1-1     By:  Junell (Senate Sponsor - Fraser)                 H.B. No. 1909
 1-2           (In the Senate - Received from the House April 23, 2001;
 1-3     April 24, 2001, read first time and referred to Committee on
 1-4     Natural Resources; May 10, 2001, reported favorably by the
 1-5     following vote:  Yeas 4, Nays 0; May 10, 2001, sent to printer.)
 1-6                            A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-7                                   AN ACT
 1-8     relating to the management of and certain actions and proceedings
 1-9     regarding the Lipan-Kickapoo Water Conservation District.
1-11           SECTION 1. Section 2(b), Chapter 439, Acts of the 70th
1-12     Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, is amended to read as follows:
1-13           (b)  The district is created to provide for the conservation,
1-14     preservation, protection, recharge, and prevention of waste and
1-15     pollution of the underground and surface water of the district
1-16     consistent with the objectives of Section 59, Article XVI, [Section
1-17     59, of the] Texas Constitution, and Chapter 36 [Chapters 51 and
1-18     52], Water Code.
1-19           SECTION 2. Section 5, Chapter 439, Acts of the 70th
1-20     Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, is amended to read as follows:
1-21           Sec. 5.  APPLICATION OF CHAPTERS 36 and 49 [50 AND 52], WATER
1-22     CODE; GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES. Except to the extent of any
1-23     conflict with this Act or as specifically limited by this Act, the
1-24     district is governed by and subject to Chapter 36 and Subchapters H
1-25     and I, Chapter 49 [Chapters 50 and 52], Water Code, and may
1-26     exercise all of the powers contained in these chapters, including
1-27     the powers to issue bonds and levy and collect taxes and the power
1-28     of eminent domain.  The district shall exercise all of the duties
1-29     provided by these chapters [Chapters 50 and 52, Water Code].
1-30           SECTION 3. Section 7(a), Chapter 439, Acts of the 70th
1-31     Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, is amended to read as follows:
1-32           (a)  To be qualified for election as a director, a person
1-33     must be:
1-34                 (1)  a resident of the district or proposed district;
1-35                 (2)  at least 18 years of age; and
1-36                 (3)  not otherwise disqualified by Section 36.051
1-37     [50.026], Water Code.
1-38           SECTION 4. Section 8, Chapter 439, Acts of the 70th
1-39     Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, is amended by amending
1-40     Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (c) to read as follows:
1-41           (a)  The board consists of an equal number of directors from
1-42     each county, elected by a  majority vote of the qualified voters
1-43     residing in the part of the county that is included in the
1-44     district, and one director elected from the district at large.  The
1-45     board consists of not fewer than 5 and not more than 11 directors
1-46     [of directors of the district is composed of seven members, three
1-47     directors from Tom Green County, three directors from Concho
1-48     County, and one director from the district as a whole, who shall be
1-49     elected by a majority vote of the qualified voters residing in the
1-50     area of each portion of a county included in the district].
1-51           (c)  When territory is annexed by the district, the board
1-52     shall, if necessary, change the number of directors so that an
1-53     equal number of directors is elected by district voters of each
1-54     county and one director is elected from the district at large.  The
1-55     board shall provide that, as nearly as possible, half of the
1-56     directors are elected at each subsequent election in continuing
1-57     sequence.
1-58           SECTION 5. Section 9(a), Chapter 439, Acts of the 70th
1-59     Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, is amended to read as follows:
1-60           (a)  Every second year the board shall call and hold an
1-61     election on the uniform election date in May provided by Section
1-62     41.001, Election Code, [Beginning in the second year following the
1-63     creation election, an election shall be held on the third Saturday
1-64     in May every second year] to elect the appropriate number of
 2-1     directors to the board.
 2-2           SECTION 6. Sections 10, 11, and 14, Chapter 439, Acts of the
 2-3     70th Legislature, Regular Session, 1987, are amended to read as
 2-4     follows:
 2-5           Sec. 10.  TERM OF OFFICE. (a) Directors [Except for the
 2-6     initial directors of the district, directors shall] serve staggered
 2-7     four-year [for] terms [of four years].
 2-8           (b)  Three [The four initial directors receiving the highest
 2-9     number of votes at the confirmation election shall serve as
2-10     directors until the four persons elected at the second regular
2-11     election of directors have qualified, and the other three initial
2-12     directors shall serve until the three persons elected at the first
2-13     regular directors' election have qualified.  After the second
2-14     regular directors' election, three] directors shall be elected at
2-15     one election and four at the next election in continuing sequence
2-16     until there is a change in the number of directors under Section 8
2-17     of this Act.
2-18           Sec. 11.  COMPENSATION. (a) A director is entitled to receive
2-19     fees of office as provided by Chapter 36, Water Code, [for his
2-20     services an amount not to exceed $25 a day] for each day the
2-21     director spends performing the duties of a director [actually
2-22     engaged in duties for the district].
2-23           (b)  Each director is entitled to receive reimbursement of
2-24     actual expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred while engaging
2-25     in duties on behalf of the district.
2-26           Sec. 14.  ADDITIONAL RIGHTS AND POWERS. (a) The board may
2-27     enter into contracts as provided by Chapter 36 [51], Water Code,
2-28     and those contracts shall be executed by the board in the name of
2-29     the district.
2-30           (b)  The board may adopt a seal for the district.
2-31           (c)  [If the district regulates production of underground
2-32     water by permit as provided by Chapter 52, Water Code, the board
2-33     may not deny a permit to drill a well to the owner of land, his
2-34     heirs, assigns, and lessees on his land and the right to produce
2-35     water from that well under rules adopted by the district.]
2-36           [(d)]  The district may control, store, and preserve the
2-37     storm water and floodwater in the district and the water of rivers
2-38     and streams in the district for irrigation of arid land, prevention
2-39     of floods and flood damage in the district, and domestic,
2-40     agricultural, and industrial use.
2-41           (d) [(e)]  The district may reclaim land within the district
2-42     and may construct the necessary works, facilities, and improvements
2-43     to accomplish this purpose.
2-44           (e) [(f)]  The district may construct and maintain terraces
2-45     and other structures on land in the district and may engage in and
2-46     promote land treatment measures for soil conservation and
2-47     improvement.
2-48           (f) [(g)]  The district may construct or acquire and improve
2-49     and maintain works, facilities, and improvements necessary to carry
2-50     out the purposes, powers, and plans of the district.
2-51           (g) [(h)]  The district may construct and acquire works,
2-52     facilities, and improvements in the manner provided by Chapter 36
2-53     [51], Water Code.
2-54           (h) [(i)]  The district may acquire by gift, grant, devise,
2-55     lease, purchase, or condemnation any land or other property
2-56     necessary to carry out this Act.
2-57           (i) [(j)]  Subject to this Act and Chapter 36 [Chapters 51
2-58     and 52], Water Code, the district may sell or otherwise dispose of
2-59     land and other property of the district that the board determines
2-60     is not necessary to carry out the purposes or powers of the
2-61     district.
2-62           (j) [(k)  The district may not enter into any contract or
2-63     engage in any action to supply underground water or surface water
2-64     inside or outside the district.]
2-65           [(l)]  The district through the members of the board or its
2-66     general manager may appear before the Railroad Commission of Texas
2-67     and present evidence and information relating to any pending permit
2-68     application for an injection well to be located within the
2-69     district.
 3-1           (k) [(m)]  The district may borrow money for any purpose
 3-2     authorized by this Act.
 3-3           (l) [(n)]  Except to the extent of any conflict with this Act
 3-4     or as specifically limited by this Act, the district may exercise
 3-5     the powers granted and shall perform the duties under Chapter 36
 3-6     [Subchapters D, O, and P, Chapter 51], Water Code.
 3-7           SECTION 7. The following acts of the Lipan-Kickapoo Water
 3-8     Conservation District are validated and confirmed in all respects
 3-9     as if the actions had been taken as authorized by law:
3-10                 (1)  all acts and governmental proceedings of the
3-11     district taken before the effective date of this Act, including the
3-12     adoption of rules, the approval or issuance of water well drilling
3-13     permits, and annexations of land;
3-14                 (2)  all bonds and other obligations of the district
3-15     authorized or issued before the effective date of this Act,
3-16     including all proceedings taken before the effective date of this
3-17     Act that are related to those bonds or other obligations; and
3-18                 (3)  all directors of the district whether elected or
3-19     appointed who took office before the effective date of this Act.
3-20           SECTION 8. Section 7 of this Act does not apply to any act,
3-21     proceeding, director, bond, or obligation the validity of which or
3-22     of whom is the subject of litigation that is pending on the
3-23     effective date of this Act.
3-24           SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
3-25     a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
3-26     provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
3-27     Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
3-28     Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
3-29                                  * * * * *