By Chisum                                             H.B. No. 3022
         77R7720 JAT-F                           
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to public notice and hearing requirements for a permit for
 1-3     multiple plants under the Clean Air Act.
 1-5           SECTION 1. Sections 382.05194(d)-(i), Health and Safety Code,
 1-6     are amended to read as follows:
 1-7           (d)  [The commission shall publish notice of a proposed
 1-8     multiple plant permit for existing facilities in the Texas Register
 1-9     and in one or more statewide or regional newspapers designated by
1-10     the commission by rule that will, in the commission's judgment,
1-11     provide reasonable notice throughout the state. If the multiple
1-12     plant permit for existing facilities will be effective for only
1-13     part of the state, the notice shall be published in a newspaper of
1-14     general circulation in the area to be affected. The commission by
1-15     rule may require additional notice to be given. The notice must
1-16     include an invitation for written comments by the public to the
1-17     commission regarding the proposed multiple plant permit and must be
1-18     published not later than the 30th day before the date the
1-19     commission issues the multiple plant permit.]
1-20           [(e)  For existing facilities, the commission shall hold a
1-21     public meeting to provide an additional opportunity for public
1-22     comment. The commission shall give notice of a public meeting under
1-23     this subsection as part of the notice described in Subsection (d)
1-24     not later than the 30th day before the date of the meeting.]
 2-1           [(f)  If the commission receives public comment related to
 2-2     the issuance of a multiple plant permit for existing facilities,
 2-3     the commission shall issue a written response to the comments at
 2-4     the same time the commission issues or denies the permit. The
 2-5     response must be made available to the public, and the commission
 2-6     shall mail the response to each person who made a comment.]
 2-7           [(g)]  The commission by rule shall establish the procedures
 2-8     for application and approval for the use of a multiple plant
 2-9     permit.
2-10           (e) [(h)]  For a multiple plant permit that applies only to
2-11     existing facilities for which an application is filed before
2-12     September 1, 2001, the issuance, amendment, or revocation by the
2-13     commission of the permit is not subject to Chapter 2001, Government
2-14     Code.
2-15           (f) [(i)]  The commission may adopt rules as necessary to
2-16     implement and administer this section and may delegate to the
2-17     executive director under Section 382.061 the authority to issue,
2-18     amend, or revoke a multiple plant permit.
2-19           SECTION 2. Subchapter C, Chapter 382, Health and Safety Code,
2-20     is amended by adding Section 382.051941 to read as follows:
2-21           Sec. 382.051941.  MULTIPLE PLANT PERMIT: NOTICE AND HEARING.
2-22     (a)  Except as provided by Subsections (b) and (c), an applicant
2-23     for a permit under Section 382.05194 shall publish notice of intent
2-24     to obtain a permit according to the procedure established by
2-25     Section 382.056 for notice by an applicant for a preconstruction
2-26     permit. The commission by rule may require additional notice to be
2-27     given.
 3-1           (b)  An applicant for a multiple plant permit for existing
 3-2     facilities shall publish notice in one or more statewide or
 3-3     regional newspapers that provide reasonable notice throughout the
 3-4     state. If the multiple plant permit for existing facilities will be
 3-5     effective for only part of the state, the notice shall be published
 3-6     in a newspaper of general circulation in the area to be affected.
 3-7           (c)  The commission may authorize an applicant for a permit
 3-8     for an existing facility that constitutes all or part of a small
 3-9     business stationary source, as that term is defined by Section
3-10     382.0365, to provide notice by an alternative method if the
3-11     commission finds that the proposed method will be as effective or
3-12     more effective in communicating with the public. In making a
3-13     determination under this subsection, the commission shall consider:
3-14                 (1)  the effectiveness of the publication in reaching
3-15     persons affected by the issuance of the permit;
3-16                 (2)  the cost of providing notice by the alternative
3-17     method; and
3-18                 (3)  whether using the method will comply with federal
3-19     requirements.
3-20           (d)  The commission shall provide an opportunity for a public
3-21     hearing and the submission of public comment and shall send notice
3-22     of a decision on an application for a permit under this section
3-23     according to the procedures established by Sections 382.0561 and
3-24     382.0562 for a public hearing, public comment, and notice of
3-25     decision on an application for a federal operating permit.
3-26           (e)  A person affected by a decision of the commission to
3-27     issue or deny a permit under this section may move for a hearing
 4-1     and is entitled to judicial review under Section 382.032.
 4-2           SECTION 3. The change in law made by this Act to Section
 4-3     382.05194, Health and Safety Code, applies only to an application
 4-4     for a multiple plant permit received by the Texas Natural Resource
 4-5     Conservation Commission on or after the effective date of this Act.
 4-6     An application received by the commission before the effective date
 4-7     of this Act is covered by the law in effect on the date the
 4-8     application is received, and the former law is continued in effect
 4-9     for that purpose.
4-10           SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect immediately if it receives
4-11     a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as
4-12     provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution.  If this
4-13     Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this
4-14     Act takes effect September 1, 2001.