By Goodman                                            H.B. No. 2971
         77R4016 KLA-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to stand-by guardianships for certain minors.
 1-4           SECTION 1. Part 5, Chapter XIII, Texas Probate Code, is
 1-5     amended by adding Subpart G to read as follows:
 1-6                     SUBPART G.  STAND-BY GUARDIANSHIPS
 1-7           Sec. 891.  DEFINITIONS. In this subpart:
 1-8                 (1)  "Alternate" means a person with the rights,
 1-9     responsibilities, and qualifications of a stand-by guardian who
1-10     will serve as a stand-by guardian if the primary designated
1-11     stand-by guardian refuses or is unable to serve.
1-12                 (2)  "Debilitation" means a mental impairment or
1-13     physical illness, disease, or injury that results in a person's
1-14     chronic and substantive inability to care for a minor.
1-15                 (3)  "Designation" means a written declaration executed
1-16     as provided by this subpart by a parent or guardian of a minor
1-17     designating a person to serve as stand-by guardian of the person or
1-18     of the estate of the minor, or both, or as an alternate stand-by
1-19     guardian.
1-20                 (4)  "Designator" means a parent or legal guardian who
1-21     executes a designation.
1-22                 (5)  "Determination of debilitation" means a written
1-23     determination made by a physician stating that a designator suffers
1-24     from a physical or mental debilitation, regardless of whether the
 2-1     illness or impairment is identified.
 2-2                 (6)  "Stand-by guardian" means a person designated by a
 2-3     parent or guardian of a minor, or appointed by a court under this
 2-4     subpart, to serve as a guardian or co-guardian on the occurrence of
 2-5     a triggering event as provided by the designation.
 2-6                 (7)  "Triggering event" means an event specified in a
 2-7     designation, including the debilitation or death of a minor's
 2-8     parent or guardian, the occurrence of which authorizes the stand-by
 2-9     guardian to serve as the guardian of a minor.   
2-10           Sec. 892.  APPLICABILITY OF OTHER LAW. (a)  Except as
2-11     provided by Subsection (b), the provisions of this chapter apply to
2-12     a stand-by guardian who serves as guardian of a minor on the
2-13     occurrence of a triggering event, as provided by the designation in
2-14     which the stand-by guardian is designated.
2-15           (b)  To the extent of any conflict between this subpart and
2-16     any other provision of this chapter, this subpart controls.
2-17           Sec. 893.  CONSTRUCTION. This subpart may not be construed to
2-18     limit a person's parental rights with respect to the person's child
2-19     or to relieve a person of the duty to support the person's minor
2-20     child as provided by other law.
2-21           Sec. 894.  DESIGNATION OF STAND-BY GUARDIAN. (a)  A parent or
2-22     guardian of a minor may designate a stand-by guardian by means of a
2-23     written designation unless the minor has another parent who:
2-24                 (1)  has not had the person's parental rights
2-25     terminated; and
2-26                 (2)  can be located.
2-27           (b)  Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a parent or guardian may
 3-1     designate a stand-by guardian for a minor if the parent or guardian
 3-2     has the written consent of the minor's other parent.
 3-4     GUARDIAN. (a)  A designation must state:
 3-5                 (1)  the parent or guardian executing the designation;
 3-6                 (2)  the minor for whom the stand-by guardian is
 3-7     designated;
 3-8                 (3)  any other parent or guardian of the minor;
 3-9                 (4)  the person designated as the stand-by guardian;
3-10                 (5)  the person designated as the alternate stand-by
3-11     guardian, if any; and
3-12                 (6)  the triggering event, the occurrence of which
3-13     authorizes the stand-by guardian to serve as the minor's guardian.
3-14           (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c), the designator,
3-15     stand-by guardian, and alternate stand-by guardian, if any, must
3-16     each sign the designation in the presence of two credible
3-17     witnesses.  Each witness must be at least 14 years of age and may
3-18     not be designated in the designation as the stand-by guardian or
3-19     alternate stand-by guardian.
3-20           (c)  If the designator is physically unable to sign the
3-21     designation, and on the designator's request, another person may
3-22     sign the designation on the designator's behalf in the presence of
3-23     the two witnesses described by Subsection (b).
3-24           (d)  The designation must state the designator's intention
3-25     that the person designated as the stand-by guardian serve as the
3-26     guardian of the person or of the estate of the minor, or both, if
3-27     the designator:
 4-1                 (1)  becomes mentally debilitated;
 4-2                 (2)  becomes physically debilitated and the designator
 4-3     consents in writing to the stand-by guardian serving as the minor's
 4-4     guardian; or
 4-5                 (3)  dies before a person files an application under
 4-6     Section 907 of this code for the appointment of a guardian of the
 4-7     minor named in the designation.
 4-8           (e)  The designation must have an attached self-proving
 4-9     affidavit signed by the designator, the person designated as the
4-10     stand-by guardian, the person designated as the alternate stand-by
4-11     guardian, if any, and each witness described by Subsection (b).
4-12           (f)  A properly executed and witnessed designation and
4-13     affidavit are prima facie evidence that:
4-14                 (1)  the designator was competent at the time the
4-15     designator executed the designation; and
4-16                 (2)  the person designated as the stand-by guardian and
4-17     the person designated as the alternate stand-by guardian, if any,
4-18     would serve as guardian of the minor in the minor's best interest.
4-20     designation and affidavit may be in any form adequate to clearly
4-21     indicate the designator's intention to designate a stand-by
4-22     guardian.  The following form may be used:
4-23                      DESIGNATION OF STAND-BY GUARDIAN
4-24           I, ________________ (insert name of parent or guardian),
4-25     hereby designate __________ (insert name, address, and telephone
4-26     number of the person to be designated as the stand-by guardian) as
4-27     the stand-by guardian of the __________ (insert "person," "estate,"
 5-1     or "person and estate") of __________ (insert name of the
 5-2     designator's child, children, or ward).
 5-3           The stand-by guardian's term begins if:
 5-4                 (1)  my physician concludes that I am mentally disabled
 5-5     and unable to care for my child, children, or ward;
 5-6                 (2)  my physician concludes that I am physically
 5-7     debilitated and unable to care for my child, children, or ward, and
 5-8     I consent in writing in the presence of two witnesses to the person
 5-9     designated as the stand-by serving as the guardian of my child,
5-10     children, or ward; or
5-11                 (3)  I die before an application for the appointment of
5-12     a guardian is filed.
5-13           If the person designated to serve as the stand-by guardian is
5-14     unable or unwilling to serve as the guardian of my child, children,
5-15     or ward, I designate __________ (insert name, address, and
5-16     telephone number of alternate stand-by guardian) as the alternate
5-17     stand-by guardian for my child, children, or ward.
5-21           I am the __________ (insert designator's relationship to the
5-22     child, children, or ward) of __________ (insert name of child,
5-23     children, or ward).
5-24           __________ (Insert name of minors' other parent or guardian,
5-25     address, and telephone number) is the __________ (insert "father,"
5-26     "mother," or "guardian," as applicable) of __________ (insert name
5-27     of child, children, or ward).  (Insert the following, as
 6-1     applicable:)
 6-2           _____ He/she died on __________ (insert date of death).
 6-3           _____ His/her parental rights were terminated on __________
 6-4     (insert date of final order terminating the parent-child
 6-5     relationship).
 6-6           _____ He/she cannot be located.  I understand that a  parent
 6-7     whose rights have not been terminated must be given notice of this
 6-8     designation in accordance with the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure
 6-9     or the application for approval of this designation will not be
6-10     granted by the court.
6-11           _____ He/she has given written, notarized consent to this
6-12     designation of a stand-by guardian and that is attached to this
6-13     designation.
6-14           I understand that the stand-by guardian's term expires on the
6-15     91st day after the date that term begins unless the stand-by
6-16     guardian has filed an application for appointment as guardian of
6-17     the minor.
6-18           I understand that I retain my parental rights during the
6-19     stand-by guardian's term, and I may revoke the stand-by
6-20     guardianship at any time.
6-21                 Signature of Designator:___________
6-22                 Address:_______________________________________________
6-23                 Date:____________________
6-24                 Stand-by Guardian's Signature:_________________________
6-25                 Alternate Stand-by Guardian's Signature:_______________
6-26           I declare that the persons whose names appear above signed
6-27     this document in my presence, or the designator was physically
 7-1     unable to sign and consented to another person signing this
 7-2     document on the designator's behalf, who signed this document in my
 7-3     presence.  I further declare that I am at least 14 years of age and
 7-4     am not the person designated as stand-by guardian or alternate
 7-5     stand-by guardian.
 7-6                 Witness Signature:_____________________________________
 7-7                 Address:_______________________________________________
 7-8                 Witness Signature:_____________________________________
 7-9                 Address:_______________________________________________
7-10                 Date:____________________
7-11                           Self-Proving Affidavit
7-12           Before me, the undersigned authority, on this date personally
7-13     appeared ______________________, the designator, and
7-14     ____________________, the stand-by guardian, and
7-15     ____________________, the alternate stand-by guardian, if any, and
7-16     ____________________ and ____________________ as witnesses, and all
7-17     being duly sworn the designator stated that the above instrument
7-18     was the designator's Designation of Stand-by Guardian and the
7-19     designator executed the designation for the purposes expressed in
7-20     the designation.  Each witness declared to me that the witness is
7-21     14 years of age or older, the witness saw the designator, the
7-22     stand-by guardian, and the alternate stand-by guardian, if any,
7-23     sign the designation, the witness signed the designation as a
7-24     witness, and the designator, the stand-by guardian, and the
7-25     alternate stand-by guardian, if any, appeared to be of sound mind.
7-26     _____________________         ____________________
7-27     Designator                    Stand-by Guardian
 8-1                                   ____________________
 8-2                                   Alternate Stand-by Guardian
 8-3     _____________________         ____________________
 8-4     Affiant                       Affiant
 8-5           Subscribed and sworn to before me by the above-named
 8-6     designator and affiants on this _____ day of __________, 20__.
 8-7                                   ____________________
 8-8                                   Notary public in and for the State
 8-9                                   of Texas
8-10                                   My commission expires: ______________
8-11           Sec. 897.  CONFLICT WITH TESTAMENTARY PROVISIONS. If a parent
8-12     or guardian appointed a person in a will or codicil to serve as the
8-13     guardian of the person or the estate of a minor and the parent
8-14     designated a different person in a Designation of Stand-by Guardian
8-15     to serve in that capacity, the later-executed document controls.
8-16           Sec. 898.  REVOCATION. A person who designates a stand-by
8-17     guardian may revoke that designation in the following manner:
8-18                 (1)  if the stand-by guardian has not filed an
8-19     application to be appointed the minor's guardian under Section 907
8-20     of this code, by notifying the stand-by guardian in a manner that
8-21     indicates the person's intent to revoke the stand-by guardianship;
8-22     or
8-23                 (2)  if the stand-by guardian has filed an application
8-24     to be appointed the minor's guardian under Section 907 of this
8-25     code, by:
8-26                       (A)  executing a written revocation;
8-27                       (B)  filing the revocation with the court that
 9-1     appointed the stand-by guardian as the minor's guardian; and
 9-2                       (C)  promptly notifying the stand-by guardian of
 9-3     the revocation.
 9-4           Sec. 899.  BOND. (a)  A stand-by guardian may not be required
 9-5     to post bond before the occurrence of a triggering event as
 9-6     provided by the designation.
 9-7           (b)  A court may require a stand-by guardian of the estate of
 9-8     a minor to post bond, but may not require a stand-by guardian of
 9-9     the person of a minor to post bond.
9-10           Sec. 900.  TERM OF STAND-BY GUARDIAN. (a)  If the Designation
9-11     of Stand-by Guardian is approved by the court under Section 903 of
9-12     this code, the term of a stand-by guardian begins on the earlier of
9-13     the date on which:
9-14                 (1)  the stand-by guardian received a copy of a
9-15     determination of the designator's mental debilitation under Section
9-16     909 of this code; or
9-17                 (2)  the stand-by guardian may exercise authority over
9-18     the minor because of the designator's physical debilitation, if the
9-19     stand-by guardian has a copy of a determination of the designator's
9-20     physical debilitation under Section 909 of this code.
9-21           (b)  If the designator dies before the Designation of
9-22     Stand-by Guardian is approved by the court under Section 903 of
9-23     this code, the stand-by guardian's term begins on the date of the
9-24     designator's death.
9-25           Sec. 901.  RESTORATION OF DESIGNATOR'S CAPACITY. (a)  If  a
9-26     designator's physician determines that the designator has regained
9-27     capacity, the stand-by guardian's term ends.
 10-1          (b)  The designator, on the failure or refusal of the
 10-2    stand-by guardian to immediately return the minor to the
 10-3    designator's care on request, may request the court to conduct an
 10-4    emergency hearing on the matter.
 10-6    GUARDIAN. (a)  A designator may file an application for court
 10-7    approval of an executed Designation of Stand-by Guardian at any
 10-8    time before a triggering event occurs.  The designator's
 10-9    application for court approval must include:
10-10                (1)  the information required by Section 682 of this
10-11    code;
10-12                (2)  a copy of the Designation of Stand-by Guardian;
10-13                (3)  a statement that the applicant suffers from a
10-14    chronic or fatal illness; and
10-15                (4)  the name and address of the physician who
10-16    diagnosed the illness, the date on which the diagnosis was made,
10-17    and the medical bases for the diagnosis.
10-18          (b)  In providing the information required by Subsection
10-19    (a)(4) of this section the applicant is not required to identify
10-20    the illness from which the applicant suffers.
10-21          Sec. 903.  ORDER APPROVING STAND-BY GUARDIAN. (a)  The court
10-22    shall approve the Designation of Stand-by Guardian if the court
10-23    finds that:
10-24                (1)  the requirements of Section 684 of this code are
10-25    met;
10-26                (2)  the applicant suffers from a chronic or fatal
10-27    illness or mental impairment; and
 11-1                (3)  the approval is in the minor's best interest.
 11-2          (b)  The court may approve the designation without a hearing
 11-3    if the designator is the minor's only living parent, the parental
 11-4    rights of the minor's other parent have been terminated, or each
 11-5    party consents to the approval.
 11-6          Sec. 904.  EVIDENCE OF TRIGGERING EVENT REQUIRED. Not later
 11-7    than the 90th day after the date on which the stand-by guardian
 11-8    receives the document that is evidence of the triggering event that
 11-9    begins the stand-by guardian's term, the stand-by guardian shall
11-10    file the document with the court that issued the order approving
11-11    the Designation of Stand-by Guardian.
11-12          Sec. 905.  CONCURRENT AUTHORITY. (a)  A stand-by guardian's
11-13    authority under the terms of a Designation of Stand-by Guardian
11-14    does not limit the rights of a parent or guardian with respect to
11-15    the minor.
11-16          (b)  A stand-by guardian has concurrent authority with
11-17    respect to the minor with the minor's parent or guardian, except
11-18    when the stand-by guardian's term begins as a result of the death
11-19    of that parent or guardian.
11-20          Sec. 906.  RESIGNATION BEFORE TERM BEGINS. A person approved
11-21    as a stand-by guardian under Section 903 of this code may resign as
11-22    stand-by guardian before the person's term begins by:
11-23                (1)  filing a letter of resignation with the court that
11-24    approved the designation; and
11-25                (2)  notifying the designator promptly of the
11-26    resignation.
 12-1    (a)  If the Designation of Stand-by Guardian is approved by the
 12-2    court before a triggering event specified in the designation
 12-3    occurs, the designated stand-by guardian shall file an application
 12-4    for appointment by the court as guardian of the person or of the
 12-5    estate, or both, of the minor who is the subject of the designation
 12-6    not later than the 90th day after the date the stand-by guardian's
 12-7    term begins under the designation.
 12-8          (b)  The stand-by guardian's application for appointment as
 12-9    guardian of the minor must include:
12-10                (1)  the information required by Section 682 of this
12-11    code;
12-12                (2)  a copy of the Designation of Stand-by Guardian
12-13    designating the person as the stand-by guardian for the minor;
12-14                (3)  a copy of the document evidencing the triggering
12-15    event that began the stand-by guardian's term; and
12-16                (4)  if the alternate stand-by guardian files the
12-17    application, a statement that the person designated as stand-by
12-18    guardian refuses or is unable to serve as the minor's guardian and
12-19    a description of the bases for that statement.
12-20          (c)  The term of a stand-by guardian who does not file an
12-21    application as required by Subsection (a)  of this section ends on
12-22    the 91st day after the date on which that term began.
12-24    The court shall appoint as guardian of a minor the stand-by
12-25    guardian who files an application under Section 907 of this code,
12-26    if the court makes the findings required by Section 684 of this
12-27    code and finds that:
 13-1                (1)  the designator designated the applicant as
 13-2    stand-by guardian in the designation;
 13-3                (2)  the applicant has a copy of the document
 13-4    evidencing the triggering event that began the stand-by guardian's
 13-5    term;
 13-6                (3)  the appointment is in the minor's best interest;
 13-7    and
 13-8                (4)  if the applicant was designated as an alternate
 13-9    stand-by guardian in the designation, the person designated as
13-10    stand-by guardian refuses or is unable to serve as guardian.
13-11          (b)  The court may grant the application without a hearing if
13-12    the designator is the minor's only living parent, the parental
13-13    rights of the minor's other parent have been terminated, or each
13-14    party consents to the approval.
13-16    (a)  A determination of a designator's mental or physical
13-17    debilitation must:
13-18                (1)  be made to a reasonable degree of medical
13-19    certainty by a physician who is familiar with the designator's
13-20    medical condition;
13-21                (2)  be in writing; and
13-22                (3)  contain the physician's opinion regarding the
13-23    cause and nature of the designator's debilitation and the extent
13-24    and probable duration of the debilitation.
13-25          (b)  The physician shall provide a copy of the determination
13-26    of the designator's debilitation to the stand-by guardian if the
13-27    physician knows of the existence and identity of that person.
 14-1          (c)  The physician shall make a determination regarding a
 14-2    designator's debilitation for purposes of this subpart at the
 14-3    request of the stand-by guardian.
 14-5    The parent or guardian of a minor may designate the date on which
 14-6    the term of the stand-by guardian begins by signing a written
 14-7    consent for that purpose in the presence of two credible witnesses,
 14-8    each of whom is at least 14 years of age and is not designated in
 14-9    the Designation of Stand-by Guardian as the stand-by guardian or
14-10    alternate stand-by guardian.
14-11          (b)  Another person may sign the consent described by this
14-12    section on behalf of the parent or guardian if:
14-13                (1)  the person signs the consent in the presence of
14-14    the parent or guardian and both witnesses; and
14-15                (2)  the parent or guardian is physically unable to
14-16    sign the consent.
14-17          Sec. 911.  NOTICE OF TERM. (a)  A person who serves as the
14-18    stand-by guardian of a minor because the minor's parent or guardian
14-19    is determined to be mentally debilitated shall inform that parent
14-20    or guardian of:
14-21                (1)  the date on which the stand-by guardian's term of
14-22    appointment is scheduled to begin; and
14-23                (2)  the parent or guardian's right to revoke the
14-24    stand-by guardian's appointment after the date on which the
14-25    stand-by guardian receives the determination of the parent or
14-26    guardian's mental debilitation under Section 909 of this code.
14-27          (b)  The stand-by guardian is not required to provide a
 15-1    parent or guardian the information required under this section if
 15-2    the parent or guardian is unable to comprehend the information.
 15-3          SECTION 2. Section 676(a), Texas Probate Code, is amended to
 15-4    read as follows:
 15-5          (a)  Except as provided by Subpart G, Part 5, of this chapter
 15-6    and Section 680 of this code, the selection of a guardian for a
 15-7    minor is governed by this section.
 15-8          SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
 15-9    a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
15-10    provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
15-11    Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
15-12    Act takes effect September 1, 2001.