By Hochberg                                           H.B. No. 2452
         77R3816 BDH-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the establishment of a medical board for University
 1-3     Interscholastic League athletic competitions.
 1-5           SECTION 1. Subchapter D, Chapter 33, Education Code, is
 1-6     amended by adding Section 33.0841 to read as follows:
 1-8     BOARD. (a)  The University Interscholastic League Medical Board is
 1-9     composed of the following members appointed by the governor with
1-10     the advice and consent of the senate:
1-11                 (1)  one physician specializing in sports medicine;
1-12                 (2)  one physician specializing in general pediatric
1-13     medicine;
1-14                 (3)  one physician specializing in orthopedic medicine
1-15     and working with children or adolescents as an athletic team
1-16     physician;
1-17                 (4)  one physician specializing in pediatric
1-18     neurological medicine; and
1-19                 (5)  an athletic trainer.
1-20           (b)  To be eligible to serve as a member of the medical
1-21     board, a physician must be licensed and practicing medicine in the
1-22     state and be of good standing in the medical profession.
1-23           (c)  Members of the medical board serve staggered two-year
1-24     terms, with the terms of the members described by Subsections
 2-1     (a)(1)-(3) expiring on February 1 of each odd-numbered year and the
 2-2     terms of the members described by Subsections (a)(4) and (5)
 2-3     expiring on February 1 of each even-numbered year.  A member may
 2-4     serve more than one term.
 2-5           (d)  The governor shall select a chair from among the medical
 2-6     board members.
 2-7           (e)  A member of the medical board may not receive
 2-8     compensation, but is entitled to reimbursement from the University
 2-9     Interscholastic League for travel expenses incurred by the member
2-10     while conducting the business of the medical board.
2-11           (f)  A rule adopted by the University Interscholastic League
2-12     or a school district policy that directly affects the health of
2-13     students participating in a league athletic competition must be
2-14     submitted to the medical board and is not effective unless approved
2-15     by that board.
2-16           (g)  The medical board shall by rule adopt a uniform medical
2-17     policy applicable to students, campuses, and school districts
2-18     participating in University Interscholastic League athletic
2-19     competitions.  The rules must include:
2-20                 (1)  minimum requirements for any physical examinations
2-21     and medical screenings conducted to determine student eligibility
2-22     for University Interscholastic League athletic competitions; and
2-23                 (2)  appropriate procedures for examination of students
2-24     who sustain bodily injuries while training for or participating in
2-25     a University Interscholastic League athletic competition.
2-26           (h)  A rule adopted by the medical board under Subsection (g)
2-27     must be submitted to the commissioner and is not effective unless
 3-1     the rule is approved by the commissioner.
 3-2           (i)  A school district employee or a campus that violates a
 3-3     rule adopted under Subsection (g) is ineligible for participation
 3-4     in any University Interscholastic League athletic competition. The
 3-5     commissioner shall determine the duration of the period of
 3-6     ineligibility under this subsection.
 3-7           SECTION 2. (a)  As soon as possible after the effective date
 3-8     of this Act, the governor shall appoint the initial members of the
 3-9     University Interscholastic League Medical Board created under
3-10     Section 33.0841, Education Code, as added by this Act.
3-11           (b)  Not later than June 1, 2002, the University
3-12     Interscholastic League Medical Board shall by rule adopt a uniform
3-13     medical policy applicable to students, campuses, and school
3-14     districts participating in University Interscholastic League
3-15     athletic competitions and submit the rules to the commissioner of
3-16     education for approval, as provided by Section 33.0841, Education
3-17     Code, as added by this Act.
3-18           SECTION 3. Except as otherwise provided by this Act, this Act
3-19     applies beginning with the 2002-2003 school year.
3-20           SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
3-21     a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
3-22     provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
3-23     Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
3-24     Act takes effect September 1, 2001.