By Gutierrez                                          H.B. No. 1749
         77R1933 MXM-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the creation of a border port authority; granting the
 1-3     power of eminent domain and the right to issue bonds.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Subtitle B, Title 12, Local Government Code, is
 1-6     amended by adding Chapter 386 to read as follows:
 1-7                    CHAPTER 386.  BORDER PORT AUTHORITIES
 1-8                      SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
 1-9           Sec. 386.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this article:
1-10                 (1)  "Authority" means a border port authority created
1-11     under this chapter.
1-12                 (2)  "Board" means a board of border port
1-13     commissioners.
1-14                 (3)  "Border region" means the area composed of
1-15     Brewster, Cameron, Culberson, Dimmit, El Paso, Hidalgo, Hudspeth,
1-16     Jeff Davis, Kinney, La Salle, Maverick, Presidio, Starr, Terrell,
1-17     Val Verde, Webb, Willacy, Zapata, and Zavala counties.
1-18                 (4)  "Commissioner" means a member of a board.
1-19              (Sections 386.002-386.050 reserved for expansion
1-20                    SUBCHAPTER B.  CREATION OF AUTHORITY
1-21           Sec. 386.051.  CREATION.  (a)  A border port authority may be
1-22     created as provided by this chapter.
1-23           (b)  An authority created under this chapter is a:
1-24                 (1)  political subdivision of this state; and
 2-1                 (2)  special district.
 2-2           Sec. 386.052.  AREA INCLUDED IN AUTHORITY.  (a)  An authority
 2-3     may be created in territory located in at least one but not more
 2-4     than three counties in the border region.  Each of the counties
 2-5     must be contiguous to one of the other counties if the authority is
 2-6     created in more than one county.
 2-7           (b)  An authority must include territory that borders Mexico.
 2-8           Sec. 386.053.  PETITION FOR CREATION.  (a)  Except as
 2-9     provided by Subsection (c), before an authority that contains
2-10     territory located in only one county may be created, the
2-11     commissioners court of that county must receive a petition signed
2-12     by a number of residents of the territory of the proposed authority
2-13     equal to at least five percent of the registered voters who reside
2-14     in the territory of the proposed authority.
2-15           (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), before an
2-16     authority that contains territory located in more than one county
2-17     may be created, the commissioners court of each county in which the
2-18     proposed authority will be located must receive a petition signed
2-19     by a number of residents of the territory of the proposed authority
2-20     that is located in the county in which the commissioners court
2-21     presides equal to at least five percent of the registered voters
2-22     who reside in the territory of the proposed district that is
2-23     located in the county in which the commissioners court presides.
2-24           (c)  If there are fewer than 100 registered voters who reside
2-25     in an area for which a petition must be filed, the petition must be
2-26     signed by a majority of the registered voters in the area.
2-27           Sec. 386.054.  CONTENTS OF PETITION.  The petition prescribed
 3-1     by Section 386.053 must:
 3-2                 (1)  request the establishment of an authority;
 3-3                 (2)  state the name of the proposed authority;
 3-4                 (3)  contain the proposed authority's boundaries,
 3-5     designated by metes and bounds or other sufficient legal
 3-6     description;
 3-7                 (4)  show that the territory of the proposed authority
 3-8     does not include territory of another border port authority;
 3-9                 (5)  contain a statement of the general nature of the
3-10     improvements, facilities, industrial projects, or other structures
3-11     proposed;
3-12                 (6)  contain an estimate of the probable cost of the
3-13     proposed improvements, facilities, projects, or other structures
3-14     described by Subdivision (5);
3-15                 (7)  include a request for the issuance of revenue
3-16     bonds; and
3-17                 (8)  include the mailing address of each petitioner.
3-18           Sec. 386.055.  FILING OF PETITION; HEARING.  (a)  If the
3-19     petition is in proper form, the commissioners court, on receipt of
3-20     the petition, shall:
3-21                 (1)  file the petition with the county clerk; and
3-22                 (2)  order a hearing to be held at a regular or special
3-23     term of the commissioners court.
3-24           (b)  The hearing shall be held not later than the 60th day
3-25     after the date the petition is presented.
3-26           (c)  At the time and place set for the hearing, the
3-27     commissioners court shall consider the petition.  Any person who
 4-1     might be affected by creation of the authority may:
 4-2                 (1)  appear at the hearing and support or oppose
 4-3     creation of the proposed authority; and
 4-4                 (2)  offer testimony relating to:
 4-5                       (A)  the necessity and feasibility of the
 4-6     proposed authority;
 4-7                       (B)  the benefits to accrue from formation of the
 4-8     proposed authority;
 4-9                       (C)  the boundaries of the proposed authority; or
4-10                       (D)  any other matter concerning the proposed
4-11     authority.
4-12           Sec. 386.056.  FINDINGS; ORDERING OF ELECTION.  (a)  If it
4-13     appears at the hearing that the proposed improvements or
4-14     facilities, projects, or other structures, as appropriate, are
4-15     feasible and would provide a public benefit to the residents of the
4-16     proposed authority and that creation of the proposed authority is
4-17     in the best interests of the county, the commissioners court shall
4-18     make those findings and enter the findings in its records.
4-19           (b)  If the commissioners court is unable to make the
4-20     findings under Subsection (a), it shall dismiss the petition at the
4-21     cost of the petitioners.  Dismissal of the petition does not
4-22     prevent presentation of another petition at a later date.
4-23           (c)  The commissioners court shall grant the petition if the
4-24     commissioners court makes the findings required under Subsection
4-25     (a).
4-26           (d)  Except as provided by Subsection (e), the commissioners
4-27     court shall order an election to confirm the authority's creation
 5-1     if a petition is granted by the commissioners court.
 5-2           (e)  If the petition indicates that the proposed authority
 5-3     will contain territory in more than one county, the commissioners
 5-4     courts may not order an election until the commissioners court of
 5-5     each county in which the authority will be located has granted the
 5-6     petition.  The elections must be held on the same day, which must
 5-7     be after the 45th day and before the 61st day after the date the
 5-8     election is ordered.
 5-9           (f)  Section 41.001(a), Election Code, does not apply to an
5-10     election ordered under this section.
5-11           Sec. 386.057.  ELECTION ORDER.  The order calling the
5-12     election must state:
5-13                 (1)  the nature of the election, including the
5-14     proposition that is to appear on the ballot;
5-15                 (2)  the date of the election;
5-16                 (3)  the hours during which the polls will be open; and
5-17                 (4)  the locations of the polling places.
5-18           Sec. 386.058.  NOTICE.  (a)  The commissioners court shall
5-19     give notice of the election by publishing a substantial copy of the
5-20     election order in a newspaper with general circulation in the
5-21     proposed authority once a week for two consecutive weeks.
5-22           (b)  The first publication must appear before the 35th day
5-23     before the date set for the election.
5-24           Sec. 386.059.  BALLOT PROPOSITION.  The ballot for the
5-25     election shall be printed to permit voting for or against the
5-26     proposition:  "The creation of the ____________ (name of authority)
5-27     Border Port Authority and the issuance of bonds."
 6-1           Sec. 386.060.  ELECTION RESULT.  (a)  Except as provided by
 6-2     Subsections (b) and (c), an authority is created if a majority of
 6-3     the votes cast in the election favor creation of the authority.
 6-4           (b)  If the proposed authority contains territory in more
 6-5     than one county, an authority is created only if a majority of the
 6-6     votes cast in each county favor creation of the authority.
 6-7           (c)  If the creation of the proposed authority is defeated,
 6-8     another election on the question of creating an authority  in the
 6-9     area proposed for the defeated authority may not be held before the
6-10     first anniversary of the most recent election concerning the
6-11     creation of the authority.
6-12              (Sections 386.061-386.100 reserved for expansion
6-14           Sec. 386.101.  PURPOSES OF AUTHORITY; POWERS.  To facilitate
6-15     the transportation and other movement of goods through the
6-16     district, an authority may:
6-17                 (1)  survey, build, improve, operate, and maintain
6-18     facilities and industrial projects in the authority, including
6-19     warehouses, inspection stations, parking facilities, service
6-20     stations, toll roads, and toll bridges; and
6-21                 (2)  build and improve bridges and related structures
6-22     and infrastructures in the authority.
6-23           Sec. 386.102.  COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT PLAN.  (a)  As soon
6-24     as practicable after the creation of an authority, the board shall:
6-25                 (1)  conduct a thorough inspection of bridges and
6-26     transportation-related facilities and industrial projects in the
6-27     authority; and
 7-1                 (2)  prepare a comprehensive plan for the development
 7-2     or improvement of those structures for any purpose for which the
 7-3     authority was created.
 7-4           (b)  The board shall update the plan required by this section
 7-5     at least once in each two-year period.
 7-6           Sec. 386.103.  ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY; EMINENT DOMAIN.  (a)
 7-7     An authority may:
 7-8                 (1)  acquire, convey, grant a mortgage on, or otherwise
 7-9     dispose of property; and
7-10                 (2)  exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire
7-11     property for any purpose authorized by this article, including the
7-12     power to:
7-13                       (A)  acquire fee title in land condemned; or
7-14                       (B)  impose a reasonable restriction on using the
7-15     surface of the property for mineral development if the authority
7-16     does not own the mineral rights.
7-17           (b)  Before exercising the power of eminent domain, an
7-18     authority must obtain a resolution approving the proposed
7-19     condemnation from the governing body of a county or municipality in
7-20     which the property is located.  For purposes of this section,
7-21     territory in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality is
7-22     considered to be in the municipality.
7-23           (c)  The exercise of the power of eminent domain by the
7-24     authority is governed by Chapter 21, Property Code.
7-25           Sec. 386.104.  ENTRY ON LAND.  The board and any engineers
7-26     employed by the authority may enter any land inside the authority
7-27     to examine the land and to make plans, surveys, maps, and profiles
 8-1     without being subject to an action of trespass.
 8-2           Sec. 386.105.  CONTRACTING AUTHORITY.  An authority may
 8-3     contract with a domestic or foreign public or private entity for
 8-4     any purpose related to the authority's creation.
 8-5           Sec. 386.106.  COMPETITIVE BIDS.  Before an authority may
 8-6     enter into a contract requiring the expenditure of more than
 8-7     $15,000, the authority must seek competitive bids for the contract.
 8-8     The authority shall advertise for bids in the manner provided by
 8-9     Subchapter C, Chapter 262.
8-10           Sec. 386.107.  BOND OF CONTRACTOR.  A person or entity to
8-11     whom a contract is awarded by a board after a competitive bidding
8-12     process shall execute a bond, payable to the authority, for twice
8-13     the amount of the contract price.  The bond must be:
8-14                 (1)  approved by the board; and
8-15                 (2)  conditioned on the faithful performance of the
8-16     obligations under the contract and that in the event of default in
8-17     the performance of its duties under the contract, the contractor
8-18     will pay to the authority damages sustained as a result of the
8-19     contractor's default.
8-20           Sec. 386.108.  ANNUAL REPORT.  (a)  Before January 2 of each
8-21     year, a board shall make an annual report of its official acts and
8-22     file the report with the clerk of the commissioners court of each
8-23     of the counties creating the authority.
8-24           (b)  The report must include:
8-25                 (1)  a detailed description of the nature of work done
8-26     in the authority;
8-27                 (2)  the cost of the work described by Subdivision (1);
 9-1                 (3)  the amount paid out on order of the general
 9-2     manager, commissioner, or any other authorized person and for what
 9-3     purpose paid; and
 9-4                 (4)  any other information necessary to show the
 9-5     condition of any projects undertaken to build facilities and
 9-6     structures or of improvements made under this chapter.
 9-7           Sec. 386.109.  GENERAL MANAGER; PERSONNEL.  (a)  The board
 9-8     shall employ a general manager for a term and salary set by the
 9-9     board.
9-10           (b)  The general manager is responsible for managing an
9-11     authority's day-to-day operations and may employ other persons as
9-12     necessary to carry out the authority's duties.  The general manager
9-13     may perform any other duty assigned to the general manager by the
9-14     board.
9-15           Sec. 386.110.  GENERAL MANAGER'S AND EMPLOYEES' BONDS.  The
9-16     general manager and each employee of the authority who is charged
9-17     with the custody or payment of any of the authority's money shall
9-18     execute a surety bond.  The board shall approve the form, amount,
9-19     and surety of the bond.
9-20           Sec. 386.111.  COURT ACTIONS.  An authority, through the
9-21     authority's board, may sue and be sued in any court of this state
9-22     in the name of the authority.
9-23              (Sections 386.112-386.150 reserved for expansion
9-24                      SUBCHAPTER D.  BOARD ORGANIZATION
9-25           Sec. 386.151.  APPOINTMENT AND TERM OF COMMISSIONERS.  (a)
9-26     An authority is governed by a board of six commissioners.
9-27           (b)  For an authority created in a single county, the
 10-1    commissioners court of the county shall appoint the members of the
 10-2    board.  For an authority created in two counties, the commissioners
 10-3    court of each county shall appoint three members to the board.  For
 10-4    an authority created in three counties, the commissioners court of
 10-5    each county shall appoint two members to the board.
 10-6          (c)  To be eligible to serve as a commissioner, a person must
 10-7    reside in the district and be a qualified voter.
 10-8          (d)  An employee or member of the commissioners court of a
 10-9    county that establishes an authority may serve as a commissioner of
10-10    the authority.
10-11          Sec. 386.152.  TERM OF COMMISSIONER.  Each commissioner
10-12    serves for a two-year term.
10-13          Sec. 386.153.  ORGANIZATION; MEETINGS; VACANCIES.  (a)  A
10-14    board shall elect a presiding officer from among its members.  The
10-15    board may provide for the election of other officers as necessary. 
10-16          (b)  The board shall meet:
10-17                (1)  at least once in each four-month period; and
10-18                (2)  at the call of:
10-19                      (A)  the presiding officer; or
10-20                      (B)  a majority of the commissioners.
10-21          (c)  A vacancy in the office of commissioner shall be filled
10-22    for the unexpired term by the commissioners court that appointed
10-23    the commissioner whose office is vacant.
10-24          Sec. 386.154.  COMPENSATION AND EXPENSES.  A commissioner
10-25    serves without compensation but may be reimbursed for reasonable
10-26    and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official
10-27    duties.
 11-1             (Sections 386.155-386.200 reserved for expansion
 11-2                    SUBCHAPTER E.  FINANCIAL PROVISIONS
 11-3          Sec. 386.201.  GENERAL FINANCIAL POWERS.  An authority may:
 11-4                (1)  impose a charge or fee for using a facility or
 11-5    bridge built by the authority or a service the authority provides;
 11-6                (2)  lease a facility owned by the authority;
 11-7                (3)  issue bonds as provided by this chapter;
 11-8                (4)  borrow money;
 11-9                (5)  loan money to fund a project or improvement; and
11-10                (6)  invest money under its control in an investment
11-11    authorized by Chapter 2256, Government Code.
11-12          Sec. 386.202.  AUTHORITY DEVELOPMENT FUND.  (a)  A board
11-13    shall establish and maintain an authority development fund.  The
11-14    fund must include:
11-15                (1)  money received from the sale of bonds; and
11-16                (2)  fees or charges collected by the general manager
11-17    or any other authority employee.
11-18          (b)  Except for costs incurred before the original petition
11-19    is filed under Section 386.055, the authority shall pay from the
11-20    fund all expenses necessarily incurred in connection with the
11-21    creation, establishment, and maintenance of an authority.
11-22          Sec. 386.203.  SELECTION OF DEPOSITORY.  (a)  The board shall
11-23    select a depository for the authority in the same manner and to the
11-24    same extent as a county establishes a depository under Chapter 116.
11-25          (b)  In selecting the depository, the board shall act in the
11-26    same capacity and perform the same duties as the county judge and
11-27    commissioners court in selecting a county depository.
 12-1          Sec. 386.204.  AUTHORITY TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS.  A board by
 12-2    ordinance may issue revenue bonds to provide all or part of the
 12-3    money to establish, acquire, construct, improve, equip, or repair a
 12-4    facility, bridge, project, or other structure described by Section
 12-5    386.101.
 12-6          Sec. 386.205.  PLEDGE OF REVENUE.  (a)  Bonds issued under
 12-7    this chapter must be secured by a pledge of and be payable from all
 12-8    or a designated part of the revenue from the facility, bridge, or
 12-9    other structures for which the bonds are issued, as provided in the
12-10    ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds.
12-11          (b)  The pledge securing the bonds is inferior to any
12-12    previous pledge of the revenue for the payment of revenue bonds or
12-13    revenue refunding bonds that are outstanding.
12-14          (c)  A board that leases as lessee a facility described by
12-15    Section 386.101 may pledge all or part of the revenue from the
12-16    facility to the lease payments the authority must make.
12-17          Sec. 386.206.  LIEN ON FACILITY.  Subject to any limitation
12-18    contained in any previous pledge, a board may, in addition to
12-19    pledging the revenue from a facility, give a lien on all or part of
12-20    the physical property of the facility acquired with the proceeds of
12-21    bonds issued under this chapter.
12-22          Sec. 386.207.  CHARGES FOR SERVICES.  A board shall impose
12-23    and collect charges for the use of a facility the revenue of which
12-24    is pledged to secure bonds issued under this chapter, and for
12-25    services provided in connection with that use, in amounts at least
12-26    sufficient to comply with each covenant or provision in the
12-27    ordinance authorizing the issuance of the bonds.
 13-1             (Sections 386.208-386.250 reserved for expansion
 13-2                        SUBCHAPTER F.  DISSOLUTION
 13-3          Sec. 386.251.  LIMITATION.  An authority may be dissolved
 13-4    under this chapter only after all debts or obligations of the
 13-5    authority have been satisfied.
 13-6          Sec. 386.252.  DISSOLUTION BY BOARD VOTE.  The board may
 13-7    dissolve an authority at any time.
 13-8          Sec. 386.253.  DISSOLUTION BY COMMISSIONERS COURT.  The board
 13-9    shall dissolve an authority if a majority of the commissioners
13-10    courts of the counties in which the authority is located agree by
13-11    order to dissolve the authority.
13-12          Sec. 386.254.  DISSOLUTION BY VOTER PETITION.  The board
13-13    shall dissolve an authority on written petition filed with the
13-14    board by more than 50 percent of the registered voters in the
13-15    authority.
13-16          Sec. 386.255.  PROPERTY.  Property that remains after
13-17    dissolution is conveyed to the county in which the property is
13-18    located.
13-19          SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.