By Tillery                                            H.B. No. 2122
         77R4515 SMJ-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the benefits and administration of a statewide
 1-3     retirement system for volunteer firefighters and other emergency
 1-4     services personnel.
 1-6           SECTION 1. Sections 3(b) and (c), Texas Statewide Emergency
 1-7     Services Retirement Act (Article  6243e.3, Vernon's Texas Civil
 1-8     Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
 1-9           (b)  The monthly retirement annuity is equal to seven [six]
1-10     times the governing body's average monthly contribution over the
1-11     member's term of qualified service under this Act.
1-12           (c)  For each year of additional qualified service in excess
1-13     of 15 years, a member is entitled to receive an additional 7.5
1-14     [seven] percent of the member's monthly pension compounded
1-15     annually.  A member may receive a proportional credit for days or
1-16     months of qualified service that make up less than a year.
1-17           SECTION 2. Sections 14(c) and (d), Texas Statewide Emergency
1-18     Services Retirement Act (Article  6243e.3, Vernon's Texas Civil
1-19     Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
1-20           (c)  The state board of trustees shall employ a professional
1-21     investment manager [counselor], a legal reserve life insurance
1-22     company licensed to do business in the State of Texas, or a bank
1-23     with trust powers under the laws of the State of Texas.  The
1-24     investment manager [counselor] or bank employed by the board must
 2-1     be a nationally known organization whose business includes managing
 2-2     investments [investment counseling] for public pension and
 2-3     retirement funds.  A life insurance company employed by the board
 2-4     must provide a group annuity contract that guarantees expenses and
 2-5     provides a formula for determining the amount of funds available
 2-6     for transfer at the end of a contract period.  The contract may not
 2-7     include requirements that guaranteed life annuities be purchased.
 2-8           (d)  The cost of the investment management services
 2-9     [counseling service] may be paid from income earned by investments.
2-10           SECTION 3. Section 19, Texas Statewide Emergency Services
2-11     Retirement Act  (Article  6243e.3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
2-12     is amended to read as follows:
2-13           Sec. 19.  COMMISSIONER'S DUTIES. (a)  The commissioner may
2-14     not administer any pension plan other than the pension system
2-15     created by this Act and the system created by Chapter 125, Acts of
2-16     the 45th Legislature, Regular Session, 1937, as amended (Article
2-17     6243e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
2-18           (b) [(c)]  The commissioner and the state board of trustees
2-19     shall assemble and disseminate the information necessary for the
2-20     disclosure requirements concerning the pension system as outlined
2-21     in Section 16 of this Act.
2-22           (c) [(d)]  The commissioner is responsible for recovering any
2-23     fraudulently acquired benefits.  If it appears that fraud has
2-24     occurred, the commissioner shall notify the local board and the
2-25     claimant and hold a hearing.  If after the hearing the commissioner
2-26     decides that benefits have been or are being fraudulently acquired,
2-27     he shall seek action in a court of appropriate jurisdiction.
 3-1           (d) [(e)]  The commissioner shall collect the revenues for
 3-2     the fund from the local boards of trustees or the governing bodies.
 3-3           (e) [(f)]  The commissioner may request and administer
 3-4     additional state funds in an emergency.
 3-5           (f) [(g)]  The commissioner shall require annual reports from
 3-6     the local boards of trustees.
 3-7           (g) [(h)]  The commissioner may at any reasonable time
 3-8     examine the records and accounts of local boards of trustees.
 3-9           (h) [(i)]  The commissioner may recommend to the state board
3-10     of trustees rules to implement this Act.
3-11           (i) [(j)]  The commissioner shall keep a copy of all rules
3-12     promulgated under this Act on file in the commissioner's office. A
3-13     copy of the rules shall be placed with each local board of trustees
3-14     and shall be made available for public inspection at any reasonable
3-15     time.
3-16           (j) [(k)]  The commissioner shall prepare the necessary forms
3-17     for use by local boards of trustees.
3-18           (k) [(l)]  The commissioner shall prepare an annual report on
3-19     the activity and status of the fund.  The report shall go to the
3-20     governor, the lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house.
3-21           (l) [(m)]  The commissioner shall oversee the distribution of
3-22     all benefits.  The commissioner shall make benefit payments to
3-23     claimants after receiving a copy of a local board of trustees'
3-24     decision in favor of a claim and reviewing that decision.
3-25           (m) [(n)]  If the commissioner overrules a local board's
3-26     decision, he shall immediately notify the local board and the
3-27     claimant.
 4-1           (n) [(o)]  After a hearing conducted by the State Office of
 4-2     Administrative Hearings, the commissioner shall determine each
 4-3     appeal from a local board of trustees decision and issue a written
 4-4     opinion in compliance with the procedures required by this Act.
 4-5           (o) [(p)]  The commissioner shall keep a written transcript
 4-6     of all proceedings and hearings required by this Act.
 4-7           SECTION 4. Section 20(a), Texas Statewide Emergency Services
 4-8     Retirement Act (Article  6243e.3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
 4-9     is amended to read as follows:
4-10           (a)  There is a state board of trustees composed of nine
4-11     [active] members. Six trustees must be active members of the fund,
4-12     and three trustees must be persons who have experience in the
4-13     fields of finance, securities investment, or pension
4-14     administration.
4-15           SECTION 5. Section 21(c), Texas Statewide Emergency Services
4-16     Retirement Act (Article  6243e.3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
4-17     is amended to read as follows:
4-18           (c)  After a hearing conducted by the State Office of
4-19     Administrative Hearings on the appeal of a decision of a local
4-20     board of trustees, the board shall determine each appeal from a
4-21     commissioner's decision based on the hearing record.
4-22           SECTION 6. Section 22(a), Texas Statewide Emergency Services
4-23     Retirement Act (Article  6243e.3, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
4-24     is amended to read as follows:
4-25           (a)  The local board of trustees is composed of the
4-26     following:
4-27                 (1)  one representative selected by the governing body;
 5-1                 (2)  five active members representing a participating
 5-2     department chosen by a majority of the emergency services personnel
 5-3     in the department who are eligible to participate in the pension
 5-4     system; and
 5-5                 (3)  two residents of a participating political
 5-6     subdivision who are chosen by the other members of the board.
 5-7           SECTION 7. Sections 3(b) and (c), Texas Statewide Emergency
 5-8     Services Retirement Act (Article 6243e.3, Vernon's Texas Civil
 5-9     Statutes), as amended by this Act, apply only to the annuity of a
5-10     member who terminates service on or after the effective date of
5-11     this Act.  The annuity of a member who terminates service before
5-12     the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect
5-13     immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
5-14     continued in effect for that purpose.
5-15           SECTION 8.  (a)  Sections 20(a) and 21(c), Texas Statewide
5-16     Emergency Services Retirement Act (Article 6243e.3, Vernon's Texas
5-17     Civil Statutes), as amended by this Act, apply only to the
5-18     selection of a trustee of a board of trustees under the Texas
5-19     Statewide Emergency Services Retirement Act that occurs on or after
5-20     the effective date of this Act.
5-21           (b)  A person who is serving as a trustee immediately before
5-22     the effective date of this Act may complete the trustee's term of
5-23     office, and the trustee's qualifications for serving as a trustee
5-24     are governed by the law in effect immediately before the effective
5-25     date of this Act until the date that trustee's term expires.
5-26           SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.