By Uher                                               H.B. No. 2549
         77R7619 JMM-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the creation of a privilege for optometric records and
 1-3     communications with an optometrist or therapeutic optometrist and
 1-4     to the availability of optometric records.
 1-6           SECTION 1. Chapter 351, Occupations Code, is amended by
 1-7     adding Subchapter N to read as follows:
 1-8                     SUBCHAPTER N.  OPTOMETRIC PRIVILEGE
 1-9           Sec. 351.651.  DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter:
1-10                 (1)  "Optometric record" means optometric information
1-11     about a patient:
1-12                       (A)  created or maintained by an optometrist or
1-13     therapeutic optometrist; and
1-14                       (B)  relating to the history or treatment of the
1-15     patient.
1-16                 (2)  "Patient" means a person who consults with an
1-17     optometrist or therapeutic optometrist to receive optometric care. 
1-18                 (3)  "Privilege" means the confidentiality privilege
1-19     created by this subchapter.
1-20           Sec. 351.652.  SCOPE OF PRIVILEGE. (a)  The following
1-21     information is privileged and may not be disclosed except as
1-22     provided by this subchapter:
1-23                 (1)  a communication between an optometrist or
1-24     therapeutic optometrist and a patient that relates to a
 2-1     professional service provided by the optometrist or therapeutic
 2-2     optometrist; and
 2-3                 (2)  an optometric record.
 2-4           (b)  The privilege described by this section applies
 2-5     regardless of when the patient received the professional service
 2-6     from the optometrist or therapeutic optometrist.
 2-7           Sec. 351.653.  HOLDER OF PRIVILEGE. (a)  The patient is the
 2-8     holder of the privilege.
 2-9           (b)  The following persons may claim the privilege on the
2-10     patient's behalf:
2-11                 (1)  a person authorized to act on the patient's
2-12     behalf;
2-13                 (2)  an optometrist or therapeutic optometrist acting
2-14     on the patient's behalf; and
2-15                 (3)  an agent or employee of a person listed in
2-16     Subdivision (1) or (2).
2-17           (c)  A person's authority to claim the privilege is presumed
2-18     in the absence of evidence to the contrary.
2-19           Sec. 351.654.  CONSENT TO DISCLOSURE OF PRIVILEGED
2-20     INFORMATION. (a)  A person may disclose privileged information if
2-21     the patient consents to the disclosure as provided in this section.
2-22           (b)  Consent for the release of privileged information must
2-23     be in writing and be signed by:
2-24                 (1)  the patient;
2-25                 (2)  a parent or legal guardian of the patient, if the
2-26     patient is a minor;
2-27                 (3)  a legal guardian of the patient, if the patient
 3-1     has been adjudicated incompetent to manage the patient's personal
 3-2     affairs;
 3-3                 (4)  an attorney ad litem appointed for the patient, as
 3-4     authorized by:
 3-5                       (A)  Chapter 107, Family Code;
 3-6                       (B)  Subtitle B, Title 6, Health and Safety Code;
 3-7                       (C)  Subtitle C, Title 7, Health and Safety Code;
 3-8                       (D)  Subtitle D, Title 7, Health and Safety Code;
 3-9                       (E)  Subtitle E, Title 7, Health and Safety Code;
3-10                       (F)  Chapter V, Texas Probate Code; or
3-11                       (G)  any other law; or
3-12                 (5)  a personal representative of the patient, if the
3-13     patient is deceased.
3-14           (c)  The consent required under this section must specify:
3-15                 (1)  the information covered by the release;
3-16                 (2)  the person to whom the information is to be
3-17     released; and
3-18                 (3)  the purpose for the release.
3-19           (d)  A person may withdraw consent granted under this section
3-20     by notifying in writing the person who maintains the information.
3-21     Withdrawal of consent does not affect information disclosed before
3-22     the written notice of the withdrawal is delivered.
3-23           Sec. 351.655.  EXCEPTION TO PRIVILEGE FOR CERTAIN
3-24     PROCEEDINGS. (a)  The privilege does not apply in a court or
3-25     administrative proceeding if the proceeding is:
3-26                 (1)  brought by the patient against an optometrist or
3-27     therapeutic optometrist, including a malpractice, criminal, or
 4-1     license revocation proceeding, and the disclosure is relevant to a
 4-2     claim or defense of the optometrist or therapeutic optometrist; or
 4-3                 (2)  to collect on a claim for optometric services
 4-4     rendered to the patient.
 4-5           (b)  The privilege does not apply to the disclosure of an
 4-6     optometric record:
 4-7                 (1)  to the board in a disciplinary investigation or
 4-8     proceeding against an optometrist or therapeutic optometrist
 4-9     conducted under this subtitle; or
4-10                 (2)  in a criminal investigation or proceeding against
4-11     an optometrist or therapeutic optometrist in which the board is
4-12     participating or assisting by providing a record obtained from the
4-13     optometrist or therapeutic optometrist.
4-14           (c)  The board may not reveal the identity of a patient whose
4-15     optometric record is disclosed under Subsection (b).
4-16           (d)  Privileged information is discoverable in a criminal
4-17     prosecution if:
4-18                 (1)  the patient is a victim, witness, or defendant;
4-19     and
4-20                 (2)  the court in which the prosecution is pending
4-21     rules, after an in camera review, that the information is relevant
4-22     for discovery purposes.
4-23           (e)  Privileged information is admissible in a criminal
4-24     prosecution if:
4-25                 (1)  the patient is a victim, witness, or defendant;
4-26     and
4-27                 (2)  the court in which the prosecution is pending
 5-1     rules, after an in camera review, that the information is relevant.
 5-2           (f)  The privilege does not apply to a grand jury subpoena.
 5-5     not apply to the disclosure of information by an optometrist or
 5-6     therapeutic optometrist to:
 5-7                 (1)  a governmental agency, if:
 5-8                       (A)  the disclosure is required by another law;
 5-9     and
5-10                       (B)  the agency agrees to keep confidential the
5-11     identity of a patient whose optometric record is disclosed;
5-12                 (2)  medical or law enforcement personnel, if the
5-13     optometrist or therapeutic optometrist determines that it is more
5-14     likely than not that the following will occur:
5-15                       (A)  imminent physical injury to the patient, the
5-16     optometrist or therapeutic optometrist, or others; or
5-17                       (B)  immediate mental or emotional injury to the
5-18     patient;
5-19                 (3)  a person in relation to a management or financial
5-20     audit, program evaluation, or research, if the person agrees to
5-21     keep confidential the identity of a patient whose optometric record
5-22     is disclosed;
5-23                 (4)  a person involved in the payment or collection of
5-24     fees for services rendered by an optometrist or therapeutic
5-25     optometrist, if necessary; or
5-26                 (5)  another optometrist or therapeutic optometrist, or
5-27     a person under the direction of the optometrist or therapeutic
 6-1     optometrist, who participates in the diagnosis, evaluation, or
 6-2     treatment of the patient.
 6-3           (b)  A person who receives information under Subsection
 6-4     (a)(3) may not disclose a patient's identity in writing.
 6-5           (c)  A record reflecting a charge or specific service
 6-6     provided may be disclosed only when necessary in the collection of
 6-7     fees for a service provided by an optometrist or therapeutic
 6-8     optometrist, professional association, or other entity qualified to
 6-9     provide or arrange for a service.
6-11     INQUIRIES. A state hospital or state school may disclose an
6-12     optometric record if:
6-13                 (1)  the state hospital or state school created the
6-14     record;
6-15                 (2)  an inquiry authorized by the legislature requests
6-16     the information; and
6-17                 (3)  the entity receiving the record agrees not to
6-18     disclose a patient's identity.
6-19           Sec. 351.658.  LIMIT ON DISCLOSURE. A person who receives
6-20     privileged information may disclose the information to another
6-21     person only to the extent consistent with the purpose for which the
6-22     information was obtained.
6-23           Sec. 351.659.  REQUEST FOR OPTOMETRIC RECORD:  TIMING;
6-24     EXCEPTION. (a)  If disclosure of an optometric record is authorized
6-25     under this subchapter, an optometrist or therapeutic optometrist
6-26     shall disclose the optometric record within a reasonable  period
6-27     after it is requested but not later than:
 7-1                 (1)  the 30th day after the date on which it is
 7-2     requested from the optometrist or therapeutic optometrist; or
 7-3                 (2)  a date ordered by a court.
 7-4           (b)  An optometrist or therapeutic optometrist may refuse to
 7-5     disclose the requested record if the optometrist or therapeutic
 7-6     optometrist determines that providing the information would be
 7-7     harmful to the physical, mental, or emotional health of the
 7-8     patient, except that requests from the board may not be refused.
 7-9     If the optometrist or therapeutic optometrist determines that
7-10     disclosing the record would be harmful, the optometrist or
7-11     therapeutic optometrist shall notify the person requesting the
7-12     record and explain why the information would be harmful.  The
7-13     person requesting the record may challenge in court the refusal to
7-14     disclose the record.    If the court finds that the optometrist or
7-15     therapeutic optometrist made the refusal in bad faith, the court
7-16     may order the disclosure of the record and award costs and
7-17     attorney's fees incurred by the person to obtain the information.
7-18           (c)  In disclosing an optometric record under this section,
7-19     an optometrist or therapeutic optometrist shall redact privileged
7-20     information about another person.
7-21           (d)  An optometrist or therapeutic optometrist may charge a
7-22     reasonable fee for providing an optometric record under this
7-23     section.  For purposes of this subsection, a  fee established under
7-24     Section 241.154, Health and Safety Code, is a reasonable fee.
7-25           SECTION 2. (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.
7-26           (b)  The change in law made by this Act applies only to a
7-27     suit or proceeding commenced on or after the effective date of this
 8-1     Act.  A suit or proceeding commenced before the effective date of
 8-2     this Act is governed by the law applicable to the suit or
 8-3     proceeding immediately before the effective date of this Act, and
 8-4     the former law is continued in effect for that purpose.