By Wise                                               H.B. No. 3529
         Line and page numbers may not match official copy.
         Bill not drafted by TLC or Senate E&E.
                                A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
 1-1                                   AN ACT
 1-2     relating to the regulation of self-insurance trusts.
 1-4           SECTION 1. Art. 21.49-4, Subsections (e)-(j), Insurance Code,
 1-5     is amended to read as follows:
 1-6           (e)  The trust is [not] engaged in the business of insurance
 1-7     under this code. [and other] Other laws of this state and the
 1-8     provisions of any chapters or sections of this code are declared
 1-9     inapplicable to a trust organized and operated under this article
1-10     unless it is specifically so provided in such other law that same
1-11     shall be applicable.  The commissioner[, provided that the State
1-12     Board of Insurance] may require any trust created under this
1-13     article to satisfy reasonable minimum requirements to insure the
1-14     capability of the trust to satisfy its contractual obligations.
1-15           (f)  On request, the trust shall furnish such books, records
1-16     and documents as are required by the commissioner [State Board of
1-17     Insurance] to fulfill its obligations under Subsection (e) of this
1-18     article relating to the solvency of the trust.
1-19           (g)  The trust shall file[, for informational purposes only,]
1-20     all rates, [and forms with the State Board of Insurance]
1-21     supplemental rating information, and policy forms and endorsements
1-22     with the commissioner.  These rates, supplemental rating
1-23     information, and policy forms and endorsements are subject to the
 2-1     provisions of Article 5.15-1 of this code.
 2-2           (h)  The trust shall file with the commissioner [State Board
 2-3     of Insurance] all liability claims reports which are required
 2-4     pursuant to Subchapter D, Chapter 38 [Articles 1.24A and 1.24B],
 2-5     Insurance Code.
 2-6           (i)  If the trust is found to be in violation of or to have
 2-7     failed to comply with any provision of this code or any duly
 2-8     promulgated rule or regulation of the department [State Board of
 2-9     Insurance] which is declared applicable to a trust organized and
2-10     operated under this article, the commissioner [State Board of
2-11     Insurance], pursuant to Subchapter B, Chapter 82 [Section 7,
2-12     Article 1.10], Insurance Code, may order sanctions for such
2-13     violation.
2-14           (j)  The trust shall file its independently audited annual
2-15     financial statement with the department [State Board of Insurance];
2-16     this audit shall not be considered an examination document.
2-17           SECTION 2.  Art. 5.15-1, Section 1, Insurance Code, is
2-18     amended to read as follows:
2-19           Sec. 1.  This article shall apply to the making and use of
2-20     insurance rates by every insurer licensed to write or engaged in
2-21     writing professional liability insurance for any physician or any
2-22     health care provider including rating organizations, acting on
2-23     behalf of insurers.  This article shall also apply to
2-24     self-insurance trusts organized and operated under Article 21.49-4,
2-25     Insurance Code.
2-26           SECTION 3.  Article 21.21, Section 2(a), Insurance Code, is
 3-1     amended to read as follows:
 3-2           Sec. 2.  When used in this Article:
 3-3           (a)  "Person" shall mean any individual, corporation,
 3-4     association, partnership, reciprocal exchange, inter-insurer,
 3-5     Lloyds insurer, fraternal benefit society, self-insurance trust
 3-6     organized and operated under Article 21.49-4, Insurance Code, and
 3-7     other legal entity engaged in the business of insurance, including
 3-8     agents, brokers, adjusters and life insurance counselors.
 3-9           SECTION 4.  Article 21.21-2, Section 2(a), Insurance Code, is
3-10     amended to read as follows:
3-11           Sec. 2.  (a)  No insurer doing business in this state under
3-12     the authority, rules and regulations of this code shall engage in
3-13     unfair claim settlement practices.  For the purposes of this
3-14     article, "insurer" includes a self-insurance trust organized and
3-15     operated under Article 21.49-4, Insurance Code.
3-16           SECTION 5.  Article 21.21-6, Section 2, Insurance Code, is
3-17     amended to read as follows:
3-18           Sec. 2.  This article shall apply to any legal entity engaged
3-19     in the business of insurance in this state, including:
3-20           (a)  a capital stock company;
3-21           (b)  a mutual company;
3-22           (c)  a title insurance company;
3-23           (d)  a fraternal benefit society;
3-24           (e)  a local mutual aid association;
3-25           (f)  a statewide mutual assessment company;
3-26           (g)  a county mutual insurance company;
 4-1           (h)  a Lloyd's plan company;
 4-2           (i)  a reciprocal or interinsurance exchange;
 4-3           (j)  a stipulated premium insurance company;
 4-4           (k)  a group hospital service company;
 4-5           (l)  a health maintenance organization;
 4-6           (m)  a farm mutual insurance company;
 4-7           (n)  a risk retention group;
 4-8           (o)  a surplus lines carrier; [and]
 4-9           (p)  a self-insurance trust organized and operated under
4-10     Article 21.49-4, Insurance Code; and
4-11           (q)  agents, brokers, adjusters, and life insurance
4-12     counselors.
4-13           SECTION 6.  Article 21.21-8, Section 1, Insurance Code, is
4-14     amended to read as follows:
4-15           Sec. 1.  Scope.  This article shall apply to any person
4-16     engaged in the business of insurance.  "Person" shall mean any
4-17     individual, corporation, association, partnership, reciprocal
4-18     exchange, interinsurer, Lloyds insurer, fraternal benefit society,
4-19     county mutual, farm mutual, self-insurance trust organized and
4-20     operated under Article 21.49-4, Insurance Code, and any other legal
4-21     entity engaged in the business of insurance, including agents,
4-22     brokers, adjusters, and life insurance counselors.
4-23           SECTION 7.  Section 38.002, (a), Insurance Code, is amended
4-24     to read as follows:
4-25           (a)  The department or the office of public insurance counsel
4-26     may obtain a copy of an insurer's underwriting guidelines.  For the
 5-1     purposes of this section, "insurer" includes a self-insurance trust
 5-2     organized and operated under Article 21.49-4, Insurance Code.
 5-3           SECTION 8.  This Act applies only to policies delivered,
 5-4     issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1, 2002.
 5-5           SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.