By Clark                                              H.B. No. 2307
         77R8407 JMC-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the creation of a county court at law in Cooke County,
 1-3     to the jurisdiction of the County Court of Cooke County, and to an
 1-4     exemption from certain judicial training and instruction for the
 1-5     judge of the county court.
 1-7           SECTION 1.  Subchapter C, Chapter 25, Government Code, is
 1-8     amended by adding Sections 25.0511 and 25.0512 to read as follows:
 1-9           Sec. 25.0511.  COOKE COUNTY.  Cooke County has one statutory
1-10     county court, the County Court at Law of Cooke County.
1-11           Sec. 25.0512.  COOKE COUNTY COURT AT LAW PROVISIONS.  (a)  In
1-12     addition to meeting the qualifications of office in Section
1-13     25.0014, the judge of a county court at law in Cooke County must
1-14     meet the qualifications of office for a district judge provided by
1-15     Section 7, Article V, Texas Constitution.
1-16           (b)  The judge of a county court at law may not engage in the
1-17     private practice of law.
1-18           (c)  The judge of a county court at law shall be paid annual
1-19     compensation equal to the annual compensation, including all
1-20     supplements, paid from any public source to a district judge in the
1-21     county.  The salary of the judge of a county court at law shall be
1-22     paid in equal installments at least monthly.
1-23           (d)  The commissioners court, on proper request by the
1-24     appropriate official in charge of a department, may employ as many
 2-1     additional assistant attorneys, deputy sheriffs, and deputy clerks
 2-2     as are shown to the commissioners court's satisfaction to be
 2-3     necessary to serve each county court at law.
 2-4           (e)  A court officer appointed by the judge of a county court
 2-5     at law shall be sworn by the judge by an oath in the general form
 2-6     provided by law for appointed officials.  The judge shall modify
 2-7     the oath to apply to the particular officer and duties or to
 2-8     conform to any statutory oath required for the particular position.
 2-9           (f)  An official court reporter of a county court at law may
2-10     be paid:
2-11                 (1)  annual compensation equal to the annual
2-12     compensation paid the official court reporters serving each
2-13     district court in Cooke County; and
2-14                 (2)  any longevity pay to which the reporter is
2-15     entitled under a county compensation program.
2-16           (g)  The laws governing the drawing, selection, service, and
2-17     pay of jurors for county courts apply to a county court at law.
2-18     Jurors regularly impaneled for a week by the district court may, on
2-19     request of the judge of a county court at law, be made available
2-20     and shall serve for the week in a county court at law.  The jury in
2-21     a county court at law is composed of six members.
2-22           (h)  Practice and procedure, appeals, and writs of error in a
2-23     county court at law are as prescribed by law for county courts,
2-24     except that practice and procedure, rules of evidence, and all
2-25     other matters pertaining to the conduct of trials and hearings in a
2-26     county court at law, other than the number of jurors, that involve
2-27     eminent domain cases and cases in which a district court and county
 3-1     court at law have concurrent jurisdiction are governed by the laws
 3-2     and rules pertaining to district courts.
 3-3           (i)  The judges of each district court and county court at
 3-4     law in Cooke County may enter joint local administrative orders
 3-5     providing for the exchange of benches in cases in which a district
 3-6     court and county court at law have concurrent jurisdiction.
 3-7           SECTION 2.  Subchapter E, Chapter 26, Government Code, is
 3-8     amended by adding Section 26.149 to read as follows:  
 3-9           Sec. 26.149.  COOKE COUNTY.  (a)  The County Court of Cooke
3-10     County does not have probate, guardianship, mental health,
3-11     juvenile, civil, criminal, or appellate jurisdiction.
3-12           (b)  The judge of the County Court of Cooke County is exempt
3-13     from the judicial training and instruction required under Chapter
3-14     22.
3-15           SECTION 3.  The County Court at Law of Cooke County is
3-16     created and this Act takes effect December 1, 2001.
3-17           SECTION 4.  (a)  The judge of the County Court of Cooke
3-18     County shall transfer any case that is pending in the county court
3-19     on the effective date of this Act over which the court loses
3-20     jurisdiction under this Act to the County Court at Law of Cooke
3-21     County.
3-22           (b)  When  a case is transferred as provided by Subsection
3-23     (a) of this section, all  processes,  writs, bonds, recognizances,
3-24     or other obligations issued from the transferring court are
3-25     returnable to the court to which the case is transferred as if
3-26     originally issued by that court.  The obligee in all bonds and
3-27     recognizances taken in and for a court from which a case is
 4-1     transferred, and all witnesses summoned to appear in a court from
 4-2     which a case is transferred, are required to appear before the
 4-3     court to which a case is transferred as if originally required to
 4-4     appear before the court to which the transfer is made.