1-1 AN ACT 1-2 relating to the creation, powers, and duties of the Clean Coal 1-3 Technology Council. 1-4 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-5 SECTION 1. Title 3, Government Code, is amended by adding 1-6 Subtitle D to read as follows: 1-7 SUBTITLE D. LEGISLATIVE OVERSIGHT AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES 1-8 CHAPTER 351. CLEAN COAL TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL 1-9 Sec. 351.001. LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS; STATE POLICY. (a) The 1-10 legislature finds that: 1-11 (1) coal is an important fuel source for keeping the 1-12 price of electricity low in this state; 1-13 (2) evaluation of the environmental effectiveness and 1-14 economic viability of new emissions reduction technologies that 1-15 protect or improve air quality is necessary to protect the 1-16 environment and the public health, safety, and welfare; 1-17 (3) the diversity of fuel used to generate electricity 1-18 is a significant factor in providing reliable and economical energy 1-19 to residents of this state; 1-20 (4) the price of electricity generated with coal has 1-21 remained relatively unchanged over the past 20 years; 1-22 (5) the continued recovery and use of coal resources 1-23 are important to the economy of this state; and 1-24 (6) advancements in clean coal technology may 2-1 demonstrate that electricity from coal can be produced in a more 2-2 efficient, economical, and environmentally friendly manner. 2-3 (b) It is the policy of this state that clean coal 2-4 technologies will be explored in order to: 2-5 (1) preserve fuel diversity and maintain reliable, low 2-6 cost sources of electric power; 2-7 (2) identify technologies for reducing the emissions 2-8 from existing coal-fired electric generation; 2-9 (3) identify technologies to increase the efficiency 2-10 of coal-fired electric generation; and 2-11 (4) identify new, cleaner coal-fired electric 2-12 generation technologies that may be used to provide new generation 2-13 capacity. 2-14 Sec. 351.002. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: 2-15 (1) "Council" means the Clean Coal Technology Council. 2-16 (2) "Coal" includes lignite. 2-17 (3) "Designated agency" means the state agency 2-18 designated by the council to provide administrative support to the 2-19 council. 2-20 (4) "Pilot project" means the voluntary application to 2-21 one or more facilities of new coal use technology designed to 2-22 reduce the emission of air pollutants. 2-23 Sec. 351.003. CREATION AND MEMBERSHIP OF THE CLEAN COAL 2-24 TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL. (a) The Clean Coal Technology Council is 2-25 created to perform legislative oversight of, and to coordinate 2-26 actions of state agencies regarding, the study and development of 2-27 clean coal technology and pilot projects in this state. 3-1 (b) The council is composed of: 3-2 (1) three members of the senate appointed by the 3-3 lieutenant governor, with one designated as co-chair of the 3-4 council; 3-5 (2) three members of the house of representatives 3-6 appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives, with one 3-7 designated as co-chair of the council; 3-8 (3) a member of the public to be appointed by the 3-9 lieutenant governor; and 3-10 (4) a member of the public to be appointed by the 3-11 speaker of the house of representatives. 3-12 Sec. 351.004. ADMINISTRATION. (a) Members of the council 3-13 serve two-year terms expiring February 1 of each odd-numbered year 3-14 and may be reappointed for additional terms. 3-15 (b) The council shall meet at a frequency to be determined 3-16 by the council and at the call of the co-chairs. 3-17 (c) The council may designate an appropriate state agency to 3-18 provide administrative support to the council. The designated 3-19 agency shall provide, from its existing staff, the staff necessary 3-20 to assist the council in carrying out its responsibilities. The 3-21 designated agency may request and distribute federal funding for 3-22 the use by the council in carrying out its responsibilities. 3-23 (d) The council is subject to Chapters 551, 552, and 2001. 3-24 Sec. 351.005. POWERS, DUTIES, INFORMATION, AND REPORTS OF 3-25 COUNCIL. (a) The council shall: 3-26 (1) coordinate the activities of the designated agency 3-27 with regard to clean coal technology charges of the council; 4-1 (2) provide direction to the designated agency in its 4-2 activities regarding studying or developing clean coal technologies 4-3 or regarding the issuance of requests for proposals for a pilot 4-4 project in this state that may assist the council in evaluating 4-5 technologies, assessing economics, evaluating the environmental 4-6 benefits, seeking funding, evaluating the useful life of a pilot 4-7 project, or determining the importance of clean coal technologies 4-8 to energy policy; 4-9 (3) assess the potential utility of the use of 4-10 financial or other incentives for potential pilot projects; 4-11 (4) oversee the activities of the designated agency in 4-12 seeking public and private funding to support the activities of the 4-13 council and the financing of a pilot project; 4-14 (5) suggest reasonable projected durations for pilot 4-15 projects; 4-16 (6) file with the governor, lieutenant governor, and 4-17 the speaker of the house of representatives, before January 1 of 4-18 each odd-numbered year, a report of the council's activities during 4-19 the two preceding years and any recommendations for legislation 4-20 with regard to the pilot projects; and 4-21 (7) publish the report required by Subsection (a)(6). 4-22 (b) The designated agency shall maintain a public file 4-23 relating to the council. 4-24 (c) The designated agency shall make available to the public 4-25 a copy of any council report provided to the legislature. 4-26 SECTION 2. Nothwithstanding Section 351.004(b), Government 4-27 Code, as added by this Act, the Clean Coal Technology Council shall 5-1 meet not less than once in each calendar quarter for the first year 5-2 after its members are appointed. 5-3 SECTION 3. The terms of the initial members of the Clean 5-4 Coal Technology Council expire February 1, 2003. 5-5 SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2001. _______________________________ _______________________________ President of the Senate Speaker of the House I certify that H.B. No. 3483 was passed by the House on April 24, 2001, by a non-record vote. _______________________________ Chief Clerk of the House I certify that H.B. No. 3483 was passed by the Senate on May 21, 2001, by a viva-voce vote. _______________________________ Secretary of the Senate APPROVED: __________________________ Date __________________________ Governor