By Najera                                             H.B. No. 1967
         77R6281 DLF-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to a state prescription drug plan for certain older
 1-3     individuals and individuals who have serious health care
 1-4     conditions.
 1-6           SECTION 1.  Subtitle C, Title 2, Health and Safety Code, is
 1-7     amended by adding Chapter 65 to read as follows:
 1-8                     CHAPTER 65.  PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN
 1-9                      SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
1-10           Sec. 65.001.  OBJECTIVE OF STATE PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN.  The
1-11     state prescription drug plan provides prescription drug benefits to
1-12     individuals who reside in this state and who are at least 65 years
1-13     of age or have a serious health care condition.
1-14           Sec. 65.002.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
1-15                 (1)  "Commission" means the Health and Human Services
1-16     Commission.
1-17                 (2)  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of health
1-18     and human services.
1-19                 (3)  "Prescription drug plan provider" means an
1-20     insurance company, health maintenance organization, or other entity
1-21     that provides prescription drug benefits coverage under the
1-22     prescription drug plan program.
1-23                 (4)  "Regional advisory committee" means a committee
1-24     appointed under Section 65.057.
 2-1           Sec. 65.003.  NOT AN ENTITLEMENT.  This chapter does not
 2-2     establish an entitlement to assistance in obtaining prescription
 2-3     drug benefits.
 2-4           Sec. 65.004.  BIENNIAL REVIEW OF PROGRAM. (a)  At the
 2-5     conclusion of each fiscal biennium, the commissioner and the office
 2-6     of the state auditor shall review the operation of the prescription
 2-7     drug plan program established under this chapter. In reviewing the
 2-8     program, the commissioner and the office of the state auditor shall
 2-9     evaluate  the enrollment levels for individuals receiving coverage
2-10     under the prescription drug plan at reduced premium rates.
2-11           (b)  The state auditor shall assign a team of three persons
2-12     from the auditor's office to participate in the review required by
2-13     this section.
2-14               (Sections 65.005-65.050 reserved for expansion
2-16           Sec. 65.051.  DUTIES OF COMMISSION.  (a)  The commission
2-17     shall develop and implement a prescription drug plan program to
2-18     obtain coverage for prescription drug benefits for eligible
2-19     individuals.
2-20           (b)  The commission is the agency responsible for making
2-21     policy for the prescription drug plan program, including policy
2-22     related to eligibility for coverage under the plan and to
2-23     prescription drug benefits provided under the plan.  The commission
2-24     may not delegate this duty to another agency or entity.
2-25           (c)  The commission shall oversee the implementation of the
2-26     prescription drug plan program and coordinate the activities of
2-27     each agency necessary to the implementation of the program,
 3-1     including the Texas Department of Health, Texas Department of Human
 3-2     Services, and Texas Department of Insurance.
 3-3           (d)  The commission shall adopt rules as necessary to
 3-4     implement this chapter.  The commission shall require the
 3-5     appropriate health and human services agency, including the Texas
 3-6     Department of Health and the Texas Department of Human Services, to
 3-7     adopt, with the approval of the commission, the rules that are
 3-8     necessary to implement the prescription drug plan program.  With
 3-9     the consent of another agency, including the Texas Department of
3-10     Insurance, the commission may delegate to that agency the authority
3-11     to adopt, with the approval of the commission, any rules that are
3-12     necessary to implement the program.
3-13           (e)  The commission shall conduct a review of each entity
3-14     that enters into a contract under Section 65.055 or Section 65.155,
3-15     to ensure that the entity is available, prepared, and able to
3-16     fulfill the entity's obligations under the contract in compliance
3-17     with the contract, this chapter, and rules adopted under this
3-18     chapter.
3-19           Sec. 65.052.  DUTIES OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH.  (a)  The
3-20     commission may direct the Texas Department of Health to:
3-21                 (1)  implement contracts with prescription drug plan
3-22     providers under Section 65.155;
3-23                 (2)  monitor the prescription drug plan providers,
3-24     through reporting requirements and other means, to ensure
3-25     performance under the contracts and quality delivery of services;
3-26                 (3)  monitor the quality of services delivered to
3-27     enrollees; and
 4-1                 (4)  provide payment under the contracts to the
 4-2     prescription drug plan providers.
 4-3           (b)  The commission, or the Texas Department of Health under
 4-4     the direction of and in consultation with the commission, shall
 4-5     adopt rules as necessary to implement this section.
 4-7     (a)  Under the direction of the commission, the Texas Department of
 4-8     Human Services shall:
 4-9                 (1)  accept applications for coverage under the
4-10     prescription drug plan and implement the prescription drug plan
4-11     program eligibility screening and enrollment procedures;
4-12                 (2)  resolve grievances relating to eligibility
4-13     determinations; and
4-14                 (3)  coordinate the prescription drug plan program with
4-15     the Medicaid program, as necessary.
4-16           (b)  If the commission contracts with a third party
4-17     administrator under Section 65.055, the commission may direct the
4-18     Texas Department of Human Services to:
4-19                 (1)  implement the contract;
4-20                 (2)  monitor the third party administrator, through
4-21     reporting requirements and other means, to ensure performance under
4-22     the contract and quality delivery of services; and
4-23                 (3)  provide payment under the contract to the third
4-24     party administrator.
4-25           (c)  The commission, or the Texas Department of Human
4-26     Services under the direction of and in consultation with the
4-27     commission, shall adopt rules as necessary to implement this
 5-1     section.
 5-2           Sec. 65.054.  DUTIES OF TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF INSURANCE.  (a)
 5-3     At the request of the commission, the Texas Department of Insurance
 5-4     shall provide any necessary assistance with the development of the
 5-5     prescription drug plan.  The department shall monitor the quality
 5-6     of the services provided by prescription drug plan providers and
 5-7     shall coordinate with the Texas Department of Human Services to
 5-8     resolve grievances relating to the prescription drug plan
 5-9     providers.
5-10           (b)  The commission and the Texas Department of Insurance may
5-11     adopt a memorandum of understanding that addresses the
5-12     responsibilities of each agency in developing the plan.
5-13           (c)  The Texas Department of Insurance, in consultation with
5-14     the commission, shall adopt rules as necessary to implement this
5-15     section.
5-17     DRUG PLAN.  (a)  It is the intent of the legislature that the
5-18     commission maximize the use of private resources in administering
5-19     the prescription drug plan program created under this chapter.  In
5-20     administering the program, the commission may contract with a third
5-21     party administrator to provide enrollment and related services
5-22     under the state prescription drug plan.
5-23           (b)  A third party administrator may perform tasks under the
5-24     contract that would otherwise be performed by the Texas Department
5-25     of Health or Texas Department of Human Services under this chapter.
5-26           (c)  The commission shall:
5-27                 (1)  retain all policymaking authority over the state
 6-1     prescription drug plan;
 6-2                 (2)  procure all contracts with a third party
 6-3     administrator through a competitive procurement process in
 6-4     compliance with applicable state laws; and
 6-5                 (3)  ensure that all contracts with prescription drug
 6-6     plan providers under Section 65.155 are procured through a
 6-7     competitive procurement process in compliance with applicable law.
 6-8           (d)  The commission shall ensure that each contract with a
 6-9     third party administrator or prescription drug plan provider
6-10     requires compliance with Section 65.059.
6-12     (a)  The commission shall conduct a community outreach and
6-13     education campaign to provide information relating to the
6-14     availability of prescription drug plan coverage under this chapter.
6-15           (b)  The community outreach campaign must include a toll-free
6-16     telephone number through which individuals may obtain information
6-17     about the prescription drug plan program.
6-18           (c)  The commission shall contract with community-based and
6-19     interfaith organizations or coalitions of those organizations to
6-20     implement the community outreach campaign and shall promote and
6-21     encourage voluntary efforts to implement the community outreach
6-22     campaign.
6-23           (d)  The commission shall direct that the Texas Department of
6-24     Health or the Texas Department of Human Services coordinate the
6-25     community outreach campaign.
6-26           Sec. 65.057.  REGIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEES.  The commission
6-27     shall appoint regional advisory committees to provide
 7-1     recommendations concerning the implementation and operation of the
 7-2     prescription drug plan program.  The regional advisory committees
 7-3     must be composed of knowledgeable representatives of the Texas
 7-4     Department of Human Services, the Texas Department of Health, and
 7-5     local community health providers.
 7-6           Sec. 65.058.  FRAUD PREVENTION.  (a)  The commission, in
 7-7     consultation with the office of the attorney general, shall adopt
 7-8     and implement rules for the prevention and detection of fraud in
 7-9     the prescription drug plan program.
7-10           (b)  The rules must authorize the exclusion of any individual
7-11     who commits fraud from the prescription drug plan after notice to
7-12     the individual and an opportunity for hearing.
7-13           Sec. 65.059. CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION. Information
7-14     relating to an applicant for or participant in the prescription
7-15     drug plan program is confidential and may not be disclosed to any
7-16     person except as necessary for the administration of the
7-17     prescription drug plan. The information is not subject to
7-18     disclosure under Chapter 552, Government Code.
7-19               (Sections 65.060-65.100 reserved for expansion
7-21           Sec. 65.101.  ELIGIBILITY. (a)  An individual is eligible for
7-22     coverage under the prescription drug plan if the individual is a
7-23     legal resident of this state and:
7-24                 (1)  is not less than 65 years of age;
7-25                 (2)  has a chronic health care condition that is likely
7-26     to last at least one year and result in limitations of function and
7-27     activities;
 8-1                 (3)  has a disease or condition for which the
 8-2     likelihood of death is probable unless the course of the disease or
 8-3     condition is interrupted; or
 8-4                 (4)  has a mental or physical disability.
 8-5           (b)  The commission by rule shall establish eligibility
 8-6     standards for individuals described by Subsection (a)(2), (3), or
 8-7     (4).
 8-8           Sec. 65.102.  ELIGIBILITY FOR REDUCED PREMIUMS.  (a)  The
 8-9     commission by rule shall establish eligibility standards for
8-10     individuals to receive coverage under the prescription drug plan
8-11     for a reduced premium in accordance with Section 65.153.  In
8-12     adopting rules under this section, the commission shall consult
8-13     with the regional advisory committees.
8-14           (b)  The standards must consider the family income of the
8-15     individual, but may not consider the value of:
8-16                 (1)  a homestead in which the individual resides; and
8-17                 (2)  one motor vehicle owned by the family.
8-18           (c)  The standards must be developed to provide the broadest
8-19     possible availability of reduced premium coverage under the
8-20     prescription drug plan program, considering available appropriated
8-21     funds.
8-22           Sec. 65.103.  APPLICATION FORM AND PROCEDURES.  (a)  The
8-23     commission, with the assistance of the regional advisory
8-24     committees, shall adopt an application form and application
8-25     procedures for requesting prescription drug plan coverage under
8-26     this chapter.
8-27           (b)  To the extent possible, the application form shall be
 9-1     made available in languages other than English.
 9-2           (c)  The commission shall permit application to be made by
 9-3     mail, by telephone, and through the Internet.
 9-4           Sec. 65.104.  ELIGIBILITY SCREENING AND ENROLLMENT.  (a)  The
 9-5     commission, with the assistance of the regional advisory
 9-6     committees, shall develop eligibility screening and enrollment
 9-7     procedures for the prescription drug plan program.
 9-8           (b)  A determination of whether an individual is eligible for
 9-9     reduced premium coverage under the prescription drug plan and the
9-10     enrollment of an eligible individual with a prescription drug plan
9-11     provider must be completed, and information on the individual's
9-12     available choice of prescription drug plan providers must be
9-13     provided, in a timely manner, as determined by the commission.  The
9-14     commission must require that the determination be made and the
9-15     information be provided not later than the 30th day after the date
9-16     the individual submits a complete application.
9-17           (c)  The commission may establish enrollment periods for the
9-18     prescription drug plan program, except that an individual described
9-19     by Section 65.101(a)(2), (3), or (4) is eligible for enrollment in
9-20     the plan without regard to any enrollment period requirement.
9-21               (Sections 65.105-65.150 reserved for expansion
9-23           Sec. 65.151.  PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN COVERAGE.  (a)  The
9-24     commission, in consultation with the commissioner of insurance, by
9-25     rule shall establish the benefits provided under the prescription
9-26     drug plan.
9-27           (b)  Benefits provided under the prescription drug plan shall
 10-1    be coordinated with other benefits for which an enrollee is
 10-2    eligible, including benefits provided under Medicare and the
 10-3    Medicaid program, so that the prescription drug plan benefits
 10-4    supplement, but do not duplicate, the other benefits.
 10-5          (c)  The prescription drug plan may use a prescription drug
 10-6    formulary.
 10-7          Sec. 65.152.  APPLICATION OF INSURANCE LAW.  The prescription
 10-8    drug plan is not subject to:
 10-9                (1)  a law that requires:
10-10                      (A)  coverage or the offer of coverage of a
10-11    health care service or benefit;
10-12                      (B)  coverage or the offer of coverage for the
10-13    provision of services by a particular pharmacy or pharmacist; or
10-14                      (C)  the use of a particular policy or contract
10-15    form or of particular language in a policy or contract form; or
10-16                (2)  Article 21.52J, Insurance Code.
10-17          Sec. 65.153.  PREMIUM; REDUCED PREMIUM.  (a)  Subject to
10-18    Subsection (b), the commission shall require an enrollee in the
10-19    prescription drug plan to pay:
10-20                (1)  a copayment or similar charge for prescription
10-21    drugs provided under the plan; and
10-22                (2)  the plan premium.
10-23          (b)  The commission shall provide prescription drug plan
10-24    coverage at reduced premium rates to individuals who satisfy the
10-25    eligibility requirements established under Section 65.102.  Reduced
10-26    premium rates adopted under this section shall ensure that
10-27    individuals with higher levels of income are required to pay
 11-1    progressively higher percentages of the cost of the plan.
 11-2          (c)  The commission shall specify the manner in which the
 11-3    premium is paid.  The commission may require that the premium be
 11-4    paid to the Texas Department of Health, the Texas Department of
 11-5    Human Services, or the prescription drug plan provider.
 11-6          (d)  For purposes of establishing the amounts of copayments
 11-7    or similar charges and plan premiums, the commissioner may
 11-8    establish classes of enrollees and may charge different amounts to
 11-9    enrollees in different classes. Not later than August 31 of each
11-10    even-numbered year, the commissioner shall obtain an actuarial
11-11    review of the costs of providing benefits under the plan to
11-12    enrollees.  If the commissioner determines that the actuarial
11-13    review demonstrates that any group of individuals described by
11-14    Section 65.101(a)(1), (2), (3), or (4) is unfairly subsidizing the
11-15    cost of plan benefits for another group of individuals, the
11-16    commissioner shall establish separate classes of enrollees.
11-18    PROVISIONS; CROWD OUT.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (d),
11-19    the prescription drug plan may include a waiting period of not more
11-20    than 180 days.
11-21          (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (d), the prescription
11-22    drug plan may include a preexisting condition provision that
11-23    limits, but does not exclude, benefits for prescription drugs for a
11-24    disease or condition for not more than 60 days after the effective
11-25    date of coverage under the plan.  The preexisting condition
11-26    provision may not otherwise be more restrictive than the
11-27    preexisting condition provision authorized for a small employer
 12-1    health benefit plan under Article 26.49, Insurance Code.
 12-2          (c)  The prescription drug plan may include copayments and
 12-3    other provisions intended to discourage employers and other persons
 12-4    from electing to discontinue providing or offering, under employee
 12-5    or other group health benefit plans, prescription drug benefits for
 12-6    individuals who are at least 65 years of age.
 12-7          (d)  A waiting period established under Subsection (a)  or a
 12-8    preexisting condition provision established under Subsection (b)
 12-9    may not apply to an individual who is eligible to enroll in the
12-10    prescription drug plan under Section 65.101(a)(2), (3), or (4).
12-11          Sec. 65.155.  PRESCRIPTION DRUG PLAN PROVIDERS.  (a)  The
12-12    commission, or the Texas Department of Health at the direction of
12-13    and in consultation with the commission, shall select the
12-14    prescription drug plan providers under the program through a
12-15    competitive procurement process.  A prescription drug plan provider
12-16    must hold a certificate of authority issued by the Texas Department
12-17    of Insurance that authorizes the prescription drug plan provider to
12-18    provide the type of prescription drug plan offered and must
12-19    satisfy, except as provided by this chapter, any applicable
12-20    requirement of the Insurance Code or another insurance law of this
12-21    state.
12-22          (b)  In selecting a prescription drug plan provider for a
12-23    metropolitan area, the commission shall consult with the
12-24    appropriate regional advisory committee.  The commission shall
12-25    provide for a choice of at least two prescription drug plan
12-26    providers in each metropolitan area.  The commissioner may
12-27    authorize an exception to the requirement imposed by this
 13-1    subsection if there is only one acceptable applicant to become a
 13-2    prescription drug plan provider in the metropolitan area.
 13-3          SECTION 2.  The heading of Subtitle C, Title 2, Health and
 13-4    Safety Code, is amended to read as follows:
 13-6          SECTION 3.  Not later than September 1, 2002, the Health and
 13-7    Human Services Commission shall develop and implement the
 13-8    prescription drug plan program required by Chapter 65, Health and
 13-9    Safety Code, as added by this Act.
13-10          SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
13-11    a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
13-12    provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
13-13    Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
13-14    Act takes effect September 1, 2001.