By Williams                                           H.B. No. 2959
         77R11626 E                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the board of supervisors and the powers of the
 1-3     Brookshire-Katy Drainage District; providing a civil penalty.
 1-5           SECTION 1.  Chapter 203, Acts of the 57th Legislature,
 1-6     Regular Session, 1961, is amended by adding Section 1A to read as
 1-7     follows:
 1-8           Sec. 1A.  The legislature finds that the boundaries of the
 1-9     District as described in Section 1 of this Act and the field notes
1-10     relating to those boundaries form a closure, and any mistake made
1-11     in copying the field notes in the legislative process, or a mistake
1-12     otherwise made in the field notes, does not affect the
1-13     organization, existence, or validity of the District, or the
1-14     authority of the District to take any action authorized by this Act
1-15     and the General Laws, or in any other manner affect the legality or
1-16     operation of the District or its governing body, it being the
1-17     intention of the legislature that all of the land included in the
1-18     District as created in 1961 be included in those boundaries.
1-19           SECTION 2.  Section 2, Chapter 203, Acts of the 57th
1-20     Legislature, Regular Session, 1961, is amended to read as follows:
1-21           Sec. 2.  Said District shall be considered to be organized
1-22     and existing for the sole purpose of the reclamation and drainage
1-23     of its overflowed lands and other lands needing drainage, and to
1-24     accomplish such purpose the District shall have and exercise, and
 2-1     is hereby vested with, all of the rights, powers, privileges, and
 2-2     duties conferred and imposed by the General Laws of the State of
 2-3     Texas, now in force or hereafter enacted, applicable to fresh water
 2-4     supply districts created under authority of Section 59 of Article
 2-5     XVI, Constitution of Texas, including Chapters 49 and 53, Water
 2-6     Code, but to the extent that the provisions of such General Laws
 2-7     may be in conflict or inconsistent with the provisions of this Act,
 2-8     the provisions of this Act shall prevail.   All such General Laws
 2-9     are hereby incorporated with the same effect as if incorporated in
2-10     full in this Act.  Without limiting the generalization of the
2-11     foregoing, it is expressly provided that all said powers now or
2-12     hereafter conferred by such General Laws upon fresh water supply
2-13     districts for the purpose of conserving, transporting and
2-14     distributing fresh water are hereby specifically conferred upon
2-15     this District for the purpose of reclaiming and draining its
2-16     overflowed lands and other lands needing drainage.  [In the event
2-17     that the District, in the exercise of the power of eminent domain
2-18     or power of relocation, or any other power granted hereunder, makes
2-19     necessary the relocation, raising, re-routing or changing the grade
2-20     of, or altering the construction of any highway, railroad, electric
2-21     transmission line, telephone or telegraph properties and
2-22     facilities, or pipeline, all such necessary relocation, raising,
2-23     re-routing, changing of grade or alteration of construction shall
2-24     be accomplished at the sole expense of the District.  The term
2-25     "sole expense" shall mean the actual cost of such relocation,
2-26     raising, lowering, re-routing, or change in grade or alteration of
2-27     construction in providing comparable replacement without
 3-1     enhancement of such facilities, after deducting therefrom the net
 3-2     salvage value derived from the old facility.  The exercise of the
 3-3     power of eminent domain shall not extend beyond the boundaries of
 3-4     the authority, as defined herein.]
 3-5           SECTION 3.  Section 4, Chapter 203, Acts of the 57th
 3-6     Legislature, Regular Session, 1961, is amended to read as follows:
 3-7           Sec. 4.  The Assessor and Collector of taxes of Waller County
 3-8     shall, ex officio, be the Assessor and Collector of taxes for the
 3-9     District.  For services to the District in assessing and collecting
3-10     taxes for the District, the Assessor and Collector may deduct from
3-11     all taxes collected on the current year's tax rolls an amount of
3-12     money to which the Board of Supervisors agrees, not to exceed the
3-13     amount provided by the General Laws relative to the assessment,
3-14     levy, and collection of ad valorem taxes.  For the collection of
3-15     delinquent taxes the Assessor and Collector may receive
3-16     compensation in the same manner as the Assessor and Collector
3-17     receives for collecting delinquent state and county taxes.  The
3-18     Assessor and Collector may not duplicate a charge made for costs of
3-19     suit related to enforcement of state and county taxes.  [The blanks
3-20     used by the Assessor and Collector to accept rendition of property
3-21     for taxation by the County shall be printed so as to show that the
3-22     rendition of property situated in the District is also made for the
3-23     benefit of the District.  The property which is situated in the
3-24     District shall be clearly indicated on the approved tax rolls in
3-25     the office of the Assessor and Collector.  The value of property
3-26     situated in the District as equalized by the Board of Equalization
3-27     of Waller County, finally approved by the Commissioners Court of
 4-1     Waller County and as extended on the approved tax rolls of Waller
 4-2     County shall constitute the assessed values of such property for
 4-3     purposes of District taxation.  Within five (5) days after the
 4-4     approval of the report of the Board of Equalization by the
 4-5     Commissioners Court of the County, the Assessor and Collector of
 4-6     taxes shall certify to the District the total assessed valuation of
 4-7     property situated in the District according to such approved
 4-8     rolls.]
 4-9           SECTION 4.  Section 5, Chapter 203, Acts of the 57th
4-10     Legislature, Regular Session, 1961, is amended to read as follows:
4-11           Sec. 5.  Taxes shall be levied and collected under the
4-12     provisions of the General Laws applicable to fresh water districts,
4-13     including Chapters 49 and 53, Water Code, and when an election is
4-14     required by the General Laws, before taxes may be levied or
4-15     increased, the District must hold an election as provided by
4-16     Section 49.107, Water Code.  The total amount of taxes levied by
4-17     the District for all purposes shall never in any one (1) year
4-18     exceed seventy-five cents (75 ) on the one hundred dollar valuation
4-19     of taxable property within the District.  [No such tax shall be
4-20     levied, however, until authorized at an election called for that
4-21     purpose by the Board of Supervisors, at which a majority of the
4-22     qualified voters voting at such election vote in favor of the levy
4-23     and collection of such tax.  For his services rendered to the
4-24     District in assessing and collecting taxes for the District, the
4-25     Assessor and Collector shall be entitled to deduct from all taxes
4-26     thus collected on the current year's tax rolls a sum as agreed upon
4-27     by the Board of Supervisors, not to exceed the amount provided by
 5-1     the General Laws relative to the assessment, levy and collection of
 5-2     ad valorem taxes, and for the collection of delinquent taxes
 5-3     compensation in like manner to that which he receives in collecting
 5-4     delinquent State and County taxes, provided that no duplicated
 5-5     charge shall be made for costs of suit where a charge is made in
 5-6     reference to enforcement of State and County taxes.]
 5-7           SECTION 5.  Chapter 203, Acts of the 57th Legislature,
 5-8     Regular Session, 1961, is amended by adding Sections 6A, 6B, 6C,
 5-9     and 6D to read as follows:
5-10           Sec. 6A.  (a)  On or after September 1, 2001, a person may
5-11     not construct drainage facilities or improvements on or to serve a
5-12     tract of land in the District unless the District has approved the
5-13     plans and specifications for the drainage facilities or
5-14     improvements.
5-15           (b)  Plans and specifications for drainage facilities or
5-16     improvements located within the corporate limits of a municipality
5-17     or the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality and also
5-18     within the District, but outside of District-owned property or
5-19     facilities, require only the approval of the municipality.
5-20           (c)  The District may adopt reasonable rules and set
5-21     reasonable standards to provide for adequate drainage construction
5-22     in accordance with standard engineering practices.  The rules and
5-23     standards may require the drainage plan to be generally compatible
5-24     with the District's master plan.
5-25           (d)  The District by rule may establish procedures for
5-26     presenting plans and specifications to the District and for review
5-27     and disposition of the plans and specifications by the District.
 6-1           (e)  The District, after review by its engineer, shall
 6-2     determine the cost of any drainage facilities or improvements and
 6-3     recommend to the appropriate governing body with jurisdiction over
 6-4     the subdivision that a surety bond or other approved security in
 6-5     that amount for the construction of drainage facilities or
 6-6     improvements be secured in the name of the governing body.  If the
 6-7     governing body does not secure a bond, the District may secure a
 6-8     bond for the cost of construction of drainage facilities or
 6-9     improvements.
6-10           (f)  The District may refuse to approve plans and
6-11     specifications that do not comply with District rules.  The
6-12     District may refuse to approve plans and specifications until all
6-13     applicable fees have been paid.
6-14           (g)  This section does not apply to:
6-15                 (1)  agricultural activity; or
6-16                 (2)  any other activity that does not create an
6-17     aggregate impervious area of more than one acre.
6-18           (h)  This section does not limit the authority or
6-19     jurisdiction of a municipality or county to regulate plans and
6-20     specifications for the construction of drainage facilities or
6-21     improvements other than facilities owned or maintained by the
6-22     District.  The District's rules and standards for the construction
6-23     of drainage facilities or improvements do not apply to a facility
6-24     or improvement not owned or maintained by the District inside the
6-25     corporate limits of a municipality unless the governing body of the
6-26     municipality or county requires the person to submit the plans and
6-27     specifications for drainage construction to the District.
 7-1           Sec. 6B.  (a)  Rules adopted by the District must be
 7-2     consistent with Chapters 49 and 53, Water Code.
 7-3           (b)  The District may not exercise its power of eminent
 7-4     domain outside the District without the express consent of the
 7-5     governing body of the municipality or the commissioners court of
 7-6     the county in which the territory being condemned is located.
 7-7           Sec. 6C.  (a)  A person who violates this Act or a rule
 7-8     adopted under this Act is liable to the District for a civil
 7-9     penalty of not less than $10 or more than $200 for each offense.
7-10     Each day a violation continues is a separate offense.  A penalty
7-11     under this section is in addition to any other penalty authorized
7-12     by law.
7-13           (b)  The District may sue in a district court to enjoin a
7-14     violation or threatened violation of this Act or a rule adopted
7-15     under this Act.  The District may sue for injunctive relief and a
7-16     civil penalty in the same proceeding.
7-17           (c)  If the District sues to recover a civil penalty or for
7-18     injunctive  relief under this Act, or to recover any fee or charge
7-19     under this Act, the court may include in any final judgment in
7-20     favor of the District an award for damages, the recovery of court
7-21     costs, and reasonable attorney's fees.
7-22           Sec. 6D.  Chapter 311, Government Code (Code Construction
7-23     Act), applies to this Act.
7-24           SECTION 6.  The changes in law made by this Act do not
7-25     invalidate, infringe on, or change the rights, duties, powers, or
7-26     privileges of any municipality, county, or other political
7-27     subdivision of this state as provided by the constitution of this
 8-1     state or other laws governing those political subdivisions.
 8-2           SECTION 7.  The maintenance tax authorized by the voters of
 8-3     the Brookshire-Katy Drainage District at the August 12, 1961,
 8-4     election is validated by this Act for the purposes and in the
 8-5     amount authorized at that election.
 8-6           SECTION 8.  (a)  The changes in law made by Sections 1-6 of
 8-7     this Act take effect only on a majority vote in favor of the
 8-8     changes by the qualified voters of the Brookshire-Katy Drainage
 8-9     District at an election called and held for that purpose.
8-10           (b)  As soon as possible after the passage of this Act by the
8-11     77th Legislature, the board of supervisors of the Brookshire-Katy
8-12     Drainage District shall order an election on the question of
8-13     approving the changes in law made by Sections 1-6 of this Act.
8-14           (c)  An election ordered under Subsection (b) of this section
8-15     shall be held on the next uniform election date under Section
8-16     41.001, Election Code, that is on or after the 45th day following
8-17     the date the election is ordered.
8-18           (d)  Sections 1-6 of this Act take effect on the 45th day
8-19     after the date of the election only if a majority of the votes cast
8-20     at the election favor the changes in law made by Sections 1-6 of
8-21     this Act.
8-22           (e)  If a majority of the votes cast at the election are
8-23     against the changes in law made by Sections 1-6 of this Act, the
8-24     board of supervisors may call and hold a subsequent election to
8-25     confirm those changes.  The subsequent election must be held, to
8-26     the extent practicable, as provided by Subsections (c) and (d) of
8-27     this section.  An election under this subsection may not be held
 9-1     earlier than the first anniversary after the date on which the
 9-2     previous election was held.  If the changes in law made by Sections
 9-3     1-6 of this Act are not approved by the voters before September 1,
 9-4     2003, this Act expires.
 9-5           (f)  Except as otherwise provided by this section, an
 9-6     election held under this section must be conducted as provided by
 9-7     the Election Code.
 9-8           SECTION 9.  (a)  This section and Sections 7 and 8 of this
 9-9     Act take effect immediately if the Act receives a vote of
9-10     two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as provided by
9-11     Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this Act does not
9-12     receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this section and
9-13     Sections 7 and 8 take effect September 1, 2001.
9-14           (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (a) of this section,
9-15     Sections 1-6 of this Act take effect contingent on an election held
9-16     in the Brookshire-Katy Drainage District to approve the changes in
9-17     law made by this Act, as provided by Section 8 of this Act.