public and in the regular conduct of that
 11-6    business] receives or at any time has access to [:]
 11-7                      [(A)]  a record [check] of the license holder
 11-8    that contains information pertaining to [is returned after] payment
 11-9    of the license holder's obligations under checks sold by the agent
11-10    for purposes of verification, reconciliation, or accounting; [or]
11-11                      [(B)  a bank statement relating to a returned
11-12    check;]
11-13                (3)  a title company or attorney that issues an escrow
11-14    or trust fund check;
11-15                (4)  a state, an agency, political subdivision, or
11-16    instrumentality of a state, the United States, or an agency or
11-17    instrumentality of the United States, including the United States
11-18    Postal Service; [or]
11-19                (5)  with the commissioner's prior written consent, a
11-20    person that [who]:
11-21                      (A)  holds a license issued under Chapter 153;
11-22                      (B)  [has a net worth of at least $250,000 and]
11-23    meets the licensing requirements of this chapter, including a
11-24    demonstration of net worth as reflected by the financial statements
11-25    required by Section 152.205;
11-26                      (C)  maintains a bond payable to the commissioner
11-27    or an amount deposited with the commissioner, for the purposes
 12-1    specified in both this chapter and Chapter 153, in an amount equal
 12-2    to the greater of the amount of bond required by [under] Section
 12-3    152.206 or Chapter 153; [in the minimum principal amount of
 12-4    $350,000; and]
 12-5                      (D)  sells checks only in conjunction with [a]
 12-6    currency exchange or transmission transactions subject to
 12-7    [transaction, as defined by] Chapter 153, and separately accounts
 12-8    for [separates all] proceeds from transactions under Chapter 153
 12-9    and this chapter; and
12-10                      (E)  complies with Subsection (b);
12-11                (6)  with the commissioner's prior written
12-12    determination that the exemption is in the public interest, a
12-13    person that:
12-14                      (A)  incidentally engages in the sale of checks
12-15    only to the extent reasonable and necessary to accomplish a primary
12-16    business objective that is unrelated to the sale of checks;
12-17                      (B)  does not advertise or offer to sell checks
12-18    to the public except to the extent reasonable and necessary to
12-19    fairly advertise or offer its primary business services; and
12-20                      (C)  either:
12-21                            (i)  sells checks exclusively in connection
12-22    with commercial contracts in interstate commerce; or
12-23                            (ii)  does not charge a fee for the sale of
12-24    checks or sell checks without fee as an inducement for customer
12-25    participation in its primary business; or
12-26                (7)  any other person exempted by rule [that
12-27    transaction from the sale of checks].
 13-1          (b)  A [Notwithstanding Subsection (a)(5), a] person who
 13-2    meets the requirements of Subsection (a)(5) [that subsection] is
 13-3    subject to:
 13-4                (1)  all provisions [any other provision] of this
 13-5    chapter other than the license requirement of Section 152.201 to
 13-6    the extent the person engages in the business of selling checks;
 13-7    and
 13-8                (2)  rules adopted under this chapter [by the
 13-9    commissioner] to administer and carry out that subsection,
13-10    including rules to:
13-11                      (A)  define a term used in that subsection; and
13-12                      (B)  establish limits or requirements on the
13-13    bonding and net worth of the person and the person's activities
13-14    relating to the sale of checks other than those specified by that
13-15    subsection.
13-16          Sec. 152.203.  QUALIFICATIONS FOR LICENSE. (a)  Subject to
13-17    Subsection (b), to [To] qualify for a license under this chapter, a
13-18    person:
13-19                (1)  must have a net worth of at least $500,000,
13-20    computed according to generally accepted accounting principles, as
13-21    reflected by the financial statements required by Section 152.205;
13-22                (2)  must be in a financial condition that will enable
13-23    the person to safely and soundly engage in the business of selling
13-24    checks;
13-25                (3)  [if an individual, may not have been convicted of
13-26    a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude that is reasonably
13-27    related to the person's fitness to hold the license, regardless of
 14-1    whether the punishment received was a suspended sentence, community
 14-2    supervision, or nonadjudicated conviction;]
 14-3                [(4)  must respond truthfully and completely to any
 14-4    request for information contained in the license application;]
 14-5                [(5)]  may not be indebted to any local, [this] state,
 14-6    or federal government or political subdivision of the government
 14-7    for delinquent taxes, fines, penalties, or fees [a fee or penalty
 14-8    imposed under this chapter or a rule of the commission;]
 14-9                [(6)  if an individual, must have a good moral
14-10    character and reputation as a peaceful, law-abiding resident in the
14-11    community in which the person resides]; and
14-12                (4) [(7)]  may not be engaged in an activity or
14-13    practice the commissioner finds adversely affects the person's
14-14    financial safety and soundness.
14-15          (b)  A [To qualify for a] license may not be issued to an
14-16    applicant unless each person identified under Section
14-17    152.204(b)(1):
14-18                (1)  possesses [,] the financial responsibility,
14-19    financial condition, business experience, character, and general
14-20    fitness that would [of the applicant must] reasonably warrant the
14-21    belief that issuance of the license will be in the public interest;
14-22    and
14-23                (2)  has not been convicted during the preceding 10
14-24    years of an offense:
14-25                      (A)  under a state or federal law that involves
14-26    deception, dishonesty, or defalcation, or that relates to currency
14-27    exchange, transportation, or transmission, money laundering, or a
 15-1    reporting requirement of the Bank Secrecy Act (12 U.S.C. Section
 15-2    1951 et seq.); or
 15-3                      (B)  under the laws of a foreign country that
 15-4    involves deception, dishonesty, or defalcation, or that would be a
 15-5    felony under state or federal law if committed in the United
 15-6    States, unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of
 15-7    the commissioner that the conviction was based on extenuating
 15-8    circumstances unrelated to the person's reputation for honesty and
 15-9    obedience to law.
15-10          Sec. 152.204.  APPLICATION. (a)  An application for a license
15-11    must be in writing, sworn to, and filed with the commissioner in
15-12    the form the commissioner prescribes.
15-13          (b)  The application must:
15-14                (1)  state the full legal name, federal taxpayer
15-15    identification number or social security number, and business
15-16    address of the applicant, and [:  (1) the proprietor], if the
15-17    applicant is:
15-18                      (A)  an individual, the home address of the
15-19    applicant, and the full legal name and federal taxpayer
15-20    identification number or social security number of the applicant's
15-21    spouse; or
15-22                      (B)  a person other than an individual, the full
15-23    legal name, federal taxpayer identification number or social
15-24    security number, and the business address of:
15-25                            (i)  each individual who is a principal of
15-26    the applicant; and
15-27                            (ii)  each individual who is a principal of
 16-1    any person that is a principal of the applicant;
 16-2                (2)  describe in detail the applicant's business plan
 16-3    relating to the business of selling checks, including:
 16-4                      (A)  method of operations;
 16-5                      (B)  location of operations and outlets;
 16-6                      (C)  projections regarding the anticipated growth
 16-7    in volume of checks sold in dollars and in number of consumers
 16-8    during the initial two-year period of operation; and
 16-9                      (D)  other information sufficient to permit the
16-10    commissioner to evaluate the bonding requirements of Section
16-11    152.206 [each member, if the applicant is a partnership or
16-12    association other than an association described by Subdivision
16-13    (3)];
16-14                (3)  include an undertaking to increase or supplement
16-15    the bond furnished with the application to equal the aggregate bond
16-16    required by the commissioner before the issuance of the license and
16-17    the start of operations [the association and each officer and
16-18    director of the association, if the applicant is a joint stock
16-19    association having at least 50 members]; and
16-20                (4)  disclose any other information that may be
16-21    required by rule or reasonably requested by the commissioner [each
16-22    trustee and officer, if the applicant is a trust; and]
16-23                [(5)  the corporation and each officer and director of
16-24    the corporation, if the applicant is a corporation].
16-25          Sec. 152.205.  ACCOMPANYING FEE, STATEMENTS, AND BOND. An
16-26    application for a license must be accompanied by:
16-27                (1)  a nonrefundable application [investigation] fee in
 17-1    an amount established by rule [set by the commissioner] that is
 17-2    sufficient to administer this chapter;
 17-3                (2)  audited financial statements of the applicant that
 17-4    are reasonably satisfactory to the commissioner; and
 17-5                (3)  [a list of the locations at which the business is
 17-6    to be conducted; and]
 17-7                [(4)]  a surety bond or deposit in the amount of
 17-8    $100,000, subject to the additional bonding or deposit [that meets
 17-9    the] requirements of Section 152.206 or 152.207.
17-10          Sec. 152.206.  SURETY BOND. (a)  Except as provided by
17-11    Section 152.207, a license holder shall post a surety bond issued
17-12    by a bonding company or insurance company authorized to do business
17-13    in this state that is acceptable to the commissioner.
17-14          (b)  The commissioner shall, on application and otherwise
17-15    from time to time, determine the amount of the surety bond but may
17-16    not determine the amount to be less than $100,000 or greater than
17-17    $1 million.  In making a determination under this subsection, the
17-18    commissioner shall consider:
17-19                (1)  the nature and type of business the license holder
17-20    conducts;
17-21                (2)  the license holder's financial condition in
17-22    relation to the dollar volume of the license holder's obligations
17-23    from time to time with respect to outstanding checks sold;
17-24                (3)  the nature and degree of liquidity in assets
17-25    legally and beneficially owned by the license holder;
17-26                (4)  the competence, character, general fitness, and
17-27    experience of management;
 18-1                (5)  the extent and adequacy of internal controls
 18-2    maintained by the license holder;
 18-3                (6)  the presence or absence of annual unqualified
 18-4    audits by an independent certified public accountant; and
 18-5                (7)  the existence and adequacy of other insurance
 18-6    obtained or held by the license holder to protect its customers.
 18-7    [The surety bond must be:]
 18-8                [(1)  in an amount, except as provided by Subsection
 18-9    (c), computed by adding:]
18-10                      [(A)  $100,000 for the first location at which
18-11    the applicant proposes to sell checks; and]
18-12                      [(B)  $50,000 for each additional location at
18-13    which the applicant proposes to sell checks, not to exceed
18-14    $400,000;]
18-15                [(2)  in a form satisfactory to the commissioner; and]
18-16                [(3)  issued by a bonding company or insurance company
18-17    authorized to do business in this state.]
18-18          (c) [(b)]  The bond represents money held in trust for the
18-19    benefit of check purchasers.  The bond must be payable to the
18-20    commissioner [this state] on behalf of any claimants against the
18-21    license holder or the license holder's agent to secure the faithful
18-22    performance of the obligations of the license holder or agent with
18-23    respect to the receipt, handling, transmission, and payment of
18-24    money in connection with the sale of checks.
18-25          [(c)  The commissioner may require a license holder to
18-26    provide the bond in an amount that exceeds the maximum but not more
18-27    than $1 million, taking into consideration the license holder's
 19-1    financial condition in relation to the dollar volume of the license
 19-2    holder's outstanding checks.]
 19-3          (d)  The aggregate liability of the bond's surety under this
 19-4    chapter may not exceed the principal amount of the bond.
 19-5          Sec. 152.207.  ALTERNATIVE TO BOND. (a)  Instead of
 19-6    furnishing all or part of the amount of the surety bond required by
 19-7    Section 152.206 [152.205(4)], an applicant or license holder may
 19-8    deposit with the commissioner, or with a financial institution
 19-9    possessing trust powers that is authorized to conduct a trust
19-10    business [bank, trust company, or national bank] in this state
19-11    [designated by the applicant] and is acceptable to [approved by]
19-12    the commissioner, an aggregate amount, including cash, certificates
19-13    of deposit, and interest-bearing securities, that equals the total
19-14    amount of the required bond or the remaining part of the bond.  For
19-15    purposes of this subsection, the value of the securities is the
19-16    lesser of the principal amount or the market value of the
19-17    securities.
19-18          (b)  The deposit shall be held in trust for the benefit of
19-19    check purchasers.  The deposit secures the same obligations as the
19-20    surety bond.  The license holder is entitled:
19-21                (1)  to receive all income generated by the assets in
19-22    [interest and dividends on] the deposit; and
19-23                (2)  with the commissioner's approval, to substitute
19-24    other permissible assets or securities for those deposited.
19-25          (c)  On written order of the commissioner made for good cause
19-26    shown, the license holder shall substitute other assets or
19-27    securities for those deposited.
 20-1          (d)  In this section, "securities" means marketable
 20-2    investment securities consisting of:
 20-3                (1)  [stocks,] bonds and [, notes, debentures, or]
 20-4    other legally created general obligations of a state or an agency
 20-5    or political subdivision of a state, or [:]
 20-6                      [(A)  of] the United States or an instrumentality
 20-7    of the United States;
 20-8                      [(B)  of this state;]
 20-9                      [(C)  of a municipality, county, school district,
20-10    or instrumentality of this state; or]
20-11                      [(D)  guaranteed by the United States or this
20-12    state; or]
20-13                (2)  obligations that a state or an agency or political
20-14    subdivision of a state, or the United States or an instrumentality
20-15    of the United States has unconditionally agreed to purchase,
20-16    insure, or guarantee; or
20-17                (3)  other securities specified by rule [similar
20-18    security devices acceptable to the commissioner].
20-19          Sec. 152.208.  INVESTIGATION OF APPLICATION. (a)  On the
20-20    filing of an application that meets the requirements of Sections
20-21    152.204 and 152.205, the commissioner shall investigate to
20-22    determine whether the qualifications prescribed by Section 152.203
20-23    have been met.
20-24          (b)  To the extent considered advisable by the commissioner,
20-25    the commissioner may investigate and consider the qualifications of
20-26    principals [officers and directors] of an applicant in determining
20-27    whether the qualifications [qualification] prescribed by Section
 21-1    152.203(b) have [has] been met.
 21-2          Sec. 152.209.  ISSUANCE OF LICENSE.  (a) The commissioner
 21-3    shall issue a license to the applicant if the commissioner[:]
 21-4                [(1)]  finds that the qualifications prescribed by
 21-5    Section 152.203 are met, based on the application and
 21-6    investigation, [;]
 21-7                [(2)  approves the documents;] and receives an
 21-8    acceptable
 21-9                [(3)  finds that the] bond or bonds and deposits
21-10    aggregating to [is in] the [prescribed] amount required by the
21-11    commissioner.
21-12          (b)  The applicant on request is entitled to a hearing on the
21-13    denial of the application, to be held not later than the 60th day
21-14    after the date the commissioner receives the request.
21-15          [Sec. 152.210.  DENIAL OF LICENSE; HEARING. (a)  A hearing
21-16    must be held before a license may be denied.]
21-17          [(b)  The commissioner shall give the applicant notice of the
21-18    hearing.]
21-19          SECTION 4. Sections 152.301(b) and (c), Finance Code, are
21-20    amended to read as follows:
21-21          (b)  A surety bond or letter of credit required under
21-22    Subsection (a)(3) must be:
21-23                (1)  in addition to any other bond or security required
21-24    by this chapter;
21-25                (2)  issued by a bonding company or insurance company
21-26    authorized to do business in this state and acceptable to the
21-27    commissioner, in the case of a surety bond;
 22-1                (3)  issued by a federally insured financial
 22-2    institution[, as that term is defined by Section 201.101,] that has
 22-3    its main office or a branch in this state and is acceptable to the
 22-4    commissioner, in the case of a letter of credit; and
 22-5                (4)  payable to the commissioner on behalf of any
 22-6    claimants against the license holder to secure the faithful
 22-7    performance of the obligations of the license holder with respect
 22-8    to the receipt, handling, and payment of money in connection with
 22-9    the sale of checks.
22-10          (c)  The net worth of the license holder for purposes of
22-11    Subsection (a) [(a)(3)] is shown by an audited financial statement
22-12    reasonably satisfactory to the commissioner.
22-13          SECTION 5. Section 152.304(a), Finance Code, is amended to
22-14    read as follows:
22-15          (a)  Not later than June 30 [April 15] of each year, a
22-16    license holder shall pay to the commissioner a license renewal fee
22-17    in an amount established by rule [of $500].
22-18          SECTION 6. Section 152.305, Finance Code, is amended to read
22-19    as follows:
22-20          Sec. 152.305.  FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND REPORTS. (a)  Unless
22-21    waived by the commissioner, not later than the 45th day after the
22-22    last day of each quarter of the license holder's fiscal year, a
22-23    license holder shall file with the commissioner a certification of
22-24    net worth and a report regarding maintaining permissible
22-25    investments under Section [Sections] 152.301 [and 152.3015] for the
22-26    preceding quarter submitted on forms furnished by the commissioner.
22-27          (b)  Not later than June 30 [April 15] of each year, or a
 23-1    later date the commissioner approves in writing for good cause
 23-2    shown, a license holder shall file an annual audited unconsolidated
 23-3    financial statement dated as of the last day of the license
 23-4    holder's fiscal year that ended in the immediately preceding
 23-5    calendar year.
 23-6          SECTION 7. Section 152.307(a), Finance Code, is amended to
 23-7    read as follows:
 23-8          (a)  The commissioner shall give a license holder an
 23-9    opportunity for a [A] hearing [must be held] before a license may
23-10    be revoked.
23-11          SECTION 8. Section 152.401, Finance Code, is amended to read
23-12    as follows:
23-13          Sec. 152.401.  BUSINESS CONDUCTED BY AGENT [OR SUBAGENT]. (a)
23-14    A license holder may conduct the [license holder's] business of
23-15    selling checks under this chapter from any location within or
23-16    outside of [at one or more locations in] this state, either
23-17    directly or through an agent [or subagent] appointed by the license
23-18    holder.
23-19          (b)  A rule adopted under Section 152.102 [152.102(a)] may
23-20    not directly apply to a license holder's agent [or subagent].
23-21          (c)  Subject to compliance with this chapter, a license
23-22    holder or the license holder's agent may sell checks through
23-23    physical facilities, electronic facilities, including the Internet,
23-24    or telephonic facilities and may charge a different price for
23-25    checks based on the type of facility used in the transaction.  A
23-26    price differential based on the type of facility used does not
23-27    constitute a surcharge subject to Section 339.001 if:
 24-1                (1)  the price charged for checks paid for by credit
 24-2    card is not greater than the price charged for checks paid for by
 24-3    another form of payment accepted within the same type of facility;
 24-4    and
 24-5                (2)  the license holder or agent does not refuse to
 24-6    sell checks to a customer who intends to pay by credit card through
 24-7    one type of facility, at which credit cards are ordinarily
 24-8    accepted, by redirecting the customer to use a credit card at
 24-9    another type of facility.
24-10          SECTION 9. Section 152.402, Finance Code, is amended to read
24-11    as follows:
24-12          Sec. 152.402.  DISCLOSURE OF RESPONSIBILITY. Each check sold
24-13    by a license holder, directly or through an agent, must:
24-14                (1)  include the name and mailing address or telephone
24-15    number of the license holder clearly printed or displayed on or in
24-16    connection with sale of the check; or
24-17                (2)  be accompanied by a written notice displayed or
24-18    delivered to the purchaser at the time of sale containing that
24-19    information.
24-20          SECTION 10. Section 152.404(b), Finance Code, is amended to
24-21    read as follows:
24-22          (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a license holder's agent
24-23    may remit to the license holder all money due from the sale of a
24-24    check at a later date if the agent maintains on deposit with an
24-25    office of a federally insured financial institution [bank, savings
24-26    and loan association, or savings bank] located in the United States
24-27    an amount that:
 25-1                (1)  is in an account solely in the name of the license
 25-2    holder; and
 25-3                (2)  for each day by which the period before which the
 25-4    remittance is made exceeds 10 business days, is not less than the
 25-5    outstanding obligations of the license holder represented by
 25-6    [aggregate face amount of] checks issued by the license holder that
 25-7    the agent usually sells daily.
 25-8          SECTION 11. Section 152.405, Finance Code, is amended to read
 25-9    as follows:
25-10          Sec. 152.405.  LIABILITY FOR PAYMENT OF CHECK. (a)  Except as
25-11    provided by Subsection (b), a [A] license holder that sells a
25-12    check, directly or through an agent, is liable for the payment of
25-13    the check in the same manner as a [the] maker or drawer of a
25-14    negotiable instrument subject to Chapter 3, Business & Commerce
25-15    Code, regardless of whether the license holder signed or assumed
25-16    primary liability for obligations evidenced by the check [as the
25-17    maker or drawer].
25-18          (b)  With respect to a check that is designated as a money
25-19    order and that contains on the front or the back of the check a
25-20    written disclosure that the purchaser has the right to stop
25-21    payment, the license holder is considered to be a drawee and the
25-22    purchaser of the check is considered to be a drawer of a negotiable
25-23    instrument subject to Chapter 3, Business & Commerce Code, for
25-24    purposes of a stop-payment order and liability to the holder of the
25-25    check.
25-26          SECTION 12.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
         _______________________________     _______________________________
             President of the Senate              Speaker of the House
               I certify that H.B. No. 1166 was passed by the House on March
         20, 2001, by a non-record vote; that the House refused to concur in
         Senate amendments to H.B. No. 1166 on May 17, 2001, and requested
         the appointment of a conference committee to consider the
         differences between the two houses; and that the House adopted the
         conference committee report on H.B. No. 1166 on May 24, 2001, by a
         non-record vote.
                                                 Chief Clerk of the House
               I certify that H.B. No. 1166 was passed by the Senate, with
         amendments, on May 15, 2001, by the following vote:  Yeas 30, Nays
         0, 1 present, not voting; at the request of the House, the Senate
         appointed a conference committee to consider the differences
         between the two houses; and that the Senate adopted the conference
         committee report on H.B. No. 1166 on May 27, 2001, by a viva-voce
                                                 Secretary of the Senate
         APPROVED:  __________________________