By Farabee, Clark                                     H.B. No. 1317
         77R13813 E                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to financial security requirements for certain oil well
 1-3     operators.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Section 91.104, Natural Resources Code, is
 1-6     amended to read as follows:
 1-8     OPERATORS AND CERTAIN ACTIVE OPERATORS.  (a)  A person required to
 1-9     file a bond or alternate form of financial security under Section
1-10     91.103 who is an inactive operator or who operates one or more land
1-11     wells and is not involved in any other activities that require the
1-12     filing of a bond or alternate form of financial security must file
1-13     a bond, a letter of credit, or a cash deposit at the time of filing
1-14     or renewing an organization report required by Section 91.142 in an
1-15     amount equal to:
1-16                 (1)  $25,000, if the person operates not more than 10
1-17     wells;
1-18                 (2)  $50,000, if the person operates at least 11 but
1-19     not more than 100 wells; or
1-20                 (3)  $250,000, if the person operates more than 100
1-21     wells.
1-22           (b)  In addition to the financial security requirements of
1-23     Subsection (a), a person required to file a bond or alternate form
1-24     of financial security under Section 91.103 who operates one or more
 2-1     bay or offshore wells must file the bond, letter of credit, or cash
 2-2     deposit at the time of filing or renewing an organization report
 2-3     required by Section 91.142 in a reasonable amount established by
 2-4     commission rule that exceeds the amount provided by Subsection
 2-5     (a)(1), (2), or (3), as applicable.
 2-6           (c)  An operator seeking to assume operatorship of an active
 2-7     or inactive well must file a bond, letter of credit, or cash
 2-8     deposit in the appropriate amount under this section before the
 2-9     commission may approve the transfer of operatorship.  A transfer of
2-10     a well from one entity to another entity under common operatorship
2-11     is a transfer for purposes of this subsection.
2-12           (d)  The bond, letter of credit, or cash deposit amounts
2-13     prescribed by this section may be used only for actual well
2-14     plugging and surface remediation.  [BONDS AND ALTERNATE FORMS OF
2-15     FINANCIAL SECURITY.  (a) The commission shall require a bond or an
2-16     alternate form of financial security to be filed with the
2-17     commission as provided by Subsection (b) of this section.]
2-18           [(b)  A person required to file a bond under Section 91.103
2-19     may choose to file:]
2-20                 [(1)  an individual bond as provided under Section
2-21     91.1041;]
2-22                 [(2)  a blanket bond as provided under Section 91.1042;]
2-23                 [(3)  a nonrefundable annual fee of $100, if the person
2-24     can demonstrate to the commission an acceptable record of
2-25     compliance with all commission rules, orders, licenses, permits, or
2-26     certificates that relate to safety or the prevention or control of
2-27     pollution for the previous 48 months and the person and, if a firm,
 3-1     partnership, joint stock association, corporation, or other
 3-2     organization, its officers, directors, general partners, or owners
 3-3     of more than 25 percent ownership interest or any trustee:]
 3-4                       [(A)  has no outstanding violations of such
 3-5     commission rules, orders, licenses, permits, or certificates;]
 3-6                       [(B)  has paid all administrative, civil, and
 3-7     criminal penalties, if any, relating to any violation of such
 3-8     commission rules, orders, licenses, permits, or certificates; and]
 3-9                       [(C)  has paid all reimbursements of any costs
3-10     and expenses incurred by the commission in relation to any
3-11     violation of such commission rules, orders, licenses, permits, or
3-12     certificates;]
3-13                 [(4)  a nonrefundable annual fee equal to three percent
3-14     of the bond that otherwise would be required; or]
3-15                 [(5)  to give a first lien on tangible personal
3-16     property associated with oil and gas production whose salvage value
3-17     equals the value of an individual bond under Section 91.1041 or the
3-18     value of a blanket bond under Section 91.1042 that otherwise would
3-19     be required.]
3-20           [(c)  A person who chooses to file a form of financial
3-21     security other than a bond shall also submit a fee of $100 for each
3-22     application to extend the time to plug a well in accordance with
3-23     Section 85.2021 of this code.]
3-24           SECTION 2.  Section 91.109, Natural Resources Code, is
3-25     amended to read as follows:
 4-1     A person applying for or acting under a commission permit to store,
 4-2     handle, treat, reclaim, or dispose of oil and gas waste may be
 4-3     required by the commission to maintain a performance bond or other
 4-4     form of financial security conditioned that the permittee will
 4-5     operate and close the storage, handling, treatment, reclamation, or
 4-6     disposal site in accordance with state law, commission rules, and
 4-7     the permit to operate the site.  However, this section does not
 4-8     authorize the commission to require a bond or other form of
 4-9     financial security for saltwater disposal pits, emergency saltwater
4-10     storage pits (including blow-down pits), collecting pits, or
4-11     skimming pits provided that such pits are used in conjunction with
4-12     the operation of an individual oil or gas lease.  Subject to the
4-13     refund provisions of Section 91.1091 of this code, proceeds from
4-14     any bond or other form of financial security required by this
4-15     section shall be placed in the oil-field cleanup fund.  Each bond
4-16     or other form of financial security shall be renewed and continued
4-17     in effect until the conditions have been met or release is
4-18     authorized by the commission.
4-19           (b)  In addition to the  financial security requirements of
4-20     Subsection (a) and Section 91.104(b), a person required to file a
4-21     bond or alternate form of financial security under Section 91.103
4-22     who is involved in activities other than the operation of wells
4-23     must file the bond, letter of credit, or cash deposit at the time
4-24     of filing or renewing an organization report required by Section
4-25     91.142 in an amount equal to:
4-26                 (1)  $250,000; or
4-27                 (2)  a lesser amount determined by the commission if
 5-1     the person is able to demonstrate that the risk associated with an
 5-2     operation or group of operations warrants a lesser amount.
 5-3           SECTION 3.  (a)  This Act takes effect immediately if it
 5-4     receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each
 5-5     house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.
 5-6     If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate
 5-7     effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
 5-8           (b)  The changes in law made by Sections 91.104(a) and (b)
 5-9     and 91.109, Natural Resources Code, as amended by this Act, apply
5-10     only to a person required on or after September 1, 2004, to file a
5-11     bond or alternate financial security under Section 91.103, Natural
5-12     Resources Code.  The changes made by Section 91.104(c), Natural
5-13     Resources Code, as added by this Act, apply on or after the
5-14     effective date of this Act to a person required by that section to
5-15     file a bond, letter of credit, or cash deposit.