1-1     By:  Giddings, Chisum, Lewis of Tarrant               H.B. No. 1833
 1-2          (Senate Sponsor - West)
 1-3           (In the Senate - Received from the House April 11, 2001;
 1-4     April 17, 2001, read first time and referred to Committee on
 1-5     Intergovernmental Relations; May 2, 2001, reported adversely, with
 1-6     favorable Committee Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 5, Nays
 1-7     0; May 2, 2001, sent to printer.)
 1-8     COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR H.B. No. 1833                    By:  West
 1-9                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
1-10                                   AN ACT
1-11     relating to local enforcement of certain health and safety statutes
1-12     and ordinances.
1-14           SECTION 1. Section 552.115(a), Government Code, is amended to
1-15     read as follows:
1-16           (a)  A birth or death record maintained by the bureau of
1-17     vital statistics of the Texas Department of Health or a local
1-18     registration official is excepted from the requirements of Section
1-19     552.021, except that:
1-20                 (1)  a birth record is public information and available
1-21     to the public on and after the 50th anniversary of the date of
1-22     birth as shown on the record filed with the bureau of vital
1-23     statistics or local registration official;
1-24                 (2)  a death record is public information and available
1-25     to the public on and after the 25th anniversary of the date of
1-26     death as shown on the record filed with the bureau of vital
1-27     statistics or local registration official;
1-28                 (3)  a general birth index or a general death index
1-29     established or maintained by the bureau of vital statistics or a
1-30     local registration official is public information and available to
1-31     the public to the extent the index relates to a birth record or
1-32     death record that is public information and available to the public
1-33     under Subdivision (1) or (2); [and]
1-34                 (4)  a summary birth index or a summary death index
1-35     prepared or maintained by the bureau of vital statistics or a local
1-36     registration official is public information and available to the
1-37     public; and
1-38                 (5)  a birth or death record is available to the chief
1-39     executive officer of a home-rule municipality or the officer's
1-40     designee if:
1-41                       (A)  the record is used only to identify a
1-42     property owner or other person to whom the municipality is required
1-43     to give notice when enforcing a state statute or an ordinance;
1-44                       (B)  the municipality has exercised due diligence
1-45     in the manner described by Section 54.035(e), Local Government
1-46     Code, to identify the person; and
1-47                       (C)  the officer or designee signs a
1-48     confidentiality agreement that requires that:
1-49                             (i)  the information not be disclosed
1-50     outside the office of the officer or designee, or within the office
1-51     for a purpose other than the purpose described by Paragraph (A);
1-52                             (ii)  the information be labeled as
1-53     confidential;
1-54                             (iii)  the information be kept securely;
1-55     and
1-56                             (iv)  the number of copies made of the
1-57     information or the notes taken from the information that implicate
1-58     the confidential nature of the information be controlled, with all
1-59     copies or notes that are not destroyed or returned remaining
1-60     confidential and subject to the confidentiality agreement.
1-61           SECTION 2.  Sections 342.006(b) and (d), Health and Safety
1-62     Code, are amended to read as follows:
1-63           (b)  The notice must be given:
1-64                 (1)  personally to the owner in writing;
 2-1                 (2)  by letter addressed to the owner at the owner's
 2-2     address as recorded in the appraisal district records of the
 2-3     appraisal district in which the property is located; or
 2-4                 (3)  if personal service cannot be obtained:
 2-5                       (A)  by publication at least once;
 2-6                       (B)  by posting the notice on or near the front
 2-7     door of each building on the property to which the violation
 2-8     relates; or
 2-9                       (C)  by posting the notice on a placard attached
2-10     to a stake driven into the ground on the property to which the
2-11     violation relates[, if the property contains no buildings].
2-12           (d)  In a notice provided under this section, a municipality
2-13     may inform the owner by regular mail and a posting on the property,
2-14     or by personally delivering the notice, that if the owner commits
2-15     another violation of the same kind or nature that poses a danger to
2-16     the public health and safety on or before the first anniversary of
2-17     the date of the notice, the municipality without further notice may
2-18     correct the violation at the owner's expense and assess the expense
2-19     against the property.  If a violation covered by a notice under
2-20     this subsection occurs within the one-year period, and the
2-21     municipality has not been informed in writing by the owner of an
2-22     ownership change, then the municipality without notice may take any
2-23     action permitted by Subsections (a)(1) and (2) and assess its
2-24     expenses as provided by Section 342.007.
2-25           SECTION 3. Section 54.033(b), Local Government Code, is
2-26     amended to read as follows:
2-27           (b)  A commission appointed for the purpose of hearing cases
2-28     under this subchapter shall consist of one or more [five-member]
2-29     panels, each composed of at least five members, to be appointed for
2-30     terms of two years.
2-31           SECTION 4. Subchapter A, Chapter 54, Local Government Code,
2-32     is amended by adding Section 54.006 to read as follows:
2-34     OFFENSES.  Section 3.04(a), Penal Code, does not apply to two or
2-35     more offenses consolidated or joined for trial under Section 3.02,
2-36     Penal Code, if each of the offenses is:
2-37                 (1)  for the violation of an ordinance described by
2-38     Section 54.012;
2-39                 (2)  punishable by fine only; and
2-40                 (3)  tried in a municipal court, regardless of whether
2-41     the court is a municipal court of record.
2-42           SECTION 5. Section 54.034(a), Local Government Code, is
2-43     amended to read as follows:
2-44           (a)  All cases to be heard by the commission may be heard by
2-45     any panel of the commission.  A majority of the [, but at least
2-46     four] members of a panel must hear a case.
2-47           SECTION 6.  Section 54.035, Local Government Code, is amended
2-48     by amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsections (d),
2-49     (e), and (f) to read as follows:
2-50           (a)  Notice of all proceedings before the commission panels
2-51     must be given:
2-52                 (1)  by personal delivery or by certified mail, return
2-53     receipt requested, to the record owners of the affected property,
2-54     and each holder of a recorded lien against the affected property,
2-55     as shown by the records in the office of the county clerk of the
2-56     county in which the affected property is located if the address of
2-57     the lienholder can be ascertained from the deed of trust
2-58     establishing the lien and/or other applicable instruments on file
2-59     in the office of the county clerk; and
2-60                 (2)  to all unknown owners, by posting a copy of the
2-61     notice on the front door of each improvement situated on the
2-62     affected property or as close to the front door as practicable.
2-63           (b)  The notice must be posted and either personally
2-64     delivered or [shall be] mailed [and posted] on or before the 10th
2-65     day before the date of the hearing before the commission panel and
2-66     must state the date, time, and place of the hearing.  In addition,
2-67     the notice must be published in a newspaper of general circulation
2-68     in the municipality on one occasion on or before the 10th day
2-69     before the date fixed for the hearing.
 3-1           (d)  A municipality must exercise due diligence to determine
 3-2     the identity and address of a property owner or lienholder to whom
 3-3     the municipality is required to give notice.
 3-4           (e)  A municipality exercises due diligence in determining
 3-5     the identity and address of a property owner or lienholder when it
 3-6     searches the following records:
 3-7                 (1)  county real property records of the county in
 3-8     which the property is located;
 3-9                 (2)  appraisal district records of the appraisal
3-10     district in which the property is located;
3-11                 (3)  records of the secretary of state, if the property
3-12     owner or lienholder is a corporation, partnership, or other
3-13     business association;
3-14                 (4)  assumed name records of the county in which the
3-15     property is located;
3-16                 (5)  tax records of the municipality; and
3-17                 (6)  utility records of the municipality.
3-18           (f)  When a municipality mails a notice in accordance with
3-19     this section to a property owner or lienholder and the United
3-20     States Postal Service returns the notice as "refused" or
3-21     "unclaimed," the validity of the notice is not affected, and the
3-22     notice is considered delivered.
3-23           SECTION 7. Section 54.038, Local Government Code, is amended
3-24     to read as follows:
3-25           Sec. 54.038.  VOTE. A majority [The concurring] vote of the
3-26     [four] members voting on a matter [of a commission panel] is
3-27     necessary to take any action under this subchapter and any
3-28     ordinance adopted by the municipality in accordance with this
3-29     subchapter.
3-30           SECTION 8.  Section 54.039(a), Local Government Code, is
3-31     amended to read as follows:
3-32           (a)  Any owner, lienholder, or mortgagee of record jointly or
3-33     severally aggrieved by any decision of a commission panel may
3-34     present a petition to a district court, duly verified, setting
3-35     forth that the decision is illegal, in whole or in part, and
3-36     specifying the grounds of the illegality.  The petition must be
3-37     presented to the court within 30 calendar days after the date a
3-38     copy of the final decision of the commission panel is personally
3-39     delivered or mailed by first class mail, certified return receipt
3-40     requested, to all persons to whom notice is required to be sent
3-41     under Section 54.035.  The commission panel shall personally
3-42     deliver or mail that copy promptly after the decision becomes
3-43     final.  In addition, an abbreviated copy of the order shall be
3-44     published one time in a newspaper of general circulation in the
3-45     municipality within 10 calendar days after the date of the delivery
3-46     or mailing of the copy as provided by this subsection, including
3-47     the street address or legal description of the property; the date
3-48     of the hearing, a brief statement indicating the results of the
3-49     order, and instructions stating where a complete copy of the order
3-50     may be obtained, and a copy shall be filed in the office of the
3-51     municipal secretary or clerk.
3-52           SECTION 9.  Subchapter C, Chapter 54, Local Government Code,
3-53     is amended by adding Section 54.044 to read as follows:
3-55     HEARING. (a)  As an alternative to the enforcement processes
3-56     described by this subchapter, a municipality by ordinance may adopt
3-57     a procedure for an administrative adjudication hearing under which
3-58     an administrative penalty may be imposed for the enforcement of an
3-59     ordinance described by Section 54.032 or adopted under Section
3-60     214.001(a)(1).
3-61           (b)  A procedure adopted under this section must entitle the
3-62     person charged with violating an ordinance to a hearing and must
3-63     provide for:
3-64                 (1)  the period during which a hearing shall be held;
3-65                 (2)  the appointment of a hearing officer with
3-66     authority to administer oaths and issue orders compelling the
3-67     attendance of witnesses and the production of documents; and
3-68                 (3)  the amount and disposition of administrative
3-69     penalties, costs, and fees.
 4-1           (c)  A municipal court may enforce an order of a hearing
 4-2     officer compelling the attendance of a witness or the production of
 4-3     a document.
 4-4           (d)  A citation or summons issued as part of a procedure
 4-5     adopted under this section must:
 4-6                 (1)  notify the person charged with violating the
 4-7     ordinance that the person has the right to a hearing; and
 4-8                 (2)  provide information as to the time and place of
 4-9     the hearing.
4-10           (e)  The original or a copy of the summons or citation shall
4-11     be kept as a record in the ordinary course of business of the
4-12     municipality and is rebuttable proof of the facts it states.
4-13           (f)  The person who issued the citation or summons is not
4-14     required to attend a hearing under this section.
4-15           (g)  A person charged with violating an ordinance who fails
4-16     to appear at a hearing authorized under this section is considered
4-17     to admit liability for the violation charged.
4-18           (h)  At a hearing under this section, the hearing officer
4-19     shall issue an order stating:
4-20                 (1)  whether the person charged with violating an
4-21     ordinance is liable for the violation; and
4-22                 (2)  the amount of a penalty, cost, or fee assessed
4-23     against the person.
4-24           (i)  An order issued under this section may be filed with the
4-25     clerk or secretary of the municipality.  The clerk or secretary
4-26     shall keep the order in a separate index and file.  The order may
4-27     be recorded using microfilm, microfiche, or data processing
4-28     techniques.
4-29           (j)  An order issued under this section against a person
4-30     charged with an ordinance violation may be enforced by:
4-31                 (1)  filing a civil suit for the collection of a
4-32     penalty assessed against the person; and
4-33                 (2)  obtaining an injunction that:
4-34                       (A)  prohibits specific conduct that violates the
4-35     ordinance; or
4-36                       (B)  requires specific conduct necessary for
4-37     compliance with the ordinance.
4-38           (k)  A person who is found by a hearing officer to have
4-39     violated an ordinance may appeal the determination by filing a
4-40     petition in municipal court before the 31st day after the date the
4-41     hearing officer's determination is filed.  An appeal does not stay
4-42     enforcement and collection of the judgment unless the person,
4-43     before filing the appeal, posts a bond with an agency designated
4-44     for that purpose by the municipality.
4-45           SECTION 10.  Section 214.001, Local Government Code, is
4-46     amended by amending Subsections (d) and (g) and adding Subsection
4-47     (r) to read as follows:
4-48           (d)  After the public hearing, if a building is found in
4-49     violation of standards set out in the ordinance, the municipality
4-50     may order that the building be vacated, secured, repaired, removed,
4-51     or demolished by the owner within a reasonable time as provided by
4-52     this section.  The municipality also may order that the occupants
4-53     be relocated within a reasonable time.  If the owner does not take
4-54     the ordered action within the allotted time, the municipality shall
4-55     make a diligent effort to discover each mortgagee and lienholder
4-56     having an interest in the building or in the property on which the
4-57     building is located.  The municipality shall personally deliver or
4-58     send by certified mail, return receipt requested, to each
4-59     identified mortgagee and lienholder a notice containing:
4-60                 (1)  an identification, which is not required to be a
4-61     legal description, of the building and the property on which it is
4-62     located;
4-63                 (2)  a description of the violation of municipal
4-64     standards that is present at the building; and
4-65                 (3)  a statement that the municipality will vacate,
4-66     secure, remove, or demolish the building or relocate the occupants
4-67     of the building if the ordered action is not taken within a
4-68     reasonable time.
4-69           (g)  After the hearing, the municipality shall promptly mail
 5-1     by certified mail, return receipt requested, or personally
 5-2     deliver a copy of the order to the owner of the building and to any
 5-3     lienholder or mortgagee of the building.  The municipality shall
 5-4     use its best efforts to determine the identity and address of any
 5-5     owner, lienholder, or mortgagee of the building.  [If a notice is
 5-6     mailed according to this subsection and the United States Postal
 5-7     Service returns the notice as "refused" or "unclaimed," the
 5-8     validity of the notice is not affected, and the notice shall be
 5-9     deemed as delivered.]
5-10           (r)  When a municipality mails a notice in accordance with
5-11     this section to a property owner, lienholder, or mortgagee and the
5-12     United States Postal Service returns the notice as "refused" or
5-13     "unclaimed," the validity of the notice is not affected, and the
5-14     notice is considered delivered.
5-15           SECTION 11. Subchapter A, Chapter 214, Local Government Code,
5-16     is amended by adding Section 214.005 to read as follows:
5-17           Sec. 214.005.  PROPERTY BID OFF TO MUNICIPALITY. A
5-18     municipality may adopt an ordinance under Section 214.001(a) that
5-19     applies to property that has been bid off to the municipality under
5-20     Section 34.01(j), Tax Code.
5-21           SECTION 12.  Section 214.0012(a), Local Government Code, is
5-22     amended to read as follows:
5-23           (a)  Any owner, lienholder, or mortgagee of record of
5-24     property jointly or severally aggrieved by an order of a
5-25     municipality issued under Section 214.001 may file in district
5-26     court a verified petition setting forth that the decision is
5-27     illegal, in whole or in part, and specifying the grounds of the
5-28     illegality.  The petition must be filed by an owner, lienholder, or
5-29     mortgagee within 30 calendar days after the respective dates a copy
5-30     of the final decision of the municipality is personally delivered
5-31     or mailed to them by first class mail, certified return receipt
5-32     requested, or such decision shall become final as to each of them
5-33     upon the expiration of each such 30 calendar day period.
5-34           SECTION 13.  Section 683.075, Transportation Code, is amended
5-35     to read as follows:
5-36           Sec. 683.075.  NOTICE.  (a)  The procedures for the abatement
5-37     and removal of a public nuisance under this subchapter must provide
5-38     not less than 10 days' notice of the nature of the nuisance.  The
5-39     notice [and] must be personally delivered or sent by certified mail
5-40     with a five-day return requested to:
5-41                 (1)  the last known registered owner of the nuisance;
5-42                 (2)  each lienholder of record of the nuisance; and
5-43                 (3)  the owner or occupant of:
5-44                       (A)  the property on which the nuisance is
5-45     located; or
5-46                       (B)  if the nuisance is located on a public
5-47     right-of-way, the property adjacent to the right-of-way.
5-48           (b)  The notice must state that:
5-49                 (1)  the nuisance must be abated and removed not later
5-50     than the 10th day after the date on which the notice was personally
5-51     delivered or mailed; and
5-52                 (2)  any request for a hearing must be made before that
5-53     10-day period expires.
5-54           (c)  If the post office address of the last known registered
5-55     owner of the nuisance is unknown, notice may be placed on the
5-56     nuisance or, if the owner is located, personally delivered [hand
5-57     delivered].
5-58           (d)  If notice is returned undelivered, action to abate the
5-59     nuisance shall be continued to a date not earlier than the 11th day
5-60     after the date of the return.
5-61           SECTION 14. Subchapter E, Chapter 683, Transportation Code,
5-62     is amended by adding Section 683.0765 to read as follows:
5-64     HEARING. A municipality by ordinance may provide for an
5-65     administrative adjudication process under which an administrative
5-66     penalty may be imposed for the enforcement of an ordinance adopted
5-67     under this subchapter.  If a municipality provides for an
5-68     administrative adjudication process under this section, the
5-69     municipality shall use the procedure described by Section 54.044,
 6-1     Local Government Code.
 6-2           SECTION 15. Section 683.077(a), Transportation Code, is
 6-3     amended to read as follows:
 6-4           (a)  Procedures adopted under Section 683.074 or 683.0765 may
 6-5     not apply to a vehicle or vehicle part:
 6-6                 (1)  that is completely enclosed in a building in a
 6-7     lawful manner and is not visible from the street or other public or
 6-8     private property; or
 6-9                 (2)  that is stored or parked in a lawful manner on
6-10     private property in connection with the business of a licensed
6-11     vehicle dealer or junkyard, or that is an antique or special
6-12     interest vehicle stored by a motor vehicle collector on the
6-13     collector's property, if the vehicle or part and the outdoor
6-14     storage area, if any, are:
6-15                       (A)  maintained in an orderly manner;
6-16                       (B)  not a health hazard; and
6-17                       (C)  screened from ordinary public view by
6-18     appropriate means, including a fence, rapidly growing trees, or
6-19     shrubbery.
6-20           SECTION 16.  The changes in law made by this Act apply only
6-21     to a notice that is given on or after the effective date of this
6-22     Act.  A notice that is given before the effective date of this Act
6-23     is governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective
6-24     date, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.
6-25           SECTION 17.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
6-26           (b)  The change in law made by this Act by the addition of
6-27     Section 54.006, Local Government Code, applies only to an offense
6-28     committed on or after the effective date of this Act.  For purposes
6-29     of this section, an offense is committed before the effective date
6-30     of this Act if any element of the offense occurs before that date.
6-31           (c)  An offense committed before the effective date of this
6-32     Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed,
6-33     and the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.
6-34                                  * * * * *