By Maxey                                              H.B. No. 2689
         77R8970 GGS-D                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the conduct of primary elections.
 1-4           SECTION 1.  Section 31.092, Election Code, is amended to read
 1-5     as follows:
 1-6           Sec. 31.092.  CONTRACT FOR ELECTION SERVICES AUTHORIZED.  (a)
 1-7     The county election officer may contract with the governing body of
 1-8     a political subdivision situated wholly or partly in the county
 1-9     served by the officer to perform election services, as provided by
1-10     this subchapter, in any one or more elections ordered by an
1-11     authority of the political subdivision.
1-12           (b)  [The county election officer may contract with the
1-13     county executive committee of a political party holding a primary
1-14     election in the county to perform election services, as provided by
1-15     this subchapter, in the party's general primary election or runoff
1-16     primary election, or both.  To be binding, a contract under this
1-17     subsection must be approved in writing by the secretary of state,
1-18     and the execution of a contract is not completed until written
1-19     approval is obtained.]
1-20           [(c)]  An election services contract need not be submitted to
1-21     the commissioners court for approval.
1-22           SECTION 2.  Section 42.0051(a), Election Code, is amended to
1-23     read as follows:
1-24           (a)  If changes in county election precinct boundaries to
 2-1     give effect to a redistricting plan result in county election
 2-2     precincts with a number of registered voters less than 500, a
 2-3     commissioners court for a general, primary, or special election[,
 2-4     or for a primary election the county executive committee of a
 2-5     political party conducting a primary election,] may combine county
 2-6     election precincts notwithstanding Section 42.005 to avoid
 2-7     unreasonable expenditures for election equipment, supplies, and
 2-8     personnel.
 2-9           SECTION 3.  Section 42.009, Election Code, is amended to read
2-10     as follows:
2-12     [The] county clerk [executive committee of a political party]
2-13     holding a primary election may order two or more county election
2-14     precincts consolidated into a single precinct if:
2-15                 (1)  the polling place is located so it will adequately
2-16     serve the voters of the consolidated precinct; and
2-17                 (2)  at least one consolidated precinct is situated
2-18     wholly within each commissioners precinct.
2-19           SECTION 4.  Section 43.003, Election Code, is amended to read
2-20     as follows:
2-22     The regular polling places designated for the general election for
2-23     state and county officers shall be used for each precinct in
2-24     [county chair of a political party holding] a primary election
2-25     [shall designate the location of the polling place for each
2-26     election precinct in the primary] unless the precinct is one that
2-27     is consolidated.  In that case, the county clerk [executive
 3-1     committee] shall designate the location.  To the extent possible, a
 3-2     polling place shall be designated that will accommodate the
 3-3     precinct conventions of each political party.
 3-4           SECTION 5.  Section 43.034(c), Election Code, is amended to
 3-5     read as follows:
 3-6           (c)  The governing body of each political subdivision that
 3-7     holds elections shall cooperate with the commissioners court in its
 3-8     respective county in implementing this section and is subject to
 3-9     the same requirements for compliance as prescribed by Subsection
3-10     (b). If the authority holding an election rejects a
3-11     county-designated polling place that is available and chooses to
3-12     use a different site of its own designation, it shall provide a
3-13     polling place that complies with Subsection (a) at its own expense.
3-14     [A political party that is holding a primary election may not
3-15     reject an available county-designated polling place without the
3-16     prior consent of the secretary of state.]
3-17           SECTION 6.  Section 51.003, Election Code, is amended to read
3-18     as follows:
3-19           Sec. 51.003.  PROCURING AND ALLOCATING SUPPLIES.  Except as
3-20     otherwise provided by law, the following authority shall procure
3-21     the election supplies necessary to conduct an election and shall
3-22     determine the quantity of the various types of supplies to be
3-23     provided to each precinct polling place and early voting polling
3-24     place:
3-25                 (1)  for an election ordered by the governor or a
3-26     county authority or for a primary election, the county clerk,
3-27     subject to the approval of the county election board;
 4-1                 (2)  [for a primary election, the county chair of the
 4-2     political party holding the primary, subject to the approval of the
 4-3     party's county executive committee;]
 4-4                 [(3)]  for an election ordered by a city authority, the
 4-5     city secretary; and
 4-6                 (3) [(4)]  for an election ordered by an authority of a
 4-7     political subdivision other than a county or city, the secretary of
 4-8     the subdivision's governing body or, if the governing body has no
 4-9     secretary, the governing body's presiding officer.
4-10           SECTION 7.  Section 52.002, Election Code, is amended to read
4-11     as follows:
4-12           Sec. 52.002.  AUTHORITY PREPARING BALLOT.  Except as
4-13     otherwise provided by law, the following authority shall have the
4-14     official ballot prepared:
4-15                 (1)  for an election ordered by the governor or a
4-16     county authority, the county clerk;
4-17                 (2)  for a primary election, the county clerk [chair of
4-18     the political party holding the primary];
4-19                 (3)  for an election ordered by a city authority, the
4-20     city secretary; and
4-21                 (4)  for an election ordered by an authority of a
4-22     political subdivision other than a county or city, the secretary of
4-23     the subdivision's governing body or, if the governing body has no
4-24     secretary, the governing body's presiding officer.
4-25           SECTION 8.  Section 52.007, Election Code, is amended to read
4-26     as follows:
4-27           Sec. 52.007.  SPECIMEN BALLOT.  (a) An official ballot for
 5-1     each ballot format used in each election shall be designated a
 5-2     specimen ballot.
 5-3           (b)  The specimen ballot shall be made available for public
 5-4     inspection:
 5-5                 (1)  for an election other than a primary election, in
 5-6     the office of the authority responsible for having the official
 5-7     ballot prepared; or
 5-8                 (2)  for a primary election, in the office of the
 5-9     county clerk.
5-10           (c)  The specimen ballot shall be made available for public
5-11     inspection as soon as practicable after the official ballots have
5-12     been prepared for the election and shall be preserved for the
5-13     period for preserving the precinct election records.
5-14           (d)  [The county chair of each political party holding a
5-15     primary election shall deliver the ballots to be used as specimen
5-16     ballots to the county clerk when the official ballots are received
5-17     from the printer.]
5-18           [(e)]  The authority in whose office the specimen ballot is
5-19     kept shall mark each specimen ballot with "SPECIMEN" in a manner
5-20     that will not prevent the reading of its contents.  If more than
5-21     one ballot format is used in the election, the authority shall
5-22     indicate on the specimen ballot the election precincts in which
5-23     each ballot format is used.
5-24           (e) [(f)]  A specimen ballot may not be reproduced for
5-25     distribution.
5-26           SECTION 9.  Section 123.001(b), Election Code, is amended to
5-27     read as follows:
 6-1           (b)  The decision on whether to adopt a voting system is made
 6-2     by the following authority:
 6-3                 (1)  for general elections for state and county
 6-4     officers and for primary elections, the commissioners court; and
 6-5                 (2)  [for primary elections, the county executive
 6-6     committee of the political party holding the primary; and]
 6-7                 [(3)]  for any other elections:
 6-8                       (A)  the commissioners court, if ordered by the
 6-9     governor or by a county authority; or
6-10                       (B)  the governing body of the political
6-11     subdivision served by the authority ordering the elections, if
6-12     ordered by an authority serving a political subdivision other than
6-13     a county.
6-14           SECTION 10.  Section 172.028, Election Code, is amended to
6-15     read as follows:
6-16           Sec. 172.028.  [STATE CHAIR'S] CERTIFICATION OF NAMES FOR
6-17     PLACEMENT ON GENERAL PRIMARY BALLOT.  (a)  Except as provided by
6-18     Subsection (c), the state and each county chair shall certify in
6-19     writing for placement on the general primary election ballot the
6-20     name of each candidate who files with the chair an application that
6-21     complies with Section 172.021(b).
6-22           (b)  Not later than the 57th day before general primary
6-23     election day:
6-24                 (1)  [,]  the state chair shall deliver the
6-25     certification to the county clerk [chair] in each county in which
6-26     the candidate's name is to appear on the ballot; and
6-27                 (2)  the county chair shall deliver the certification
 7-1     to the county clerk.
 7-2           (c)  A candidate's name may not be certified:
 7-3                 (1)  if, before delivering the certification, the state
 7-4     or county chair learns that the name is to be omitted from the
 7-5     ballot under Section 172.057; or
 7-6                 (2)  for an office for which the candidate's
 7-7     application is invalid under Section 141.033.
 7-8           (d)  A copy of each certification shall be made available on
 7-9     request, without charge, to each newspaper published in this state
7-10     and to each licensed radio and television station in this state.
7-11           (e)  The county clerk shall deliver a list of the names of
7-12     each candidate certified by the state chair to the county chair for
7-13     use in the drawing under Section 172.082.
7-14           SECTION 11.  Section 172.082, Election Code, is amended by
7-15     adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
7-16           (f)  Not later than 24 hours after the drawing occurs, the
7-17     county chair shall certify in writing to the county clerk the order
7-18     of the candidates' names on the general primary election ballot for
7-19     the county.
7-20           SECTION 12.  Section 172.084, Election Code, is amended by
7-21     adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
7-22           (f)  Not later than 24 hours after the drawing occurs, the
7-23     county chair shall certify in writing to the county clerk the order
7-24     of the candidates' names on the runoff primary election ballot for
7-25     the county.
7-26           SECTION 13.  Section 172.090(a), Election Code, is amended to
7-27     read as follows:
 8-1           (a)  In a primary election in which election precincts are
 8-2     consolidated, the county clerk [executive committee] may provide by
 8-3     resolution, order, or other official action for voting in a
 8-4     consolidated precinct by separate paper ballot for the office of
 8-5     precinct chair.
 8-6           SECTION 14.  Section 172.111(b), Election Code, is amended to
 8-7     read as follows:
 8-8           (b)  The county clerk [executive committee] shall supervise
 8-9     the overall conduct of a primary election in each county.
8-10           SECTION 15.  Section 172.1112(a), Election Code, is amended
8-11     to read as follows:
8-12           (a)  The county clerk [chair] shall post a notice of the
8-13     election and a notice of consolidated precincts, if applicable, in
8-14     the manner prescribed by Section 4.003(b) for general and special
8-15     elections.  The notice of the election shall be posted on the
8-16     bulletin board used for posting notice of meetings of the
8-17     commissioners court.
8-18           SECTION 16.  Subchapter E, Chapter 172, Election Code, is
8-19     amended by adding Section 172.1113 to read as follows:
8-20           Sec. 172.1113.  JOINT PRIMARY REQUIRED.  (a)  Each primary
8-21     election shall be conducted jointly as  required by this section.
8-22           (b)  If a polling place, whether for a regular or
8-23     consolidated precinct, is not suitable for more than one precinct
8-24     convention, the polling place may be used by the party whose
8-25     candidate for governor received the most votes in the precinct in
8-26     the most recent gubernatorial general election.
8-27           (c)  One set of election officers shall conduct the primary
 9-1     elections at each polling place.  Not later than the second Monday
 9-2     in December preceding the primary elections, each county chair
 9-3     shall deliver to the county clerk a list of the names of the
 9-4     election judges for that party.  The presiding judge of each party
 9-5     serves as a co-judge for the precinct.  The county clerk shall
 9-6     appoint the election clerks and shall designate a chief clerk in
 9-7     accordance with rules prescribed by the secretary of state.  In the
 9-8     absence of a presiding judge for a party, the chief clerk shall
 9-9     serve as presiding judge for that party.  The chief clerk may serve
9-10     as presiding judge for more than one party.  The secretary of state
9-11     shall prescribe the maximum number of clerks that may be appointed
9-12     for each precinct.  The early voting ballot board and any central
9-13     counting station shall also be composed of and administered by one
9-14     set of election officers that provides representation for each
9-15     party, and the secretary of state by rule shall prescribe
9-16     procedures consistent with this subsection for the appointment of
9-17     those officers.
9-18           (d)  Each co-judge has the law enforcement duties and powers
9-19     provided under Section 32.075.  Each co-judge has the exclusive
9-20     authority to conduct challenges on the eligibility of voters,
9-21     tabulate the votes, and deliver the election returns in the primary
9-22     of the party with which that judge is affiliated or aligned.
9-23           (e)  A separate set of ballot boxes or other suitable
9-24     containers approved by the secretary of state shall be used for
9-25     each party's primary, except that one set of ballot boxes or other
9-26     containers may be used in a joint primary using an electronic
9-27     voting system in which the ballots are deposited by the voters
 10-1    directly into a unit of automatic tabulating equipment.  The lists
 10-2    of registered voters and the voters' registration certificates
 10-3    shall be marked and stamped to show the appropriate party
 10-4    affiliation for each voter.  A separate list of registered voters
 10-5    shall be used for each party's primary.  The secretary of state by
 10-6    rule shall prescribe requirements to ensure that one party's ballot
 10-7    is readily distinguished from another's, which may include the use
 10-8    of different colors of ink.
 10-9          (f)  Separate election returns shall be prepared for each
10-10    party's primary.
10-11          (g)  The secretary of state by rule shall prescribe the
10-12    procedures necessary to implement this section to ensure the
10-13    orderly and proper administration of joint primary elections.
10-14          SECTION 17.  Section 172.113, Election Code, is amended to
10-15    read as follows:
10-17    (a)  The county clerk [chair] shall prepare the unofficial
10-18    tabulation of precinct results.
10-19          (b)  [When the general custodian of election records for the
10-20    primary opens the precinct election records from the various
10-21    polling places, the custodian shall deliver the precinct returns to
10-22    the county chair for the purpose of preparing the unofficial
10-23    tabulation.]
10-24          [(c)  When the county chair receives precinct returns from
10-25    the general custodian, the county chair shall enter the appropriate
10-26    information on the unofficial tabulation and immediately return the
10-27    precinct returns to the custodian.]
 11-1          [(d)]  The county clerk [chair] shall make the periodic
 11-2    announcements of the current state of the tabulation.
 11-3          (c) [(e)]  On completing the tabulation, the county clerk
 11-4    [chair] shall include it with the other records of the election
 11-5    [deliver it to the general custodian].
 11-6          (d) [(f)]  A person employed to assist in the preparation of
 11-7    the unofficial tabulation is entitled to compensation at the same
 11-8    rate as an election clerk serving in the election.
 11-9          SECTION 18.  Sections 172.116(a), (b), and (e), Election
11-10    Code, are amended to read as follows:
11-11          (a)  The county clerk [executive committee] shall canvass the
11-12    precinct election returns for the county.
11-13          (b)  The county clerk [committee] shall [convene to] conduct
11-14    the local canvass at the county seat not earlier than 6 p.m. on the
11-15    first Thursday or later than 1 p.m. on the first Friday after
11-16    election day at the hour specified by the county clerk [chair].
11-17          (e)  The tabulation made under this section shall be
11-18    preserved [Not later than the 20th day after the date the local
11-19    canvass is completed, the county chair shall deliver the
11-20    committee's tabulation to the general custodian of election
11-21    records, who shall preserve it] for the period for preserving the
11-22    precinct election records.
11-23          SECTION 19.  Section 172.117, Election Code, is amended to
11-24    read as follows:
11-27    The county clerk [chair] shall certify in writing for placement on
 12-1    the general election ballot the name and address of each primary
 12-2    candidate who is nominated for a county or precinct office.
 12-3          (b)  [Not later than the 20th day after the date the local
 12-4    canvass is completed, the county chair shall deliver the
 12-5    certification to the authority responsible for having the official
 12-6    general election ballot prepared.]
 12-7          [(c)]  A candidate's name may not be certified if, before
 12-8    delivering the certification, the county clerk [chair] learns that
 12-9    the name is to be omitted from the ballot under Section 145.035.
12-10          SECTION 20.  Section 172.118, Election Code, is amended to
12-11    read as follows:
12-13    (a)  Not later than the 20th day after the date the local canvass
12-14    is completed, the county clerk [chair] shall deliver written notice
12-15    to the state  chair and to the county chair [clerk] of the names of
12-16    the persons elected as county chair and precinct chairs for the
12-17    county.
12-18          (b)  The notice must include each party officer's address and
12-19    each precinct chair's precinct number.
12-20          (c)  [The county clerk shall preserve the notice until the
12-21    county clerk receives notice of the party officers elected at the
12-22    succeeding primary election.]
12-23          [(d)]  On request of the secretary of state, the state chair
12-24    shall deliver to the secretary written notice of the names and
12-25    addresses of the party's county chairs.
12-26          SECTION 21.  Section 172.119, Election Code, is amended to
12-27    read as follows:
 13-1          Sec. 172.119.  COUNTY ELECTION RETURNS.  (a)  The county
 13-2    clerk [chair] shall prepare county election returns for the
 13-3    statewide and district offices voted on in a primary election in
 13-4    the same manner as the county returns for a general election [are
 13-5    prepared by the county clerk] except that separate returns for the
 13-6    offices of governor and lieutenant governor are not prepared.
 13-7          (b)  The county clerk [chair] shall deliver the county
 13-8    returns and retain a copy in the same manner as the county returns
 13-9    for a general election are delivered and retained [by the county
13-10    clerk except that the delivery shall be made to the state chair].
13-11          SECTION 22.  Section 172.120, Election Code, is amended to
13-12    read as follows:
13-13          Sec. 172.120.  STATE CANVASS.  (a)  The governor [state
13-14    executive committee] shall canvass the county election returns.
13-15          (b)  The governor [state executive committee] shall [convene
13-16    to] conduct the state canvass for the general primary election on
13-17    the second Wednesday after general primary election day.  Not later
13-18    than the second Saturday after runoff primary election day, the
13-19    governor at a time determined by the secretary of state [committee]
13-20    shall [convene at the call of the state chair to] conduct the state
13-21    canvass of the runoff primary election.
13-22          (c)  [In a primary election year and before general primary
13-23    election day, the state executive committee by written resolution
13-24    shall determine the place for conducting the state canvass.]
13-25          [(d)]  Except as provided by this section, the procedure for
13-26    conducting the canvass is the same as that otherwise prescribed by
13-27    this code for a canvass by the governor.
 14-1          (d) [(e)]  A separate tabulation of results for the offices
 14-2    of governor and lieutenant governor is not made.
 14-3          (e)  The secretary of state shall preserve the tabulation
 14-4    [(f)  Not later than the 20th day after the date the state canvass
 14-5    is completed, the state chair shall deliver the committee's
 14-6    tabulation to the secretary of state, who shall preserve it] for
 14-7    the period for preserving the precinct election records.
 14-8          (f) [(g)]  The state canvass is open to the general public.
 14-9          (g) [(h)]  The official result of the primary election for
14-10    offices canvassed by the governor [state executive committee] is
14-11    determined from the [its] canvass of the county returns under this
14-12    section.
14-13          SECTION 23.  Section 172.121, Election Code, is amended to
14-14    read as follows:
14-17    [state chair] shall certify in writing for placement on the runoff
14-18    primary election ballot the name of each general primary candidate
14-19    for a statewide or district office who is to be a candidate in the
14-20    runoff.
14-21          (b)  The governor [state chair] shall deliver the
14-22    certification to the county clerk [chair] in each affected county
14-23    as soon as practicable after the state canvass of the general
14-24    primary election is completed.
14-25          SECTION 24.  Section 172.122, Election Code, is amended to
14-26    read as follows:
 15-1    DISTRICT OFFICES [TO SECRETARY OF STATE].  [(a)]  The governor
 15-2    [state chair] shall certify in writing as a [the] party's nominee
 15-3    the name and address of each primary candidate who is nominated for
 15-4    a statewide or district office.
 15-5          [(b)  Not later than the 20th day after the date the state
 15-6    canvass is completed, the state chair shall deliver the
 15-7    certification to the secretary of state.]
 15-8          SECTION 25.  Sections 172.124(a) and (b), Election Code, are
 15-9    amended to read as follows:
15-10          (a)  For each primary election, the county clerk [chair]
15-11    shall prepare a report of the number of votes, including early
15-12    voting votes, received in each county election precinct by each
15-13    candidate for a statewide office or the office of United States
15-14    representative, state senator, or state representative, as provided
15-15    by Section 67.017 for the report of precinct results for a general
15-16    election.
15-17          (b)  The county clerk [chair] shall deliver the report to the
15-18    secretary of state not later than the 30th day after primary
15-19    election day.
15-20          SECTION 26.  Section 173.001(a), Election Code, is amended to
15-21    read as follows:
15-22          (a)  Subject to legislative appropriation, state funds may be
15-23    spent as provided by this chapter to pay expenses incurred by a
15-24    political party or a county in connection with a primary election. 
15-25          SECTION 27.  Section 173.010, Election Code, is amended to
15-26    read as follows:
15-27          Sec. 173.010.  FURNISHING RULES.  During November preceding
 16-1    each primary election year, the secretary of state shall deliver to
 16-2    each county clerk and the state chair and each county chair of each
 16-3    political party holding a primary election a current set of the
 16-4    rules adopted under this subchapter.  If a rule or amendment of a
 16-5    rule is adopted after delivery of the set, the secretary shall
 16-6    deliver a copy of the rule or amendment not later than the 10th day
 16-7    after the date of its adoption.
 16-8          SECTION 28.  Subchapter D, Chapter 173, Election Code, is
 16-9    amended by adding Section 173.0811 to read as follows:
16-11    Regardless of whether state funds are requested for primary
16-12    expenses, the county clerk shall submit a written statement of
16-13    estimated expenses to be incurred in connection with a primary
16-14    election to the secretary of state.  A statement submitted under
16-15    this section must comply with Section 173.081(b)  and be filed
16-16    within the time required by Section 173.081(c)(2) or (e).
16-17          SECTION 29.  Section 173.083, Election Code, is amended to
16-18    read as follows:
16-20    (a)  The amount of estimated primary election expenses payable with
16-21    state funds under this section is equal to:
16-22                (1)  for a general primary election, the difference
16-23    obtained by subtracting the sum of the filing fees and
16-24    contributions reported in the statement of estimated primary
16-25    election expenses from the total amount of estimated general
16-26    primary expenses approved by the secretary of state under Section
16-27    173.082; and
 17-1                (2)  for a runoff primary election, the total amount of
 17-2    estimated runoff primary expenses approved by the secretary.
 17-3          (b)  State payment of the estimated primary election expenses
 17-4    shall be made in installments as follows:
 17-5                (1)  the initial installment for the expenses of a
 17-6    general primary is equal to 80 percent [three-fourths, or
 17-7    three-fifths if the secretary of state determines that figure to be
 17-8    more efficient,] of the amount of estimated general primary
 17-9    expenses payable with state funds;
17-10                (2)  the initial installment for the expenses of a
17-11    runoff primary is equal to 80 percent [three-fourths, or
17-12    three-fifths if the secretary of state determines that figure to be
17-13    more efficient,] of the amount of estimated runoff primary expenses
17-14    payable with state funds; and
17-15                (3)  the final installment is equal to the difference
17-16    obtained by subtracting the total of the installments paid under
17-17    Subdivisions (1) and (2) from the total of the actual general and
17-18    runoff primary election expenses payable with state funds.
17-19          (c)  After determining the amount of estimated primary
17-20    expenses to approve under Section 173.082 for a general or runoff
17-21    primary, the secretary of state shall calculate the amount of the
17-22    installment payable under Subsection (b)(1) or (2), as applicable.
17-23    The secretary shall then prepare and deliver to the comptroller of
17-24    public accounts a certified statement indicating the amount of the
17-25    installment, the total amount of estimated general or runoff
17-26    primary expenses payable with state funds, and the name of the
17-27    authority [county or state chair] who submitted the statement of
 18-1    estimated primary election expenses.
 18-2          (d)  The final installment may not be paid until a report is
 18-3    filed in compliance with Section 173.084 and, in the case of a
 18-4    county chair, a report is also filed in compliance with Section
 18-5    172.124.  On the filing of the report, the secretary of state shall
 18-6    calculate the amount of the final installment and prepare and
 18-7    deliver to the comptroller of public accounts a certified statement
 18-8    indicating that amount and the appropriate authority [county or
 18-9    state chair's name].
18-10          (e)  On receipt of a certified statement under Subsection (c)
18-11    or (d), the comptroller of public accounts shall issue a warrant in
18-12    the certified amount of the installment payable to the authority
18-13    [county or state chair] identified by the statement.
18-14          SECTION 30.  Section 173.084, Election Code, is amended by
18-15    adding Subsection (e) to read as follows:
18-16          (e)  Regardless of whether state funds are requested for
18-17    paying primary expenses, each county clerk shall prepare a sworn
18-18    report containing an itemized list of the actual expenses incurred
18-19    in connection with the general and runoff primaries by the county
18-20    clerk.  The county clerk shall file the report with the secretary
18-21    of state not later than the 30th day after runoff primary election
18-22    day or not later than the 30th day after general primary election
18-23    day if no runoff is held in the county.
18-24          SECTION 31.  Section 173.085(b), Election Code, is amended to
18-25    read as follows:
18-26          (b)  To obtain state compensation for an excess expense, the
18-27    authority seeking state payment [county chair or state chair, as
 19-1    applicable,] must include in the report required by Section
 19-2    173.084:
 19-3                (1)  an identification of the item for which the excess
 19-4    expense was incurred;
 19-5                (2)  the amount of the excess; and
 19-6                (3)  an explanation of the reason for exceeding the
 19-7    estimate.
 19-8          SECTION 32.  Section 173.088, Election Code, is amended to
 19-9    read as follows:
19-10          Sec. 173.088.  AVAILABILITY OF GUIDELINES.  The secretary of
19-11    state shall make available to each county and state chair and each
19-12    county clerk, for use in preparing statements and reports under
19-13    this chapter, any guidelines the secretary prescribes for
19-14    determining the necessity of primary election expenses.
19-15          SECTION 33.  Section 191.006(a), Election Code, is amended to
19-16    read as follows:
19-17          (a)  Subject to legislative appropriation, state funds may be
19-18    spent to pay expenses incurred by the secretary of state, a county
19-19    clerk, or by a political party in connection with a presidential
19-20    primary election.
19-21          SECTION 34.  Section 213.0111(a), Election Code, is amended
19-22    to read as follows:
19-23          (a)  On receipt of an affidavit executed by any recount
19-24    committee member alleging that legal votes were not counted or
19-25    illegal votes were counted during the initial recount, the recount
19-26    coordinator may order a new recount of the disputed ballots.  For a
19-27    county or precinct office in a primary election, the county clerk
 20-1    [chair] may order the new recount only on the approval of the
 20-2    secretary of state [chair].
 20-3          SECTION 35.  Section 231.007(a), Election Code, is amended to
 20-4    read as follows:
 20-5          (a)  If a judgment in an election contest orders that a new
 20-6    election be held, as soon as practicable after the judgment becomes
 20-7    final, the district court shall set the date for the new election.
 20-8    The [In the case of a general or special election, the]  court
 20-9    shall direct the appropriate authority to order the election for
20-10    the date set by the court.  [In the case of a primary election, the
20-11    court shall direct the appropriate officers of the political party
20-12    to hold the election on the date set.]
20-13          SECTION 36.  Section 231.008(c), Election Code, is amended to
20-14    read as follows:
20-15          (c)  If the judgment orders that a new general or special
20-16    election be held, the clerk shall deliver a copy to the authority
20-17    responsible for ordering the election.  If the judgment orders a
20-18    new primary election, the clerk shall deliver a copy to the
20-19    secretary of state [chair of the appropriate political party], in
20-20    the case of a statewide or district office, or to the county clerk
20-21    [chair], in the case of a county or precinct office.
20-22          SECTION 37.       Section 232.013(d), Election Code, is
20-23    amended to read as follows:
20-24          (d)  If the contested election is a primary, the district
20-25    clerk shall deliver a certified copy of the order setting the date
20-26    of the runoff to the secretary of state [chair of the political
20-27    party] in the case of a statewide or district office or to the
 21-1    county clerk [chair] in the case of a county or precinct office.
 21-2          SECTION 38.  Sections 51.035, 123.033, 172.083, 172.126,
 21-3    173.003, and 173.011, Election Code, are repealed.
 21-4          SECTION 39.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.