By Elkins                                             H.B. No. 1305
         77R457 DWS-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to certain plans or operations involving  gifts.
 1-4           SECTION 1. Section 17.461, Business & Commerce Code, is
 1-5     amended by adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
 1-6           (e)  A plan or operation is not a pyramid promotional scheme
 1-7     if each participant in the plan or operation has signed a document
 1-8     stating that all money the participant contributes into the plan or
 1-9     operation is a gift and that the participant has not been promised
1-10     any compensation in return for the contribution.
1-11           SECTION 2. Section 41.004(b), Business & Commerce Code, is
1-12     amended to read as follows:
1-13           (b)  In this chapter, "business opportunity" does not
1-14     include:
1-15                 (1)  the sale or lease of an established and ongoing
1-16     business or enterprise that has actively conducted business before
1-17     the sale or lease, whether composed of one or more than one
1-18     component business or enterprise, if the sale or lease represents
1-19     an isolated transaction or series of transactions involving a bona
1-20     fide change of ownership or control of the business or enterprise
1-21     or liquidation of the business or enterprise;
1-22                 (2)  a contract or agreement in which a retailer of
1-23     goods or services sells the inventory of one or more ongoing leased
1-24     departments to a purchaser who is granted the right to sell the
 2-1     goods or services within or adjoining the retail business
 2-2     establishment as a department or division of the retail business
 2-3     establishment;
 2-4                 (3)  a transaction regulated by the Motor Vehicle Board
 2-5     of the Texas Department of Transportation, Texas Department of
 2-6     Licensing and Regulation, Texas Department of Insurance, or Texas
 2-7     Real Estate Commission if engaged in by a person licensed by one of
 2-8     those agencies;
 2-9                 (4)  a real estate syndication;
2-10                 (5)  a sale or lease to a business enterprise that also
2-11     sells or leases equipment, products, and supplies or performs
2-12     services:
2-13                       (A)  that are not supplied by the seller; and
2-14                       (B)  that the purchaser does not use with the
2-15     equipment, products, supplies, or services of the seller;
2-16                 (6)  the offer or sale of a franchise as described by
2-17     the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act (15 U.S.C. Section 2801 et
2-18     seq.) and its subsequent amendments;
2-19                 (7)  the offer or sale of a business opportunity if the
2-20     seller:
2-21                       (A)  has a net worth of at least $25 million
2-22     according to the seller's audited balance sheet as of a date not
2-23     earlier than the 13th month before the date of the transaction; or
2-24                       (B)  is at least 80-percent owned by another
2-25     person who:
2-26                             (i)  in writing unconditionally guarantees
2-27     performance by the person offering the plan; and
 3-1                             (ii)  has a net worth of more than $25
 3-2     million according to the person's most recent audited balance sheet
 3-3     as of a date not earlier than the 13th month before the date of the
 3-4     transaction; [or]
 3-5                 (8)  an arrangement defined as a franchise by 16 C.F.R.
 3-6     Section 436.2(a) and its subsequent amendments if:
 3-7                       (A)  the franchisor complies in all material
 3-8     respects in this state with 16 C.F.R. Part 436 and each order or
 3-9     other action of the Federal Trade Commission; and
3-10                       (B)  before offering for sale or selling a
3-11     franchise in this state, a person files with the secretary of state
3-12     a notice containing:
3-13                             (i)  the name of the franchisor;
3-14                             (ii)  the name under which the franchisor
3-15     intends to do business; and
3-16                             (iii)  the franchisor's principal business
3-17     address; or
3-18                 (9)  a plan or operation described by Section
3-19     17.461(e).
3-20           SECTION 3. Subsection A, Section 4, The Securities Act
3-21     (Article 581-4, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read
3-22     as follows:
3-23           A.  The term "security" or "securities" shall include any
3-24     limited partner interest in a limited partnership, share, stock,
3-25     treasury stock, stock certificate under a voting trust agreement,
3-26     collateral trust certificate, equipment trust certificate,
3-27     preorganization certificate or receipt, subscription or
 4-1     reorganization certificate, note, bond, debenture, mortgage
 4-2     certificate or other evidence of indebtedness, any form of
 4-3     commercial paper, certificate in or under a profit sharing or
 4-4     participation agreement, certificate or any instrument representing
 4-5     any interest in or under an oil, gas or mining lease, fee or title,
 4-6     or any certificate or instrument representing or secured by an
 4-7     interest in any or all of the capital, property, assets, profits or
 4-8     earnings of any company, investment contract, or any other
 4-9     instrument commonly known as a security, whether similar to those
4-10     herein referred to or not.  Provided, however, that this definition
4-11     shall not apply to any insurance policy, endowment policy, annuity
4-12     contract, optional annuity contract, or any contract or agreement
4-13     in relation to and in consequence of any such policy or contract,
4-14     issued by an insurance company subject to the supervision or
4-15     control of the Texas Department of Insurance when the form of such
4-16     policy or contract has been duly filed with the Department as now
4-17     or hereafter required by law. The term does not include an
4-18     interest, or a document representing an interest, in a plan or
4-19     operation described by Section 17.461(e), Business & Commerce Code.
4-20           SECTION 4. This Act takes effect immediately.