By Eiland H.B. No. 1255 77R3900 MCK-F A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to creating the State of Texas Anniversary Remembrance Day 1-3 Medal. 1-4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-5 SECTION 1. Title 106, Revised Statutes, is amended by adding 1-6 Article 6144i to read as follows: 1-7 Art. 6144i. STATE OF TEXAS ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE DAY MEDAL 1-8 Sec. 1. STATE OF TEXAS ANNIVERSARY REMEMBRANCE DAY MEDAL. 1-9 The State of Texas Anniversary Remembrance Day Medal shall be 1-10 awarded to a resident of this state who has displayed a commitment 1-11 to the pioneer service principles of duty, honor, faith, and 1-12 devotion to country and family in an exemplary fashion and who has 1-13 made outstanding contributions in pioneering the development, 1-14 growth, and progress of this state through the individual's work in 1-15 public service. 1-16 Sec. 2. AWARDS COMMITTEE. (a) The State of Texas 1-17 Anniversary Remembrance Day Medal Committee consists of seven 1-18 members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of 1-19 the senate. 1-20 (b) Committee members serve staggered six-year terms, with 1-21 the terms of two or three members expiring on January 31 of each 1-22 odd-numbered year. 1-23 (c) A vacancy on the committee shall be filled for the 1-24 unexpired term in the same manner as other appointments to the 2-1 committee. 2-2 (d) The committee shall designate a member of the committee 2-3 as the presiding officer to serve in that capacity for one year. 2-4 (e) Members of the committee shall serve without pay. 2-5 Sec. 3. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MEDAL. (a) An individual who 2-6 has personal knowledge of outstanding contributions pioneering the 2-7 development, growth, and progress of this state by a person in 2-8 public service that the individual believes merit the awarding of 2-9 the medal may submit a letter of recommendation to the committee. 2-10 (b) A letter of recommendation for the awarding of the medal 2-11 must give an account of the outstanding pioneering contributions 2-12 and may include statements, affidavits, records, photographs, or 2-13 other material to support and amplify the stated facts. 2-14 Sec. 4. AWARDING OF MEDAL. (a) The committee shall review 2-15 the recommendations and may approve recommendations for the 2-16 awarding of the State of Texas Anniversary Remembrance Day Medal. 2-17 (b) The committee may award not more than five medals in any 2-18 one calendar year, except that in exceptional circumstances, the 2-19 legislature by concurrent resolution may authorize the governor to 2-20 award additional medals. 2-21 Sec. 5. AWARDING OF MEDAL FOR PRIOR SERVICE. The committee 2-22 may award not more than 10 State of Texas Anniversary Remembrance 2-23 Day Medals for achievement attained or service rendered before 2-24 September 1, 2001. 2-25 Sec. 6. PRESENTATION OF MEDAL. The governor shall present 2-26 the State of Texas Anniversary Remembrance Day Medal to a recipient 2-27 in an appropriate ceremony on February 19, State of Texas 3-1 Anniversary Remembrance Day. 3-2 Sec. 7. DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE. (a) The medal shall display 3-3 the bust of James Pinckney Henderson with the words "State of Texas 3-4 Anniversary Remembrance Day Medal" engraved in a circle. The medal 3-5 shall be suspended from a ribbon of red, white, and blue and worn 3-6 about the neck of the recipient. 3-7 (b) The governor shall approve the design and authorize the 3-8 casting of the medal in any manner considered appropriate. The 3-9 governor's office shall pay for the medals out of money that may be 3-10 used for that purpose. 3-11 SECTION 2. (a) This Act takes effect September 1, 2001. 3-12 (b) As soon as possible after the effective date of this 3-13 Act, the governor shall appoint the initial members of the State of 3-14 Texas Anniversary Remembrance Day Medal Committee. The governor 3-15 shall appoint two members to serve terms expiring January 31, 2003, 3-16 two members to serve terms expiring January 31, 2005, and three 3-17 members to serve terms expiring January 31, 2007.