1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to the reestablishment of service credit in a public 1-3 retirement system participating in the proportionate retirement 1-4 program. 1-5 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-6 SECTION 1. Subchapter C, Chapter 803, Government Code, is 1-7 amended by adding Section 803.203 to read as follows: 1-8 Sec. 803.203. REESTABLISHMENT OF SERVICE CREDIT BY FORMER 1-9 MEMBER. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (g), a person who is 1-10 a member of a retirement system participating in the program 1-11 provided by this chapter may reestablish service credit, including 1-12 prior service credit if applicable, previously canceled in another 1-13 retirement system that is participating in the program provided by 1-14 this chapter if the person: 1-15 (1) is not a current member of the system under which 1-16 the service was performed; or 1-17 (2) in the case of the Texas County and District 1-18 Retirement System, does not have an open account with the 1-19 subdivision for which the person performed the service for which 1-20 the credit is sought. 1-21 (b) A person may apply to reestablish service credit under 1-22 this section by filing an application with the retirement system in 1-23 which the service was originally credited and a certification that 1-24 the applicant is currently a member of the certifying system. 2-1 (c) Except as provided by Subsection (f), the retirement 2-2 system in which the service credit was originally credited shall 2-3 grant the service credit after receiving an application and a 2-4 certification required by Subsection (b) and: 2-5 (1) to reestablish service credit other than in the 2-6 Texas County and District Retirement System or the Texas Municipal 2-7 Retirement System, a contribution in the amount generally required 2-8 to reestablish service credit in the system, including any 2-9 applicable interest and membership fees; 2-10 (2) to reestablish service credit in the Texas County 2-11 and District Retirement System or the Texas Municipal Retirement 2-12 System, a statement that the applicant does not wish to make a 2-13 contribution for the service credit; or 2-14 (3) at the applicant's option, to reestablish current 2-15 service credit in the Texas County and District Retirement System, 2-16 the actuarial present value of the additional standard service 2-17 benefits that would be attributable to the credit based on rates 2-18 and tables recommended by the actuary and adopted by the board of 2-19 trustees of the system. 2-20 (d) A subdivision participating in the Texas County and 2-21 District Retirement System under Subchapter H, Chapter 844, or a 2-22 municipality participating in the Texas Municipal Retirement System 2-23 may make a one-time election to authorize the reestablishment of 2-24 service credit under this section by payment by an applicant of a 2-25 contribution in the amount provided by Section 843.003 or 853.003, 2-26 as applicable, for reestablishment of service credit generally in 2-27 the particular system. If a subdivision or municipality makes an 3-1 election under this subsection, the applicant has the choice of 3-2 reestablishing service credit under Subsection (c)(2), (c)(3), if 3-3 applicable, or this subsection. 3-4 (e) Service credit reestablished in the Texas County and 3-5 District Retirement System or the Texas Municipal Retirement System 3-6 under Subsection (c)(2) may be used only to meet eligibility 3-7 requirements for benefits. Service credit reestablished in either 3-8 system under Subsection (c)(3) or (d) has the same value as service 3-9 credit performed for the particular subdivision or municipality at 3-10 the time of deposit. The credit is creditable to the member's and 3-11 employer's accounts in each subdivision or municipality for which 3-12 the service was performed. 3-13 (f) To reestablish service credit in a public retirement 3-14 system for municipal employees that has elected under Section 3-15 803.101(f) to participate in the program provided by this chapter, 3-16 a person must pay the actuarial present value, as determined by the 3-17 appropriate system, of the additional standard service retirement 3-18 benefits that would be attributable to the credit. A person who is 3-19 a member only of a system that has made an election under Section 3-20 803.101(f) must pay the actuarial present value, as determined by 3-21 the appropriate system, of the additional standard service 3-22 retirement benefits that would be attributable to the service 3-23 credit to be reestablished in any other public retirement system 3-24 participating in the program provided by this chapter. 3-25 (g) Service credit may not be reestablished under this 3-26 section: 3-27 (1) if it is subject to Section 805.002(e); or 4-1 (2) in a subdivision participating in the Texas County 4-2 and District Retirement System or a municipality participating in 4-3 the Texas Municipal Retirement System if the person who seeks to 4-4 reestablish the credit is a member only of a retirement system that 4-5 the subdivision or municipality excludes from participation in the 4-6 proportionate retirement program under Section 803.103. 4-7 SECTION 2. This Act takes effect January 1, 2002. _______________________________ _______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that H.B. No. 1428 was passed by the House on May 4, 2001, by a non-record vote. _______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House I certify that H.B. No. 1428 was passed by the Senate on May 22, 2001, by the following vote: Yeas 30, Nays 0, 1 present, not voting. _______________________________ Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: __________________________ Date __________________________ Governor