By Shields                                            H.B. No. 2581
         77R4824 JMG-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to certain subdivision improvements and the bond
 1-3     requirements for certain subdivision improvements.
 1-5           SECTION 1. Sections 232.003 and 232.004, Local Government
 1-6     Code, are amended to read as follows:
 1-7           Sec. 232.003.  SUBDIVISION REQUIREMENTS.  By an order adopted
 1-8     and entered in the minutes of the commissioners court, and after a
 1-9     notice is published in a newspaper of general circulation in the
1-10     county, the commissioners court may:
1-11                 (1)  require a right-of-way on a street or road that
1-12     functions as a main artery in a subdivision, of a width of not less
1-13     than 50 feet or more than 100 feet;
1-14                 (2)  require a right-of-way on any other street or road
1-15     in a subdivision of not less than 40 feet or more than 70 feet;
1-16                 (3)  require that the shoulder-to-shoulder width on
1-17     collectors or main arteries within the right-of-way be not less
1-18     than 32 feet or more than 56 feet, and that the
1-19     shoulder-to-shoulder width on any other street or road be not less
1-20     than 25 feet or more than 35 feet;
1-21                 (4)  adopt, based on the amount and kind of travel over
1-22     each street or road in a subdivision, reasonable specifications
1-23     relating to the construction of each street or road;
1-24                 (5)  adopt reasonable specifications to provide
 2-1     adequate drainage for each street or road in a subdivision in
 2-2     accordance with standard engineering practices;
 2-3                 (6)  require that each purchase contract made between a
 2-4     subdivider and a purchaser of land in the subdivision contain a
 2-5     statement describing the extent to which water will be made
 2-6     available to the subdivision and, if it will be made available, how
 2-7     and when;
 2-8                 (7)  require that the owner of the tract to be
 2-9     subdivided execute a good and sufficient bond to ensure proper
2-10     construction of the streets, roads, and drainage improvements in
2-11     the subdivision in the manner provided by Section 232.004;
2-12                 (8)  require that the owner of the tract to be
2-13     subdivided execute a good and sufficient bond to ensure proper
2-14     maintenance of the streets, roads, and drainage improvements in the
2-15     subdivision in the manner provided by Section 232.004;
2-16                 (9)  adopt reasonable specifications that provide for
2-17     drainage in the subdivision to:
2-18                       (A)  efficiently manage the flow of stormwater
2-19     runoff in the subdivision; and
2-20                       (B)  coordinate subdivision drainage with the
2-21     general storm drainage pattern for the area; and
2-22                 (10) [(9)]  require lot and block monumentation to be
2-23     set by a registered professional surveyor before recordation of the
2-24     plat.
2-25           Sec. 232.004.  BOND REQUIREMENTS. (a)  If the commissioners
2-26     court requires the owner of the tract to execute a bond, the owner
2-27     must do so before subdividing the tract unless an alternative
 3-1     financial guarantee is provided under Section 232.0045.  The bond
 3-2     must:
 3-3                 (1)  be payable to the county judge of the county in
 3-4     which the subdivision will be located or to the judge's successors
 3-5     in office;
 3-6                 (2)  be in an amount determined by the commissioners
 3-7     court to be adequate to ensure proper construction or maintenance
 3-8     of the roads and streets in and drainage requirements for the
 3-9     subdivision, but not to exceed the estimated cost of construction
3-10     or maintenance of the roads, streets, and drainage requirements;
3-11                 (3)  be executed with sureties as may be approved by
3-12     the court;
3-13                 (4)  be executed by a company authorized to do business
3-14     as a surety in this state if the court requires a surety bond
3-15     executed by a corporate surety; and
3-16                 (5)  be conditioned that the roads and streets and the
3-17     drainage requirements for the subdivision will be constructed:
3-18                       (A)  in accordance with the specifications
3-19     adopted by the court; and
3-20                       (B)  within a reasonable time set by the court.
3-21           (b)  In addition to the requirements set out by Subsection
3-22     (a), a bond required under Section 232.003(8) must be in an amount
3-23     to which the owner and the commissioners court agree is adequate to
3-24     ensure proper maintenance of the streets, roads, and drainage
3-25     improvements in the subdivision for a period of the later of:
3-26                 (1)  one year after the date the county approves the
3-27     final construction of the streets, roads, and drainage
 4-1     improvements; or
 4-2                 (2)  the date the commissioners court includes the
 4-3     streets, roads, and drainage improvements in the county road
 4-4     system.
 4-5           SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001, and
 4-6     applies only to a subdivision of a tract of land and to the owner
 4-7     of the tract for which the county approves on or after that date,
 4-8     the plat subdividing the tract.  A subdivision of a tract of land
 4-9     and the owner of the tract for which the county approves the plat
4-10     subdividing the tract before the effective date of this Act are
4-11     covered by the law in effect before the effective date of this Act,
4-12     and that law is continued in effect for that purpose.